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[PBP] Tholestia Chapter 2: Quest for the Lore of Saljara the Many Faceted


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Looking exhausted and grim, I get down of my horse. Grab my gear from the horse and let it loose, knowing it won't wander to far. I draw my sword and say to noone in particuler: "Let's just do this and get it over with."

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Deepwinter 7

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Turning towards the group Deepwinter 7 explains in a serious voice:

"Although our path into this forest seems somewhat uncertain, our objective is clear. We have a stone that will protect us from the undead for a short period of time. I hope Diactum or Tycho can activate this magical item as we enter the forest. We must stick close to the one carrying it for its range as well as its duration are limited. Furthermore we must travel as fast as possible depending on Ilan to lead the way. When we find the fortress we'll decide what to do next"

Then after seeing the indeterminate look in everyones eyes, Deepwinter 7 sets an example by turning his back towards the others and moving into the forest.

Chop chop Diactum, activate the item...


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I quickly take Diactum's side and walk into the forest next to him. As he looks to his side, he sees a face of a man who has seen the most horrible sights. The eyes red of not getting enough sleep. It looks like my face has been carved out of stone. While I realize he is looking at me I try to smile when I say: "Another adventure, my friend. Let us earn some glory.

Deepwinter 7

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When finding a chance to meet up with Ilan, Deepwinter 7 asks him in a friendly tone

What's the matter my pointy eared friend? You look as you have seen a ghost. When we get out of this adventure, we must consult some powerful clerics to find out what's the matter with you


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OOC: This can happen while Deepwinter and me walk into the forest together

With a hopeless face I say to Deepwinter, while I hear a distant voice screaming in my mind: "Dreams have been disturbing my sleep. They show awfull tales. In one dream we were all dead and Roland stood over our dead bodies, ripping out our insides. The other showed Roland standing over my mother and father, I won't give you any details, they are to horrible. The spirit that is in me seems to be getting stronger, but my power also grows. They seem connected. He told," I realize I told to much, but continue: "I hear him in my head. Even now, he speaks to me. But I only hear him from a distance. The last few days the voice was stronger. He offers me things, powers and I am not strong enough to withstand it. I fear I can't win over the control of my mind. When someone stands between me and my goal, I feel the urge to destroy him. The voice gets stronger and I almost loose my senses, I will have to pay for the cleric someday, I fear. I could just control myself, otherwise I would have killed him. My elders will not be pleased, when they hear of this. My family name will be shamed again. It seems I must trust you with my life again. After we get out of this forest and recieved our reward, I will go with you to my homeland. There we will consoul the King. He will know what to do. The Elven clerics are, like no other race, blessed with the powers to heal. They will find a way to undo this." While saying the last words, I grab my head as if in great pain. I seem to be able to refind my spirit in the seconds to follow and I say in a voice filled with confidence: "Let's go and find what we came here for"

I turn to the others and make a gesture that they should hurry.


serves Gnome Master
The group quickly moves into the shaded forest, leaving behind the comforting light of day in a matter of moments. Steady in pace Ilan guides you to the centre of the forest. The dark trees all look alike and you wonder how Ilan keeps his bearings in such a place. You keep walking and have no choice but to trust the ranger.

Then, as the magic of the stone begins to fade and cracks start appearing in the handy magical item, you come to a clearing. All you see is darkness, as your obscured range of vision will not allow you to see further than 60 feet. Slowly you move ahead, to what you can only guess must be the centre of the clearing.

Then, with each step extra step you set, more and more becomes revealed of a large stone structure. You approach it at a corner. The soil you are walking on is lifeless, and seems most closely to resemble scorched eroded earth. Your steps make more noise than they should, and seem to echo in the forest.

The structure itself does not appear to have any windows or decorations. So far, it sems to be a solid stone edifice. It rises up more than your eyesight allows you to see, and it also seems to be extending further in both directions as well, at least as far as you are aware of. The stone is definitely worked: it is as smooth as it can be. There is an aura of powerful magic here. You stand about 30 feet away from the structure.


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Kheldev slowly closes in on the structure, taking the lead, while keeping his eyes open and alert, axe at the ready. He signals to the rest to be quiet, while he tries to make as little noise as possible. If nothing out of the ordinairy happens, Kheldev will move towards structure to take a closer look at the stoneworks. When undisturbed he will closelity exam the stucture and the stone to learn more of this wretched place.


serves Gnome Master
Kheldev moves up to the structure and needs to take some time before he can distill enough details. One of the first things he notices is that the walls are not plastered, but even so the walls are completely smooth. It is like the entire building has been chiseled out of a big rock and then sanded to perfection. Looking at the density of the stone, Kheldev also has reason to believe that the stone is magically reinforced.


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After a minute of waiting for the Dwarf, I approach him and tap him on his shoulder and whisper: "Is everything ok, Kheldev."

Voidrunner's Codex

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