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PC's from Kid Charlemagne's Story Hour

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator

Male Human Ftr9; medium-sized human; HP 62; Init +3(+3Dex); Spd 20ft; AC 22;
Attack: Longsword(+1) +15/+10
Hvy Crossbow +12 ranged; SV: Fort+7; Ref +6; Will +4; AL NG; Str 18, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8;

Languages: Nalisorian (common), Caradinian, Orcish

Climb +10, Intimidate +1, Jump +9, Listen +6, Move Silently +5, Ride +15, Sense Motive +3,Swim +9

Feats: Mounted Combat, Ride-by-attack, Spirited Charge, Wpn Focus:Longsword, Wpn Spec:Longsword, Leadership, Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Crit:Longsword, Expertise

Possessions: Longsword +1, "Goblinsticker" Longsword, Full Plate Mail w/ gold filligree and decorations, Breastplate +1, Shield +1, Scarab of Protection SR 15, Hvy Warhorse named "Dreadnaught", Plate Barding, Hvy Lance, Horshoes of the Zephyr, Samurai helm, Tetsubo

DM's notes:
Gavin's longsword is a Goblinbane Sword, so it gets an additional +2d6 versus goblinoids (hobgobs, goblins, orcs) and an additional +2 to hit. It also has the special ability of Transport Via Plant 3/week. The sword glows blue within 60' of goblinoid creatures.

Gavin's extra suit of armor is to impress the nobles, as he has been trying to get knighted recently...

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First Post

“Fortune favors the Bold !”

Although limited in number, LuckBringers are the chosen of Bes. Out in the world to change people’s luck. Explaining that people cannot wait for, or depend on, luck – but must live life to the limit and luck will find them. A secondary duty of the LuckBringer is to disseminate the truth about Reksus and the Ar-Aindor pantheon.

Knowledge: Religion 9 ranks
Spells: Access to Luck Domain
Special: Pilgrimage to Karnof - Temple of Bes

Class Skills: Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Knowledge, Profession, Spellcraft
Weapon/Armor: Gains proficiency with the Kukri
Spells: Gains access to Chance Prestige Domain

Lvl Attk Ref Fort Will Special Spells
1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Daredevil +1 Lvl of existing class
2 +1 +3 +0 +0 Better Lucky Than Good +1 Lvl of existing class
3 +2 +3 +1 +1 Bes' Watchfull Eye
4 +2 +4 +1 +1 Fickel Finger +1 Lvl of existing class
5 +3 +4 +1 +1 Uncanny Dodge +1 Lvl of existing class
6 +3 +5 +2 +2 Luck to the Wind
7 +4 +5 +3 +3 Aura of Bes +1 Lvl of existing class

Daredevil: +1 luck bonus to all saving throws.

Better Lucky than Good: Extraordinary good luck- once per day the LB may re-roll a roll he just made. He must take the result of the re-roll even if it is a worse result. This stacks with the Luck domain's ability.

Bes’ Watchful Eye: The eye of Bes’ is upon the Luckbringer = +1 luck bonus to armor class.

Fickle Finger: Once per day, the LB may re-roll one roll that another creature-friend or foe- has just made.

Uncanny Dodge: The LB always happens be looking in the right direction. He retains his Dex bonus to armor class even if flatfooted.

Luck to the Wind: As an extraordinary ability, the LB can choose to adjust the save DC for his spell To 1d20 + spell level + WIS bonus

Aura of Bes: 10 ft radius – All allies receive a +1 luck bonus to AC and saving throws. All enemies receive a –1 luck penalty to AC and saving throws.
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First Post
Finally....The Chance Prestige Domain

Prestige Domain Spells

1. Battlefate
2. Chaos Ward
3. Random Casuality
4. Dimensional Fold
5. Instant Karma
6. Luck of the Rabbit
7. Fortunate Fate (Magic of Faerun)
8. Guiding Hand of Bes

Battle Fate
Level: ONE Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 ft
Target: 1 creature Duration: 1 rd/caster level
Spell Resistance: Yes Save: none

This spells alters probability to favor one creature in battle.
+1 per 3 caster levels (max +5)

Roll on Chart : Apply bonus to combat ability
1 Nothing happens
2 Luck bonus to AC
3 Luck bonus to Saving Throws
4 Luck bonus to Attack rolls
5 Luck bonus to damage rolls
6 Lucky Opening: Gain extra attack at highest bonus

Chaos Ward
Level: TWO Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch
Target: 1 creature Duration: 1 rd/caster level
Spell Resistance: Yes Save: none

A shimmering aura of whirling lights surround the creature.
Gives: +2 Luck bonus to AC
+2 Luck bonus to saving throws against directed spells
Plus- when hit by missile fire or directed spells- roll a d20 on chart below
(+1 per 5/lvls of caster)
1-16 No unusual effect.
17-18 Spell/Attack is immediately defeated.
19-20 Spell effect or attack damage is applied to random creature within 30 ft.
The new target may save as normal against redirected spell.
21+ Spell effect or attack damage is applied back to the originator of the spell/attack .
The new target may save as normal against redirected spell.

