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Paths of Legend: The Sunless Citadel [OOC]

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Here's my preliminary character background. I was light on details to keep things flexible if they need to be changed. I'll be playing Rashana, a human sorceress from Thune, with perhaps some genie/djinni blood in her. Her spells will focus on the themes of air, lightning, and illusion. Hopefully my picks will work out to be at least somewhat effective :)

Just need to work a little on the character sheet and then I'll be all done.

Rashana’s family hails from the abandoned Thune colony with a long and twisting history that reaches far back to the empire proper. The gift of sorcery is a well kept secret that has been passed down through the maternal side of the family tree. In this recent century, however, that power has unfortunately been waning over time and began to skip generations. Rashana’s maternal grandmother, a kind but shrewd old crone, had been blessed with the gift. Unfortunately she chose to live a quiet life of familial devotion rather than develop this power to its fullest.

Rashana is the eldest sibling of her immediate family followed by two younger brothers. Her father does fairly well for himself and works as traveling merchant scouring the land for the next commercial opportunity or sometimes brokering trade agreements on behalf of interested parties back in Thune. Authority within the family is vested solely with Rashana’s father with females expected to assume subservient roles. Despite being the eldest, Rashana learned to quietly accept such inequality as her father poured most of his time and attention into her brothers in teaching them the family trade. While her mother was always left at home, Rashana was made to accompany her father on his business trips and look after the needs of her brothers. And although she never participated directly in his numerous negotiations, she was often present as quiet observer. One of her father’s more overused tactics was to use the beauty of his daughter as a weapon of distraction during business dealings.

Rashana’ childhood was not with out any love or attention. Her main tier of support was provided by her grandmother who noticed the gift within Rashana early on. Under a veil of secrecy, she quietly tutored her grand daughter in the art of sorcery with focus on control and secrecy. Rashana, much to her dismay, was taught to hide her gift for her grandmother feared that her father would surely attempt to exploit it should she be discovered.

Rashana’s father has recently arrived in Oakhurst for an extended business venture. With her brothers much more older (and thankfully self-sufficient) and participating in the business full time, there is little for Rashana to do except to occasionally act as a pawn in negotiations. She is brought along more out of habit than for any real need and her ever busy father has not bothered to keep track of her. The situation has provided the sorceress with an opening to explore, practice her magic, and perhaps strike out on her for a bit. The idea that she should simply hide such a gift never truly sat right with the young woman all of these years. She yearned for an opportunity to put her talents towards a good cause.


First Post
Here it is! It should be complete, but I might make some small changes to the sheet if something comes to mind...

[sblock=Athanil, male human Druid]Athanil, Human Druid 1

Str 14
Dex 10
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 17
Cha 11




Fort:+3 Ref:+0 Will:+6



Languages: Common, Elven, Druidic

Wild Empathy*
Animal Companion*
Improved initiative

Trained Skills(*armor check penaly -5 or -3 without shield):
Concentration 4(5)
Diplomacy 4(4)
Handle Animal 4(4)
Heal 2(5)
Knowledge(nature) 2(7)
Listen 2(5)
Spellcraft 2(3)
Spot 2(5)
Survival 2(7)

Class features:
Bonus language Druidic
Animal Companion
Nature sense
Wild Empathy

Hide Armor, 25 lb, 15 gp
Wooden Heavy Shield, 10 lb, 7 gp
Bone Shortspear, 3 lb, 1 gp
Sling and bullets

Prepared Spells:
0(3) DC 13:Cure minor wounds, Cure Minor wounds, Detect Magic
I(2) DC 14:Entangle, Charm Animal[/sblock]

[sblock=Ril, Wolf Animal companion](Link, Share spells, 1 Bonus Trick):
Tricks: Hunting, Guard
Medium Animal
AC:14,touch 12, flat-footed 12
Attack:bite +3,1d6+1
Special Attack:Trip
Special Qualities:Low-light vision, scent
Saves:Fort+5, Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities:Stre 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills:Hide +2, Lisen +3, Move Silently +3, Spot +3, Survival +1(+5 when tracking by scent)
Feats:Weapon focus bite, Track[/sblock]

If we don't have at least a cleric I'll change the spells, but it would be a really bad idea...

