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Paths of Legend: The Sunless Citadel (IC)


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Kael dismisses Garon's request with a wave of the hand and quietly states in a rich baritone, "Thank you, no."

He leans forward in his seat, a little small for these tables made for men, careful to maintain an air of solitude difficult to keep in a room filled so scarcely. The new tandem was a common sight, if not roles reversed. The fire-touched man had probably not been trained in combat, a caster of some sorts by the look. The woman, lithe and fit, had trained, Kael could see that for certain, and the scar across her left eye all but confirmed it. She had with her a miniature armory, ready for any occasion. She carried herself well, with confidence, form covered with leather, topped with chain. By first guess Kael wagered he'd connect more with her than the other two in the room.

Before the barkeep can answer the young female's question, Kael's tone carries from the corner of the Inn, ""Young woman, if you thinking you go alone down the ravine, I would not be doing it unarmored and light weaponed. Goblins are sneaky creatures and they breed as rabbits. To go alone will be a uhh," Kael pauses, struggling with the language he is still relatively new to, "how you say, not smart? No, unwise. To go alone will be a unwise life choice." He pauses once more, appearing ready to continue his awkward introduction to this young woman, but then sits abruptly back, grabs his wine and continues to swirl it absentmindedly.

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The sorceress’s attention is naturally drawn to the Elven patron with his sudden interjection. He had been notably silent until just now. Does this betray a spark of interest on his behalf? From a strictly outward appearance, she would wager a guess that he is perfectly able to handle himself in a fight. He may even be speaking from experience with respect to the goblins which would prove invaluable in this case.

Thank you for the words of warnings, however, I do not intend to venture to the ravine alone. I will be looking for volunteers to take up the search and, Pelor willing, rescue of the children.” Volunteer is the key word for Rashana is uncertain if there any actual reward in the task. Had she the money herself, she would certainly offer her own payment, but alas her father left her with a mere pittance until he returned to recollect her. It was exactly enough to get by for the next few days right down to the last copper. And the man was certain that controlling the purse strings would keep his daughter on a short leash. For now she must rely on the kindness of strangers. “The name is Rashana, by the way.”, she is quick to add at the end.


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Kael stands up politely and nods his head, "My name is Corashkael Ferahar from Arifel of the Qualine to the north. Greetings, it is pleasurable." He walks toward her with a grace and elegance one would expect from an elf, yet his gait seems effortless, his movements delicate and powerful. His golden hair jostles slightly with each step, his pale eyes kind as he addresses Rashana. He is shorter than her by a hand's width, though he is used to being dwarfed in these lands.

"You are allowed to call me Kael. It is my preference. I know little of lost children. Foolish to be children playing near goblins. But I will volunteer with you. I have been seeing for something to do other than walk and this seems like a good chance." His last sentence almost seems to himself as he looks away at nothing before returning his gaze to Rashana and smiles.

"I am good with bow and sword, and you have both now, ready to save lost children. We leave soon?"


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The old dwarf nods, "I've been seeing the restlessness in your heart for a while now. I'd hoped maybe you'd take my place at the forge this coming season, but I see now that there's greater things in your future than hammering horseshoes. So be it. Just do me a favor. It may not seem like it, now, but that good-for-nothing nephew of mine is destined for better things, too. If you find your path crossing his, keep an eye on him, try to keep him out of trouble. You do that for me and I'll consider your other obligations fulfilled. You've been like a son to me and that's a rare thing for a dwarf to be saying. So, off with you then."

Kelset exhales with a relieved expression on his face. It is sort of a comical look for the burly half-orc, considering his features are better suited for rage than relief. However it is apparent he was worried about getting the old dwarf's approval.

"Thanks Master Rurik. I sure do appreciate that. I was hating the thought of not doing my full duty here. I tried skippin out on some work one time with Father Thomas -- you know, the priest who sent me here -- anyway, I mouthed off and didn't finish a job. Figured I was tough, ya know? That old blister wiped the floor with me in nothin flat. So, even though I think it's what I ought ta do, I didn't really want to just up and leave without your ok."

He pauses a moment to think things through on what he'll do next. "Seems to me I'd better get out of these work clothes, and into my traveling gear. Then I'll see if there's been any word on those guys who disappeared in the ravine.

Kelset gets himself cleaned up, and changes into his traveling leathers. He grabs his mace from habit, but leaves the shield behind for now. Of course his holy symbol of Kord is prominently displayed from a chain around his neck. Deciding the best place to get news was at the inn, he heads that direction.

Upon entering, he will walk up to the bar. "Hey Garon, how's things? Looks like you got a good crowd today," Kelset comments, noticing several folks in the Inn that he hasn't seen around town before.

I been talking to Rurik, and he's gonna give me some time off to check on what happened to the paladin and the kids. Still feel guilty I didn't go with them, so thought I'd try and find out what happened. Any news about them?"


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The yipping of the hounds rouses Ringrill's bear instincts. Foul play may be afoot. Or maybe it's just a bad wind.

Broken pillars on both sides of the ravine. There might a been a bridge running across the ravine at some time.

