D&D 5E pitch an idea

Ok, so there has been a lot of talk about what books are or are not coming out from WotC to support 5e, and it gave me an idea (more like a day dream). so here is a fun idea (lets hope we all take it in the fun way it was meant and not argue TOO much ;) )

Imagine you had one of the high officers of Wotc, or maybe even Hasbro, owing you one, and you get to live the dream and pitch a book or concept idea for D&D. No rules, no holds bar, be as crazy as you want... what would you pitch?

Do you have your own campaign setting, your own homebrew rules or class you want to see? or Do you have something you want from a previus edition? Do you have a concept you just like and want to see them take on?

I have some idea what I would pitch, in fact I have too many. I would love one of my campaign settings, I have lots of class ideas and things from other editions... so I'm going to wait and see what everyone else says...

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Cyan Wisp

Apart from simple expansion (PHB2, MM2), maybe a Book of Fey. I often think these guys are very intriguing, but under-utilised. I think a fey-based campaign could be quite a change of pace.


First Post
An Undead-Gothic-Horror-Ravenloft book please.

- with a rules module for more gritty/scary/deadly AD&D style gameplay.
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I would pitch the idea of a DM Freeform Adventure creation guide. How to build random tables to help as well as rules and options to enhance 5E's playability in this style.


First Post
I would pitch a new chronomancer's handbook.

rules for using it as a 'no time travel' and 'little but hard time travel' and a 'call me Marty, time travel' all as options to drop it into a campaign.

It would include a subclass for wizard, cleric, fighter, Rogue, and monk...

and a mini adventure idea based on a dungeon in a place like Vanishing point

and some monsters, maybe the 3.5 phane, and the Mythos Hounds of Tindalos


That guy, who does that thing.
A Planescape setting book in which the final chapter is a mini-adventure that chronicles the destruction of Sigil.

All of those are awesome idea's, and I can imagine all of them doing well, if done right.

Apart from simple expansion (PHB2, MM2)
yea, I figure no need to go with the obvious... more player stuff and more monsters are great...

maybe a Book of Fey. I often think these guys are very intriguing, but under-utilised. I think a fey-based campaign could be quite a change of pace.
I think the feywild book from 4e was good, but I think it could be SO much better.

An Undead-Gothic-Horror-Ravenloft book please.

- with a rules module for more gritty/scary/deadly AD&D style gameplay.
god I would kill to see ravenloft as a setting

I would pitch a new chronomancer's handbook.
that could be cool, I like what you did, but that's a hard one to imagine them pulling off...

A Planescape setting book in which the final chapter is a mini-adventure that chronicles the destruction of Sigil.
cool, imagine them jumping out of the ring as it explodes, and falling down the spire...

I want a big damn 320-page Manual of the Planes that doubles as a Planescape setting with a full write-up of Sigil, the City of Brass, Gloomwrought, and the capital of the fey. 8-12 pages on each plane.

I want to combine the tomb of battle and the tomb of magic from 3.5... I call it the mini adjustments. The idea is based on how psionics work in 2e and 3e-3.5e at least from the publishers point of view... it's not a setting, it can be dropped into any setting, and in doing so modify the setting. The book itself (or if it goes over well series of books) is broken into 3 or 4 parts, each has 3-5 pages of fluff, 2-3 class/subclasses, maybe a race or two, and some optional rules... maybe even a viarent class. Then some would have maniuvers, or spells, and the last few pages would be based on the new realms book having 'adjusting this to fit X campaign world'

Part 1 would take the book of 9 swords, and the 4e fighter and warlord concepts and make a plug and play maneuver by level variant set of rules... in my mind it would include the warlord class, the warblade sub class for fighter, the sword sage sub class for monk, and the crusader sub class for paliden.

Part 2 would be based on Incarnum, and have a variant caster that could replace or sit next to the casters in the phb. In my perfect world it would merge wizard and warlock in feel, but have some new toys based on the 3.5 book

part 3 would be a steam punk set with an artificer and warforged and some cool rogue subclass for indeana jones want a bes.

the idea is that a DM and Player could drop them into a world, or make a world just around them...


Genre books again. I still get use out of my "Heroes of Horror" and "Heroes of Battle" books.

More class options, like the Book of 9 Swords as GMforPowergamers said. I think it could be patched in on the Monk chassis for the Swordsage, and the Fighter's subclass could house the Warblade and Crusader.

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