23 Years ago, some hunters of a tribe of the Wood Elves of the Great Lakes found a newborn child surrounded by wolves. It was normal for animals to be friendly to small children, though it was uncommon for elven children to be abandoned. Indeed, they were amazed to discover that the child was a human.
The wise men of the village took the wolves' behavior as a sign, and decided that the child would be adopted.
Athanil, he was named, a word that in the dialect of Wood elves means "Human child". And though grown up with love and care all elven children receive, the difference between him and the other kids was always obvious to him. He grew up much, much faster, and quickly left behind in his growth all his friends. Someone in the village started to call him "Old Child", although always without malice.
But Athanil had his place in the village. He was not a great hunter, or warrior. But his connection with te spirits of nature was all to obvious. He naturally took the path of the shaman and began being instructed in its ways at a very young age, revealing a talent much superior to that of many young elves of the village.
It was a natural idea for him to think he'd become, with time, one of the shamans of the village.
But as he grew older, he came to understand that his time would never come. Even when his hair and beard would be long and silvery, he'd always be too young for the elves to be a spiritual leader. He'd always be the almost-wise, the almost-elf, but he would never have the same path as the others in the village.
So he decided to walk his own. He took some small equipment with him, his loyal wolf, Ril, and traveled south.


First Post
Here is my Elven Fighter. I must admit I am a little concerned with the martial prowess our potential party possibly possesses. We still lack a rogue and a cleric. This could be interesting.

[sblock=Corashkael Ferahar]Corashkael Ferahar

Male Qualine Elf Fighter
Alignment: CG
ECL: 1

Abilities: (32)
STR - 14 (6 Points)
DEX - 18 (10 Points + 2 Racial)
CON - 10 (4 Points – 2 Racial)
INT - 14 (6 Points)
WIS - 12 (4 Points)
CHA - 10 (2 Points)

HP: d10 = 10
Speed: 30ft
Initiative: +4
EXP: 1/1000

AC: 17 (+ 4 Dex + 3 Studded Leather)
Flat Footed AC: 13
Touch AC: 14

Fort: 2
Reflex: 4
Will: 1

BAB/Ranged/Grapple: +2/+4/+2

[sblock=Attacks]Longbow +5 1d8 x3 100ft Range
Longsword +3 1d8+2 19-20/x2

If Ranged within 30ft:
Longbow +6 1d8+1 x3 100ft Range[/sblock]

[sblock=Class Abilities]Light, Medium, Heavy Armor Proficiency
Simple and Martial Weapon Proficiency[/sblock]

[sblock=Racial Abilities]Immune to Sleep Effects
+2 saving throw bonus versus enchantment spells or effects
Low-Light Vision
+2 Racial bonus to Listen, Spot, and Search checks.
If passing within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.[/sblock]

[sblock=Skills]Climb – 5 (4 Ranks + 2 Str – 1 Armor Check Penalty)
Craft Bowmaking – 4 (2 Ranks + 2 Int)
Handle Animal – 1 (1 Rank + 0 Cha)
Knowledge Nature – 3 (1 CC Rank + 2 Int)
Listen – 3 (0 Ranks + 1 Wis + 2 Racial)
Ride – 5 (1 Rank + 4 Dex)
Search – 4 (0 Ranks + 2 Int + 2 Racial)
Spot – 5 (2 CC Ranks + 1 Wis + 2 Racial)[/sblock]

[sblock=Feats]Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot[/sblock]


Backpack 2gp
Longsword 15gp
Longbow 75gp
Studded Leather 25gp

In/On Backpack:
Bedroll 1sp
Flint and Steel 1gp
Waterskin 1gp
Trail Rations 2gp
Inkwell 8gp

Total Money: 20gp, 9sp[/sblock]

[sblock=Physical Appearance]Corashkael Ferahar is a tall, slender Qualine elf, possessing the typical pale traits of his kind. His sinewy musculature would indicate his dedication to personal training. His skin is a pale white and in direct sunlight, the pale blue of his now visible veins matches that of his eyes. His hair he keeps pulled naturally back, a few wavy curls cascade through the light golden tresses. He is unremarkably handsome, a kind face but one not long-remembered.

Age: 132
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 105
Eyes: Blue-Grey
Hair: Pale Blonde
Skin: Milky White[/sblock]

[sblock=Background]Corashkael Ferahal, was born in a cold winter many years ago. The infant mortality rate was high for those few seasons, very unusual for the Qualine elves. His mother, mate to the town leader of Arifel, had a difficult labor, but Corashkael was the first healthy child born in quite some time, and the first for his parents. Being born under such circumstances to a family of station, he was named accordingly, Corashkael Ferahal translating to “Legend of Great Fate,” and "Champion of Wisdom," a name he has regretted and attempted to downplay his entire life.