Random Causality
Level: THREE Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 ft
Target: 1 Weapon Duration: 3 rds +1 /caster level
Spell Resistance: Yes Save: Will negates

This spells creates a rift in nature. When the targeted weapon is used,
it hits and causes damage normally, but the damage is not applied to the creature struck.
Using a die roll, the DM randomly determines the victim (the wielder of the weapon or his companions) of the damage. If the number of opponents does not equal the die (closest type) the wielder receives the extra chances. ie there are an Ogre and 6 goblins ( the ogre has 1-2 then 6 goblins to = d8)

Dimensional Folding
Level: FOUR Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 round Range: 5 ft
Target: 10 ft area Duration: 1 round
Spell Resistance: N/A Save: N/A

Destination % Amount
Age of Aging
Very Familiar 2% 1 year
Studied carefully 5% 1d2 years
Seen casually 10% 1d3 years
Viewed once 15% 1d6 years
Never seen 25% 1d10 years

Materials: 15 gp sheet of platinum (destroyed)

Instant Karma
Level: 5 Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 ft
Target: 1 creature Duration: 1 rd / 3 caster levels
Spell Resistance: Yes Save: Will negates

A creature affected by this spell suffers an instant Karmic backlash. On a failed save, the target must roll twice for any skill check, save throw, initiative roll, or attack roll, taking the lower result. This affects all such rolls made by the target for the duration of the spell.

Materials: Bent fork

Luck of the Rabbit
Level: SIX Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 action Range: touch
Target: 1 creature Duration: Instantaneous
Spell Resistance: Yes Save: Will negates (harmless)

The spell recipient has a bonus of +7 that he can add to any future saving throws, distributed as the recipient chooses (+7 on one save or +2 on one and +5 on another).
A creature can only have one Luck of the Rabbit at a time. The Spell lasts until he has
used the entire +7 bonus up.
The spell recipient must declare how much of the LoR bonus he is going got use prior to the roll.

Materials- rabbit’s foot

Fortunate Fate
Level: Seven Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 minute Range: touch
Target: 1 creature Duration: 10 minutes/lvl or until discharged
Spell Resistance: Yes Save: Will negates (beneficial)

The subject is surrounded by an aura (invisible) that immediately heals her if she suffers
An attack that would kill her (-10 HP) When this attack occurs Fortunate Fate intervenes
Triggering a Heal spell upon the target.

“I don’t want the spell- you take the spell.”

Guiding Hand of Bes
Level: Eight Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 ft
Target: 1 creature Duration: 7 rounds
Spell Resistance: Yes Save: Will negates (beneficial)

The spell recipient gets a +20 Luck Bonus to one Attack roll, saving throw, or skill check every round for 7 rounds.
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First Post

-The vital stats-

LuckBringer / Priest 3/6 Gnome - 3'6 66lbs Neutral Good
  • STR 14 +2
  • DEX +3
  • CON 11 +0
  • INT 10 +0
  • WIS 16 +3
  • CHR 14 +2 (*)
AC: 16* Bracers+2, Dex+3, Ring +(d6-2)

HP: 54

FORT: 7 (6+LB)
REF: 9 (5+Dex+LB)
WILL: 10 (6+Wis+Lb)

INIT: 3 (Dex)
Melee 9/4 (Str+Size)
Ran 10/5 (Dex+Size)

Hvy Mace+1 (2h) 10/5 dmg 1d8+4 crit x2
Lt XBow+1 11/6 dmg 1d8 crit 19-20 x2 Range 80
Kukri 9/4 dmg 1d4 crit 18-20 x2

Skills: Alchemy+3, Concentration +8, Hide +7, Know:Religion+9, Listen+5, Prof:Gambler+10, Spellcraft+3

Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Combat Casting, Extend Spell

Languages: Common, Gnome, Orc, "speak w/animals 1/day"

Magic Items Hvy Mace +1, Light Crossbow +1
Hoyle's Ring of Protection+(d6-2), Ring of Humanoid Control