Ringrill approaches the ravine and looks over the edge.
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A way further down the length of the ravine where it is a little wider, Merenita watched as one of the humanoids leaned a little towards the gap to peer down into it. 'Well this is certainly something new!' she thought. Not minding the nearly sheer cliff face, she moved closer. She nearly called out to the being when she heard the smelly creatures below again, reminding her to be prudent. Merenita turned and gracefully climbed up to, then crested the lip of the ravine. She considered for a moment and it dawned on her that her humanoid form might have some use after all. It was kind of like flexing a muscle, or thinking a particular thought. Maybe it was more like both at the same time. However she triggered it, there was a sudden rush of hormones and magic, and her body began rapidly altering into that of a young, black haired, slightly elvish looking woman.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Delber, Lenya, Kael, and Rashana - At the Inn

Garon is about to answer Rashana when the inn door opens and Delber and Lenya enter. He raises a hand to the newcomers, "Welcome to the Ol' Boar! Make yourself at home."

He winks at Rashana, "Be right back, sweetie." The rotund innkeep grabs a pair of mugs and pours some of the house ale into them, then toddles over to Delber and Lenya, "First drink is always on the house, folks. If you need anything else, just yodel for Garon. That's me, by the by."

After making sure Delber and Lenya are settled in, he meanders his way back over to Rashana, first asking if Kael needs a top off.

Settling back in behind the bar, he answers Rashana's question, his deep, jovial voice carrying throughout the tavern, loud enough for Delber, Lenya and Kael to hear, "Alrighty. Old Road ravine, you say? Dangerous business, that. They say there's some old castle what fell into the ground a thousand years ago or some such. Goblins there now. Come up every summer trying to sell a magic apple. Apple that's supposed to cure any sickness. Horsepuckey if you ask me. Sad, sad thing it is, them Hucrele kids going down there, thinking to be heroes with that boastful paladin. Buford, Braford, something like that. Most sensible folks know better than to head out that way. Fact is, the last time anyone even asked about it was well on to thirteen years ago. I wouldn't remember the fellow 'cept he had with him the biggest frog I ever laid eyes on. Belak was his name. Unpleasant fellow, never smiled. Never saw him again, either. That ravine...it's served as a grave to too many folks. Dangerous business, it is."

Rashana nods to Garon and turns to regard the new clientele as the innkeeper assails them with his cheerful greetings and generous hospitality. One appears to be a well armored warrior type, a woman with rough edge to her. The sorceress senses an inkling of tragic circumstances to her aura. Her companion is a not-so-warrior type although he certainly had the physical build for such a profession. Are they mere travelers just like the lone elf in the corner? A husband and wife perhaps? Rashana innocently muses over the possibilities for her own sport.

Patiently awaiting Garon’s return to the bar, the sorceress listens intently to his dark tale. The details match the various rumors and accounts she had already heard around town plus a little extra. She found the idea of goblins selling magic apples both strange and interesting. Was there any truth to that particular bit? “It is a sad story and my heart goes out to Hucrele. I would have thought a paladin would have been more…responsible. ”, she replies, “Has anyone tried to find the missing children?” Her phrasing and tone clearly alluded to her own intended course of action. But from Garon’s recounts, braving the ravine alone is almost certain suicide. There is far greater safety in numbers.

“Now that's a friendly welcome, if I ever heard one. Thank you!”

Later, when the woman at the bar gets her answers, Lenya looks at Delber... “Well, that was easy... wonder whether it's always the same one, and noone every actually bought it, or they got a few of those. Probably the latter.”

"good question, that. I also wonder where do they bring it for display."

the ale does not last long for it is quickly quaffed. "Galon, another round for us. the road was quite dry on the way here. also some food if you please and two rooms, as i am sure the lady is quite tired of my snoring. At least it did good to keep the nasties away from our camp sights." he grins as he says this, "now how much would that be, good sir?"


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Vardok finds the door open and Hucrele herself going about her routine. She eyes the dwarf, her sunken features indicating a month spent in sleepless grief and worry.

"I've seen you about. Rurik's kin, right? Well, first, your facts are off. I have a son and daughter, not two boys. As to the reward, 125 gold pieces for each of their signet rings as proof of their fate. Double that if they are brought back alive and in reasonably good health. They went off to the old ravine, like foolish adventurers, listening to foolish tales from a foolish paladin, Sir Braford. There was one more with them, a childhood friend of theirs, Karakus, a woodsy type."

Vardok replies "Ah see. Ah'll check 'round the rah-veen, th'n, an' b' back wit' news, rings, or yer kin." With that, the dwarf heads out and considers what to do....

'Wehl, figurin' as they 'ad a few folks wit' 'em an' didn't do so wehl, chances're I needs sum back-up. Who in this 'ere hick-hole c'n I wrangle inna helpin' me so's *I* c'n git back awright....' he thinks, standing around the middle of town. He's not about to risk his own hide in a situation like this without some fodder around at least, if not actual muscle.

Vardok then determines that the best place to try finding folks with time to spare, is the tavern.... So Vardok marches off to the tavern, his noisy dog following. The dwarf barges into the Ol' Boar Inn, looks around, and calls out "Ey! Any'un willin' t' help mah stomp sum wee critters inna rah-veen t' res-koo sum poor keeds? If yeh gots no back-bone, stay 'ere! If yeh ain't cheekeen, wehl, git off yer bums an' follow meh!"
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Voidrunner's Codex

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