He fostered with the best and brightest in his city, though he never cared enough to take much of it in. He had no magical aptitude, never truly felt in tune with the woods as some of his brethren did, but he was always fit and athletic, nimble yet strong. He took to the sword and bow, much as they did to him.

Corashkael never appreciated the burden of needing to live up to high expectations. Instead he liked to fly under the radar, which was hard to do in Arifel. And so at his family’s insistence, in order to gain worldly knowledge, enhance his abilities, and to hopefully improve relations and create connections with the other races, Corashkael was sent to experience his own stories, to grow to possess the power needed to one day lead.[/sblock]

[sblock=Personality]Corashkael prefers to go by Kael, as it translates to Archer and helps hide his burdensome name. He is introverted, yet not due to shyness or social awkwardness. It can be better attributed to a somewhat apathetic nature he developed in resentment to his preset life. He didn’t have many friends, spending a lot of time alone training, reading, or writing. Oftentimes he can be found writing in a small book. He is polite and cordial when approached, but can at times appear disinterested among the shorter-lived races.[/sblock][/sblock]
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First Post
I have been wanting to play a warlock in one opf your games forever!

I have one ready to go. Will post him as soon as I find him...

Oh, hear he is. I will get all the stats converted to plain text in a little bit. I have to go make some money right now...

Str 13
Dex 14
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 17

Yarvok is pragmatic to the point of ruthlessness. At the age of 16,
much to his mothers delight, his warlock powers began to manifest. He
had no idea who his father was. His mother was a witch, living out her
existence and raising her son in the sheltering embrace of a dark
forest. Yarvok had never really had any interest in the dark arts his
mother continuously pressed him towards, but ultimately, she won THAT
little contest. One day, as he was doing his favorite activity, (target
shooting with a crossbow he had been given for his birthday) his mother
approached him. He ignored her as was his usual response, until her
hand came to rest gently on his hip. "Such a handsome young man..." she
started. Yarvok paused, his aiming eye rolling to glance back at her as
she pressed herself uncomfortably close. "Have I ever told you of your
father? His name is Mae-" Yarvok never heard the rest. Baleful images
suddenly clouded his mind and his eyes. In them, he saw his mother,
much younger than she was now. She was speaking in a foul sounding
language to a dark, man shaped figure. Two pinpoints of white hot light
emanated from where the figures eyes should have been. The figure held
out a peice of parchment. His mother drew a small blade and sliced her
wrist, dribbling it on the parchment and smearing the blots into an
arcane mark. The dark figure then rolled up the parchment and consumed
it. The scene then changed, and now his mother wakes in the middle of
the night, finding a dark and familiar shape standing at the end of her
bed. In an instant, the figure is on her, and Yarvok understands what
he's seeing to be the night of his conception. Through inborn infernal
logic, he comes to understand the nature of the deal struck by his
mother: She sold the soul of her yet unmade child to some abysal being.
She sold HIS soul. His fury overwhelmed him and he lashed out, not with
his body, but with the arcane fire that seethed within him! He heard a
deep, resonant, and thouroughly vile laughter in his mind, and when his
vision cleared, his mother lay before him - dead. The same voice
sounded again "The deal is struck, son. You got the power, and you
delivered me her soul. She should have realized you cannot sell someone
elses soul. You only succeed in damning your own. Revenge is sweet, and
never again will she use my true name to bind me to her petty
pursuits!" The presense in his mind faded completely, leaving Yarvok
alone with his dead mother.
Feeling ambivalent and stunned, Yarvok sat there in the dirt beside the
body for a long while. Finally, the pragmatic part of his brain took
over and he began the task of burying her. He wasn't terribly afraid of
retribution from local officials, they only came this far out once a
year to collect taxes. Nonetheless, he had no desire to stay in this
place any longer. He scavenged what goods he could from the cottage
he'd lived most of his life in, shoved a burning stick from the
fireplace up into the thatch of the roof, and headed out the door.
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First Post
crazy_monkey1956, I use Unearthed Arcana in a couple spots for Ringrill (Dwarf Barbarian grappler), which I note with an asterisk.

