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Party Leaders


Victoria Rules
Every now and then someone tries to become party leader in our crew. It lasts exactly as long as it takes for said person to realize nobody is listening and that herding cats is impossible.


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Jeff Wilder

First Post
In my group(s), we make no real progress toward the overall goal unless I take the role of leader (no matter what PC I'm playing). The two groups are a little different, though, in that in one, any action at all simply ceases if I don't push it along. In the other, lots of roleplaying gets done, but the group gets smacked by decision paralysis.

In the former, I recently created a PC who simply cannot be the leader, in the hopes that someone else would step up. We also recently recruited a more active player into the group ... that might work out, if he doesn't go overboard.


First Post
I seem to be the party leader becasue no one else seems to want to. But my character is not the leader type so it has caused problems like when I cussed out the Lady that hired us. :D Basically, I wanted to let someone else fall into the leader role because I knew it would fall to me. So I made a non leader character and it didn't help. It's fun though as my character is more likely to threaten violence and that's a great leadership trait!! ;)


Moderator Emeritus
When I find party leadership falling on me when I am playing a character not meant for such a responsibility, I purposefully make some "errors" in leadership judgment - and quickly, all responsibility goes away again. ;)


First Post
When everyone in the room is interested and active, there doesn't need to be a leader. I've played in groups like that, and we all made the decisions as a group. Unfortunately, such groups do not appear to be the norm.

As the previous three posters have noted, leadership tends to fall on one person who is capable of and able to speak up and make decisions, primarily because everyone else is passive and doesn't want to make any decisions.

Trying to play non-leaders or intentionally making mistakes in such groups seldom works. It mostly only screws with the game.

Nor does asking people to step up to the plate and be more active generally work, IME.

Hence my sig, because I'm tired of playing with passive cows and sheep.

Dog Moon

Chimera said:
Hence my sig, because I'm tired of playing with passive cows and sheep.

So I take it you wouldn't like it if I joined your game, sat back and said nothing except for the occasional 'moo' or 'baaa'?

It seems to me that occasionally someone is a little more assertive than others [which can change from room to room], but the only times we really choose a leader is when everyone can't think of something so we delegate one person to speak for us, for better or for worse, or when no one is really paying attention and we let the person who is paying attention lead for us.


First Post
I have a tendency to lead by accident. Just the type of person I am. I actually try to make a concious decision to NOT lead in one of the games I am in, to give some of the other players more face time.


First Post
In our party its usually the magic user(s) that lead the party, since they are the most intelligent characters. Plus they tend to ask the most questions and really make sure whats going on before charging into battle. Its definitely not our Ranger, his impulsive nature got him turned into a giant Dire Chicken.

Also more often than not our magic users are the most assertive (rationally) in the party anyway.

Vague Jayhawk

First Post
Generally I like being leader. Leader is good, but I also like role-playing.

A couple years back I rolled a svirfneblin rogue with a charisma of 4. Cha of 4 how do you play that? I decided that I would just make him painfully quiet and shy. He would have a complete milquetoast personality, be a complete follower, and have very few opinions on anything. When he gained enough levels to become a shadowdancer he was hidden 24-7. The other characters knew he was close, because he would help from time-to-time, but there was no interaction between my character and theirs. In that group there were 2 potential leaders, and when I dropped out that made one.

I loved that character. 2 years and 5-6 characters later I have decided that I would like to do that kind of character again. I think that character concept would work brilliantly in the Worlds Largest Dungeon. But I am playing with a new group of players and I quickly found myself as the default leader of that group despite trying to not to be.

I will compromise. Since I am always scouting ahead I will choose which way to go. Everytime we meet NPC's I never do the talking, but I will stand beside the one doing the talking and whisper in thier ear as to what to say. It is also fun the be the power behind the throne. (Pay no attention to the small gnome behind the curtain) I am sure that as I step back someone else will come forward.

That post was a bit longer than I expected it to be.

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