During Monday's four-hour (!) livestream yesterday (Luke spent it drawing the Ponce de Leon portrait for the Dark Caribbean sourcebook and deck of NPCs -- be careful what you wish for, when you want to live forever), the team announced two new initiatives:
1) The Known Pirate Conspirator jam, which is set to be an annual thing. There's $3,000 in cash prizes and free pirate conspirator pins for everyone who creates adventures, monsters, classes or other material during their jam in May. The top entries will be assembled in a book by Limithron to be published at cost through Lulu, so we'll be getting a bunch of new Pirate Borg material this summer, which is cool.
2) To make doing that kind of thing easier, they're close to publishing an in-depth style guide with downloadable assets to make third party and fan-made Pirate Borg stuff look as much like the Limithron books if people want. It looks really comprehensive and even includes where to find free art assets, which is one of the things I think a lot of us find challenging.