As our new 3E campaing starts soon, Jovah is trying to get involved in the politics of Fencig. He needs some help to thwart The Church of Public Relations (Reksus). He has been making friends with the Councilmen who run the daily affairs of the city. They young regent, Samsen (professed Reksus worshipper) needs to be shown the light before he repeats the histories of his father.
A Temple of Bes is being built in an warehouse on the seedier side of town. It is going to be a place of worship and also a half-house where people down-on-their luck can stay/work to get back on their feet.
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Sir Brennen

Aris Lyrell - Fighter 3 Wizard 5 Bladesinger 2
Race: Elf Gender: Male Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 129 (Aug 15th, 294)
Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, Literacy, Orc, Sylvan, Undercommon
Home: Princedom of Krone
Size: M Height: 5' 8 inches Weight: 90 pounds
Hair: Dark Red, Shoulder-length
Skin: Fair Eyes: Green Handedness: Right
Str: 13 Dex: 20 Con: 13 Int: 16 Wis: 11 Cha: 11
Max HP: 60
Melee: +8/+3
Ranged: +12/+7
Unarmed: +8/+3
Initiative Mod: +5 Speed Walk 30'
Defense (Mithral Chain Shirt)
Saves Reflex +10 Fortitude +5 Willpower +8

+10/+5___1d8+2____1____0'_____19-20(2)__Flame Tongue LongSword +1
+9/+4____1d4+1____1____0'_____19-20(2)__Dagger (Masterwork)
+13/+8___1d4+1____1____10'____19-20(2)__Dagger (Masterwork/Thrown)
+13/+8___1d8+1____1____110'____20(3)____Longbow (+1 Mighty/Composite/Masterwork)
Special Abilities: Summon Familiar, Bladesong Style, Immunity to sleep,
Save +2 vs enchantment spells,
Auto Search check if within 5' of secret/concealed door
Feats: Combat Casting, Dodge, Expertise, Mobility, Scribe Scroll, Spring Attack,
Still Spell, Weapon Focus(LongSword), Whirlwind Attack
Skills: Climb +6, Concentration +12, Craft (Winemaking) +7, Jump +7, Knowledge (Underdark) +7,
Listen +2, Perform +3, Ride +9, Search +5, Speak Language (UnderCommon), Spellcraft +10,
Spot +2, Swim +5, Tumble +16
 Alchemist's Fire (1 Flask), Antitoxin (2 Vials), Arrows (20), Backpack, Bedroll, Bread (Loaf), 
Scroll Case, Chain Shirt (Mithral), Daggers (2 Masterwork), Longbow (+1 Mighty/Composite/Masterwork),
Outfit (Traveler's), Pouch (Spell Component),  Rations (Trail/5 Day), Smokestick (1),
Spellbooks (Wizard/BladeSinger), Waterskin

CarryingCapacity: 150.0 Load: Light
TotalWeightCarried: 46.125 lbs

Funds: 6818gp
Companions: Familiar (Hawk), Light Riding Horse
Magic Items: Flame Tongue LongSword +1, +2 Ring of Prot.

Number of Castable/Knowable Spells/Day
Wizard _____4__4__3__2
0 Wizard-All Player's Handbook Zero Level Spells

1 Wizard-Animate Rope, Burning Hands, Color Spray, Feather Fall,
Grease, Jump, Magic Missile, Spider Climb

2 Wizard-Glitterdust, Invisibility, Knock, Locate Object, Minor Image,
Mirror Image, Pyrotechnics, See Invisibility, Shatter,
Snilloc's Snowball Swarm

3 Wizard-Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Displacement, Fireball,
Greater Magic Weapon, Hold Person, Lightning Bolt, Phantom Steed,
Tongues, Vampiric Touch

4* Wizard-Fear, Ice Storm, Shout, Thunderlance, Wall of Fire
1 Bladesinger-Expeditious Retreat, True Strike

2 Bladesinger-Blur, Bull's Strength, Mirror Image

* While not able to cast spells of this level, Aris has managed to get them
into his spell books for future use.
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Sir Brennen

