D&D 5E pitch an idea



An Epic Handbook. Everything missing for level 15+ play using the natural progression of how high level people and monsters will act.
Epic monsters.
Epic equipment and tools.
Additional spells and maneuvers.
Epic spells and greater maneuvers.
High level actions and downtime activities.

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A campaign setting based on Paul Kemp's Egil & Nix books... also, a book about the planes, a real horror campaign setting (doesn't have to be Ravenloft, just something genuinely scary and creepy with an R rated feel instead of the PG stuff we usually get). Also, another monster book would be welcome too.

Sad, but I'd vote for cardstock monsters and npcs that can be punches or cut out and glued for use with all published adventures and/or generic ones for monsters etc etc.

I can't afford the £ or the storage space to invest in a bunch of minis, but cardstock decent quality figures (think the old Judge Dredd RPG or original Blood Bowl or Golden Heroes) would be way useful.

I make my own using Photoshop and old Blood Bowl raised slot bases but it'd be a lot less hassle (and better quality) if they made them for me.


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A low-magic setting, complete with enough non-magical class archetypes that players don't feel restricted in choice. We've had high-magic (Eberron), standard D&D magical medieval (Greyhawk, Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, Mystara, Planescape), gothic (Ravenloft), even faux-scifi (spelljammer), but never low- or no-magic. Where's the sword and sorcery? Where's Conan?

One of the big complaints against the Fighter as a class is the entire thing boils down to: I attack the monster...I attack the monster...I attack the monster...&c., that there's no real variety in it. And that shouldn't be the case at all. The fighter, and by extension the other non-magical classes, need quite a bit of love.

Also, figure out what the hell to do with the Ranger, and make it so that a homebrew Rogue scout subclass (Natural Explorer & Bonus Skill Proficiencies at 3, Land's Stride at 9, Hide in Plain Sight at 13, and Foe Slayer at 17) isn't a better Ranger than the actual Ranger.


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A sourcebook of pregen villages. Perhaps 100 villages, two or three pages for each, complete with maps and rosters of NPCs with entertaining, interwoven backstories and personal adventure hooks. Ready to drop into your campaign at a moment's notice when the PCs wander off-track.

A sourcebook of pregen villages. Perhaps 100 villages, two or three pages for each, complete with maps and rosters of NPCs with entertaining, interwoven backstories and personal adventure hooks. Ready to drop into your campaign at a moment's notice when the PCs wander off-track.
I'm surprised no one has done something like this in kickstarter.

Heck you could make one that is pretty much 5e and pathfinder at the same time...

Sad, but I'd vote for cardstock monsters and npcs that can be punches or cut out and glued for use with all published adventures and/or generic ones for monsters etc etc.

I can't afford the £ or the storage space to invest in a bunch of minis, but cardstock decent quality figures (think the old Judge Dredd RPG or original Blood Bowl or Golden Heroes) would be way useful.

I make my own using Photoshop and old Blood Bowl raised slot bases but it'd be a lot less hassle (and better quality) if they made them for me.

Check out Pathfinder's Pawns: http://paizo.com/pathfinder/miniatures/pawns

Get some of those. The Bestiary 1 and 2 sets covers most of the monsters in the Monster Manual and the NPC Codex is also pretty handy. The smaller Adventure Path sets don't come with bases, but are cheaper.
You can print out your own monsters and use a drop of blu-tack at the top to hold the new image in place.


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I would pitch the idea of a DM Freeform Adventure creation guide. How to build random tables to help as well as rules and options to enhance 5E's playability in this style.

This is what I'd want, also new crunch, in depth info on adapting existing crunch into your homebrew, and a quantified method to create new races and sub classes of your own. Probably sell as DMG2, but whatevs.

Voidrunner's Codex

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