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Paths of Legend - Tragedy at Silvergard (Vol 2)


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"Highflyer talks of a "flying magic cat-man"... what can this be?? another abberation, surely!
can you spot it as well?"

Johen checks the skies as well.

OOC: just to be clear, where is the black cube compared to the keep? what is the keep like? and how far are we from it?

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The plateau is actually a series of smaller plateaus, most of which have crude stairs carved into them to allow ease of travel. The entire plateau is the size of a small city. The main village is centrally located with the mine entrance being about a half mile to the north, the cliff about a mile to the west, the giant cavern about a half mile to the south-east and the keep situated on the highest sub-plateau to the northeast, about a quarter mile from the village. The black structure is located within the village.

Everyone catches sight of the flying creature, though the glare of the sun makes it difficult to make out details. Valen and Aleera, being closest, see it land in the courtyard of the keep.

It is a regal looking creature with the body of a lion, an eagle's majestic wings, and a humanoid face framed by a lion's mane. It calls out with a magically enhanced voice that carries to the entire group (and is so loud to those near his position, Valen and Aleera, that it is painful).

"I am not your enemy. I am Varol, guardian of this place. Let us speak in peace, travelers."


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"We do not wish to harm anyone nor pillage any keep.. Let's speak.. Guardian.." replies Johen, unsure whether he can be heard by Varol.

If he gets no reaction to his reply, he will put his spear on the floor and gesture Varol to come, showing his bare hands and expecting his companions to follow suit.
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Voda Vosa

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"Well tha's good" says the dwarf not lowering his crossbow. "Ah' ask ye something: Who built this 'thing'? Do ye know its a violation of the most sacred of traditions to work shadowstone?" Muzdum speaks quickly, and he seems visibly angry, and each moment he gets more angry "And wha' in tha' name of me Momy beard are ye?"


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Trusting Johen's instincts, Aohdan lowers his bow and holds the arrow un-knocked in a non threatening posture. He does not, however, completely put it the weapon away.


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Valen Sablewood

Valen lowers his bow, and replaces the arrow in his quiver. Although his stance is relaxed, he somehow manages to both stand between Aleera and the creature, while his eyes hover between the latter and Johen. The druid would not be harmed on his watch.


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Alaric lowers his crossbow as well, and says "We may as well speak with it, at least until we're sure whether it's an ally or an enemy."


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Shrugging again, Corath shings her rapier away and begins to walk toward the keep in the distance. She raises her voice to carry across that distance. "A quarter mile is a long way to walk as opposed to fly, Varol. Why don't you meet us part way." As she passes the dwarf she says, "We are unlikely to encourage conversation while you wield your axe. Let's meet him and hear his answer. If we don't like it, then you can cleave him if that is still your desire."


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Valen and Aleera see the winged man-cat-thing leap into the air and take wing again. The creature lands about midway between the village and the keep and waits for the group to get a bit closer before speaking in a normal, though deep and growling, voice.

"In answer to your questions, dwarf, I am a Lammasu and the guardian of this place. The black structure is a regretable necessity. It was built to..."

The lammasu suddenly looks troubled when he sees Aleera approaching, "By your presence here, I must assume that Piper's plan did not go as intended."

Aleera raises an eyebrow and looks at the creature warily, "What plan?"

Varol takes a deep breath and continues, "The black structure was built as a prison to contain that which cannot be killed. An enemy of such destructive power and overwhelming malice that not even the combined might of The Ten could defeat it. And so, there it lies, imprisoned within a building made of the forbidden shadowstone. Orcus is its name and it must never be allowed to walk the world again. That is why I am here, to watch over it."

The lammasu turns to Johen, "There is another enemy that can only be contained, not destroyed. Azilyk. Piper, one of The Ten, had sought to imprison her within this obelisk as well. She has a primordial link to the Dagger of Souls, the murder weapon of your mentor, Johen. The Dagger is an indestructible artifact of great evil. Piper sought to manipulate events to entrap Azilyk's soul within the Dagger and then use the Dagger to transfer her into Orcus' prison, but that appears not to have happened. If you have questions for me, I will gladly answer them. First, however, I must apologize for the part I have played in this. It was I who brought the Dagger to Turen at Piper's request. Once it passed out of my possession, I could no longer control what became of it after that...but that does not absolve me of the guilt for the part I did play."

Voidrunner's Codex

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