Sir Brennen D'Loxor - Fighter 5/Sword of Kelanen 5
Race: Human Gender: Male Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 29
Languages: Common, Literacy, Ralt Gaitharese, Elven
Home: Oakendell, Ghithor
Size: M Height: 5' 10 inches Weight: 195 pounds
Hair: Blonde, Collar-length, short beard
Skin: Slightly weathered, ruddy
Eyes: Green
Handedness: Right
Str: 18 Dex: 15 Con: 15 Int: 14 Wis: 14 Cha: 10
HP: 75
Melee: +14/+9
Ranged: +12/+7
Unarmed +14/+9 (1d3+4)
Initiative Mod: +2
Speed Walk 20'
Defense (+1 Chainmail)
Saves (Base)
Reflex +4 Fortitude +10 Willpower +4
+18/+13___1d8+8_____1___17-20(2)___Long Sword +2
+17/+12___1d8+7_____1___17-20(2)___Long Sword +1
+15/+10____1d4+4_____1___19-20(2)___Dagger (Masterwork)
+15/+10____2d6+4_____1___19-20(2)___Sword (Great/Masterwork)
Special Abilities: Blessing of Kelanen +2, Bless Sword 1/day, Turn Sword
Feats: Ambidexterity, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Critical, Improved Windmill Attack
Superior Weapon Focus (Long Sword), Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Long Sword),
Weapon Specialization (Long Sword), Windmill Attack
Skills: Climb +17, Concentration +5, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +7, Jump +17,
Knowledge (Religion) +5, Profession (Sailor) +3, Ride +12,
Spot +5, Swim +10
Equipment: Backpack, Bedroll, Chainmail Barding (Masterwork), Chainmail +1, Climber's Kit,
Dagger (Masterwork), Grappling Hook, Outfit (Noble's), Pouch (Belt),
Rations (Trail/10 Day), Rope (Silk/50 Ft.), Saddlebags, Signet Ring, Spyglass,
2 Sunrods, GreatSword (Masterwork), Water (1 Pint), Ring of Prot. +2

CarryingCapacity: 300.0 Load: Light
TotalWeightCarried: 66.5 lbs
Funds: 1404.00
Companions: Light Warhorse
Magic Items: +1 Chainmail, +2 Longsword, +1 Longsword (2),
Periapt of Proof Against Poison, +2 Ring of Prot.
Castable Spells/Day - Sword of Kelanen
1 Sword of Kelanen-Divine Favor, Doom, Endure Elements, Protection from Evil, True Strike

2 Sword of Kelanen-Bull's Strength, Endurance, Flame Blade, Resist Elements, Spiritual Weapon
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Sir Brennen

Sword of Kelanen Prestige Class

The Way of the Sword - (from the Preface, written by Obrak of Belawin,
poet-warrior and third of the First Four to follow in the footsteps of
Kelanen after his ascension).

"With a passing glance from the outside man, the Way of the Sword seems to be
nothing more than a single-minded dedication to the art of battle with edged
steel. If one looks beyond the glint of our blades to our place in past and
future history, our true tenet becomes clear: to tread the Path of the Hero.
Many victories must be precipitated from the cloud of conflict. Of necessity,
then, we use the Way of the Sword as a the compass along the Path.
Our blades point the way upon it, and the Path guides our strikes true.

"We become hardened metal and edge; battle is our whetstone. We are weapons.
We can be wielded by others, but only if they allow us to walk the path or
will walk it with us. Ultimately, Justice is the only hand that may grasp
our hilts. Servitude to a just and good cause outweighs any obligation to
king, country, or any other master.

Including ourselves."

Swords are worshippers of the demigod Kelanen, the Prince of Swords. Kelanen is one of those rare individuals who transcended mortal status through great deeds. In his case, he was the catalyst behind the overthrow of Vecna and Kas some 2,000 years ago. He was the only man to ever defeat Kas in single combat, although Kas used treachery to then capture Kelanen. Kelanen’s chief followers are known as “Swords” and practice a windmilling, twin-longsword style that is heavy on offense and light on defense.

Sword Of Kelanen
Hit Dice: d10

Alignment: Any nonevil
Ability Score:13+ Wisdom
Base Attack Bonus:+5
Knowledge (Religion): 3 ranks
Craft (Weaponsmithing): 5 ranks
Feats: Ambidexterity, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Longsword), Weapon Specialization (Longsword)

Class Skills
A Sword of Kelanen's class skills (and key ability for each) are Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha),
Jump (Str), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Ride (Dex), Swim (Str)
Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int bonus

Level__BAB__Fort__Ref__ Will__Special _________________________________Spells per Day
____________________________ ____________________________ ________1st_2nd_3rd_4th
1_____+1___+2___+0___+0__Blessing of Kelanen +1, Windmill Attack_________0___-___-___-
2_____+2___+3___+0___+0__Bless Sword 1/day__________________________1___-___-___-
3_____+3___+3___+1___+1__Turn Sword _______________________________1___0___-___-
4_____+4___+4___+1___+1__Blessing of Kelanen +2, Superior Weapon Focus__1___1___-___-
5_____+5___+4___+1___+1__Improved Windmill Attack____________________ 1___1___0___-
6_____+6___+5___+2___+2__Bless Sword 2/day _________________________ 1___1___1___-
7_____+7___+5___+2___+2__Blessing of Kelanen +3_______________________2___1___1___0
8_____+8___+6___+2___+2__Bonus Feat _______________________________ 2___1___1___1
9_____+9___+6___+3___+3__Bless Sword 3/day__________________________2___2___1___1
10____+10__+7___+3___+3__Superior Weapon Specialization_______________ 2___2___2___1

Class Features
Spells Per Day: A Sword of Kelanen is able to cast a small number of divine spells per day.

