PHBII Classes Confirmed

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That has every single role filled but Arcane Defender, which WAS filled by the campaign specific Swordmage.
But, remember, it is only 'campaign specific' in that it appeared in the FRPG. It (like everything is) is still CORE. You can use it in any campaign, especially if you subscribe to DDI 'cos it is in the Char Builder


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An avenger will inherit the paladin's smite ability, and will be some wrath-of-god inqueisitor-type.

That's my progonstication for the day.


First Post
An avenger will inherit the paladin's smite ability, and will be some wrath-of-god inqueisitor-type.

That's my progonstication for the day.

I believe you would be correct. Wasn't the original name of this class "templar"? I think this was the one that original started with a "t" before it was renamed.


If I guessed the Invoker's original name was Theurge (the t) and the Avenger's original name was Inquisitor (the i). I could be wrong though!


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Shadow (4)
Ki (2)
Elemental (2)

Psionics (4)
Ki (2)
Elemental (2)

Just as long as the monk is in PHIII. Still sucks to have to wait that long for a monk though, as my DM is pretty against non-core stuff, so no APG or Song/Fist monks allowed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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