Edit: Changed from Dwarf to Sylvan Elf

[sblock=Ringrill] Ringrill Sylvan Elf Bear Totem* Barbarian 1 Alignment CN HP 16

Str 20 +5 (16 points = 18 + 2 wood elf)
Dex 14 +2 (4 points = 12 + 2 wood elf)
Con 12 +1 (6 points = 14 - 2 wood elf)
Int 10 +0 (4 points = 12 - 2 wood elf)
Wis 10 +0 (2 points)
Cha 8 -1 (0 points)

AC 18 (T12, F16)
Fortitude +3
Reflex +2
Will +0 (+2 vs. enchantment, immune to sleep)

Longsword +6/1d8+5
Javelin +3/1d6+5
Touch +6, Grapple +7/1d3+5

Light 0-100, Med 101-200, Hvy 201-300, Current 111, Ht 4'4'' Wt 200 lbs

Skills: (AC penalty -4/-2)
Climb 5 (4 ranks + 5 strength - 4 AC)
Swim 1 (4 ranks + 5 strength - 8 AC)
Listen 6 (4 ranks + 2 elf)
Survival 4 (4 ranks)
Spot 2 (2 elf)
Search 2 (2 elf)
Jump -7 (5 strength - 6 AC - 6 speed)
Balance -4 (2 dexterity - 6 AC)

Feats & Special Abilities: Sylvan Elf Traits, Berserker Strength, Toughness, Weapon Focus (Grapple)

Equipment: Scale Mail, Hvy Steel Shield, Longsword, Javelin x3, Sling x20, Club, Flint & Steel, Torch, Rope 50', Grappling Hook, Oil x4, Caltrops x4, 4 gp, 5 sp, 9 cp

*From Unearthed Arcana, Trades fast movement, trap sense, uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge for toughness, improved grapple, +4 grapple while raging, great fortitude [/sblock]

[sblock=Background]Ringrill comes from a small barbarian tribe of sylvan elves that has survived through the years by adapting to the lives of grizzly bears in the frozen northwest. The sylvans eat fish and nuts, live in caves, and remain docile and sleepy for the winter. The respected elders of the tribes are druids who can live as bears in their physical form.

Why did Ringrill leave his frozen mountains and come to civilized parts? Not even he knows. An itch perhaps of wanderlust or maybe it is destiny.

It started with the arduous trek eastward to the Sylvan Court. Ringrill was accompanying Lerfla, a druid and elder of the tribe, and [Walking Dad's character], one who posses an array of rare talents, for a gathering with their Sylvan brethren.

In the Sylvan Court Ringrill encountered Athanil, a short-lived human folk who grew up as a Sylvan and was looking to head South. The smell of wolf that wafted off this human at first was an irritating scent and Ringrill did not turn his back to Athanil for fear of being bitten in his hind leg. But Athanil's deep wisdom and druidic practice proved to Ringrill that he would be a valuable companion.

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First Post
And away we go... :D

All, I'll be doing a more thorough inspection of stats either later today, or tomorrow.

evillyn666, I like it...alot. :D

Atanatotatos, I like it, also, alot. :D

ethandrew, looks good, other than the infanticide in the background. Elves in this setting have a "All life is sacred" belief that borders on fanaticism at times. Infanticide would be unthinkable. If you were using the word "infanticide" to refer to high infant mortality due to the harsh conditions, then that's fine, though I'd change "infanticide" to "infant mortality." "Infanticide" means the slaying of children. ;)

Yttermayn, again you are thwarted in your desire to play a warlock by Monkey's restrictive character creation guidelines. :blush: Warlocks aren't in the PHB. That said, I love the background. We can tweak the flavor of a sorcerer or wizard and maybe throw in a variant or two from UA to give the character the same "feel" as a warlock that fits the background.

Wiggimuck, I'm going to veto the elemental based racial variants for the moment as I don't have a place for them in the setting. The totem barbarian variant works best with the Sylvan elves and human barbarian tribes wandering around northern Canada.


First Post
CM, you just possibly helped me avoid a potential future awkward moment with that little drop of knowledge. I could totally see me making a fool of myself by using that improperly. Phew!


First Post
Yttermayn, again you are thwarted in your desire to play a warlock by Monkey's restrictive character creation guidelines. :blush: Warlocks aren't in the PHB. That said, I love the background. We can tweak the flavor of a sorcerer or wizard and maybe throw in a variant or two from UA to give the character the same "feel" as a warlock that fits the background.


:sigh: How about a gestalt sorcerer/cleric? I could be happy with that, maybe. Haven't seen a variant that really ticks yet, but I'll keep looking anyways. :(


First Post
ethandrew, you're welcome. :D

Yttermayn, gestalt only really works if all of the PCs are gestalt and thus require a campaign specifically designed for it. Some ideas to chew on: A specialist wizard with the Conjurer variants on page 60 of UA (all of them), with his summoning focused on evil creatures. A tiefling sorcerer who gets his magical abilities from his infernal parent. A half-fiend (progressing through the half-fiend template class).

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