Blessing of Kelanen (Su): At first level, any sword wielded by a follower of Kelanen is considered to have a +1 enhancement bonus for purposes of overcoming damage reduction or striking incorporeal creatures. This bonus does not affect attack or damage rolls, but does stack with any existing enhancement bonus on a weapon. For example, a first level Sword with a +2 weapon would do normal damage against a creature with 15/+3 damage reduction, but would only have a +2 on to hit and damage (plus any other modifiers for Strength, spells, etc.) The Blessing of Kelanen increases to +2 at fourth level and +3 at seventh.

Windmill Attack (Ex): When a Sword of Kelanen attacks with a longsword in each hand, the off-hand blade is considered light when determining penalties for attacking with two weapons. This fighting style cannot be used when wearing heavy armor.

Bless Sword (Sp): At second level, a follower of Kelanen is able to cast Bless Sword once per day. This ability functions as the first level Paladin spell Bless Weapon, with the exception that it is only castable on swords. At fifth level a Sword can cast this twice a day, and three times a day at 8th level.

Turn Sword (Su): At third level, a Sword is able to hinder or disarm sword-weilding opponents by sheer force of will. Specifics yet to be determined...
Note that Extra Turning is available as a feat for Swords of Kelanen.

Improved Windmill Attack (Ex): When wielding a longsword in each hand, a Sword of Kelanen can get an additional attack with his off-hand weapon, as per Improved Two-weapon fighting. As with Windmill Attack, this fighting style cannot be used when wearing heavy armor.

Superior Weapon Focus (Ex): Stacking with any existing Weapon Focus bonus, this adds an additional +1 to all attack rolls with the wielder's sword.

Bonus Feat (Ex): To round out their training, a Sword of Kelanen may select from any feat listed as a bonus feat for fighters, or may choose one of the following Divine feats from Defenders of the Faith (Turn Sword replaces the Turn Undead prerequisite in all cases) Divine Might, Divine Vigor, Empower Turning, Heighten Turning, Quicken Turning.

Superior Weapon Specialization (Ex): This bonus stacks with any existing weapon specialization in longsword, adding an additional +2 to all damage rolls made.

Sword of Kelanen Spell List
1st- Divine Favor, Doom, Protection From Evil, Endure Elements, TrueStrike
2nd- Bull's Strength, Spiritual Weapon, Flame Blade, Endurance, Resist Elements
3rd- Magic Vestment, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Protection From Elements, Keen Edge, Dispel Magic
4th- Freedom of Movement, Haste, Holy Sword, Lesser Aspect of the Deity

Class Restrictions
No Heavy Armor: While a Sword can wear heavy armor, he will not be able to use the prestige class' signature Windmill fighting style while doing so.

No Ranged Weapons: The use of ranged weapons on the field of combat is considered a dishonorable practice for a Sword of Kelanen. Should a Sword use a missile weapon in combat, all Supernatural, Spell-like and Spell-Casting abilities will be revoked by his hero-deity. These abilities will only be re-instated after proper atonement has taken place (DM's judgment). Until then, a Sword may still continue to advance in prestige class levels.

Code of Conduct: A follower of the hero-god must always strive to perfect his mastery with his sword. He should constantly search for and accept new challenges to prove himself. He should be at the forefront of battle whenever possible, confronting the most physically superior foe against whom to test his mettle. He must never strike his blade against one who is unarmed or has asked for quarter. And each year he must honor the Three Days of Armistice, when he must lay down his blade, to seek and consider those things for which he truly fights.

No Evil Alignments: The selfish tendencies of the evil mind are at odds with the discipline and enlightenment a Sword seeks to achieve through his weapon. Should a Sword of Kelanen cross that line, he loses all divinely inspired powers (Supernatural, Spell-like and Spell-Casting abilities.) Also, the Sword may no longer gain levels in the prestige class, but will retain the skills and physical fighting abilities he has already learned. Atonement should be very difficult to achieve, provided the transgressor even has any interest in receiving it. Such "Lost Swords" are often hunted with extreme prejudice by Kelanen's faithful..
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