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Planar Heroes; CALLING FERRIX (accepting alternates)

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Voadam said:
What are your rulings about armor, bracers, and other equipment shifting to accomodate new sizes and forms? Littorian is medium, hybrid is large but still humanoid, and lion is quadrupedal and large.

Bracers can shift to accomodate just about any creatures arm (except tentacles or fins/flippers).
Armors, especially heavy types, are for nominally humanoid forms (head + 2 arms + 2 legs + torso)
Shields, you need a hand for this. Humanoid forms only.
Amulets; if it's got a neck it can use it.
Cloaks; humanoid forms only
Boots; use an anklet variation and I'll rule it like a bracer.
Belts; humanoid forms only... on a creature w/out a waist, belts just get in the way.
Robes/Vests; humanoid forms. Long clothing gets in the way of quadraped & winged movement (unless specifically designed for it; dogs can wear sweaters, after all).
Helms; if it's got a definate head, a helm will accomodate itself to any form.
Rings; fingers, claws, & tentacles are okay.

Am I missing anything?

Where is the warshaper from?

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Lobo Lurker

First Post
Pyrex said:
Nextly: I'm looking at the Hound Archon. If I were to advance him via outsider HD instead of class levels would a) the caster level for his SLA's increase and would b) his SR increase? (Caster Level = HD and SR of 10+HD)

Strictly by the RAW the answer to both is no; but it seems worth checking as the SRD doesn't go into great detail on the subject.

From the SRD:
[B][SIZE=4]Hound Archons As Characters[/SIZE][/B]
Hound archon characters possess the following racial traits.
    * +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma.
    * Medium size.
    * A hound archon’s base land speed is 40 feet.
    * [B]Racial Hit Dice[/B]: A hound archon begins with six levels of outsider, 
       which provide 6d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +6, and base saving
       throw bonuses of Fort +5, Ref +5, and Will +5.
    * [B]Racial Skills[/B]: A hound archon’s outsider levels give it skill points
       equal to 9 × (8 + Int modifier). Its class skills are Concentration, Hide,
       Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival.
    * Racial Feats: A hound archon’s outsider levels give it three feats.
    * +9 natural armor bonus.
    * [B]Natural Weapons[/B]: Bite (1d8) and slam (1d4).
    * Archon Traits (see page 16): Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, aura of
       menace (Will DC 15 + character’s Cha modifier), immunity to electricity
       and petrification, +4 racial bonus on saves against poison, magic circle
       against evil, teleport, tongues.
    * [b]Special Attacks[/b]: Spell-like abilities.
    * [b]Special Qualities[/b]: Change shape, damage reduction 10/evil, scent,
       [COLOR=Yellow][B]spell resistance equal to 16 + class levels[/B][/COLOR].
    * [B]Automatic Languages[/B]: Celestial. Bonus Languages: Common, 
       Draconic, Infernal.
    * [B]Favored class[/B]: Ranger.
    * Level adjustment +5.

Judgement Call: Caster Level scales with racial hit dice.


First Post
Missed that part in the 'as characters' section. It's still not clear whether SR should scale when adding Racial HD though; they don't really expect PC's to do that. :p

Adding the Racial HD to SLA caster level isn't huge, but it's 4 more HP when I cast Aid. :)
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Guest 11456

What about dragon feats from the Draconomicon?

Right now I am thinking Celestial Wyrmling Gold Dragon.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
I don't have the draconomicon, but it's by WotC so I'll assume that it's mostly kosher. What feats and what do they do?

Incidentally, I statted one of those bad boys out last night. They lack hit points & save bonuses, but that's still one tough character.

Pyrex: I think that the lack of spell resistance progression should be balanced by the increased size and accompaning bonuses. I'm tempted to throw an extra +1 ECL onto that for the size increase, but I won't.


Lobo Lurker said:
Helms; if it's got a definate head, a helm will accomodate itself to any form.

Where is the warshaper from?

Will buy accordingly for starting equip.

I got a mental image of battlecat from He-Man for the cat with a helmet thing. :)

Warshaper is a prestige class from Complete Warrior. The prcs are in Alphabetical order in that book. Big features are fast healing 2, immune to crits, 1 die increase for a natural weapon, and increased reach when in alternate form (hybrid or animal for lycanthropes) but medium BAB.


First Post
Most of the stuff in the Draconomicon is pretty good. A couple of the Metabreath feats are between 'really good' and 'broken' though.

Hrm. Ok. SR 16 it is. Sadly against similar CR foes that leaves my SR as pretty much irrelevant. :\

Anyhow I'll be posting the first draft of my PC today. :)


Guest 11456

Improved Maneuverability
Prereqs: Hover or Wingover, and fly speed of 120 feet or better.
Improve maneuverability, but not better then good. May be taken multiple times.

Suppress Weakness
Prereqs: Weakness to an energy type & Iron Will.
Reduce weakness to the energy type from an extra 50% to an extra 25%.

Overcome Weakness
Prereqs: Weakness to an energy type, Iron Will & Suppress Weakness.
Remove weakness to the energy type. Take normal damage from energy type.

Improved Speed
Prereq: Str 13
Add 20 feet to fly speed and add 10 feet to all other modes of travel.

Recover Breath
Prereqs: Breath Weapon & Con 17.
Reduce the number of rounds it takes to use the breath weapon again, with a minimum of 1 always.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
I'll allow all those feats Tailspinner. Though with a fly speed of 200, I'd hate to see what happens when you double-move or run. ;)

Note, that as a Celestial, you'll have Cold Resistance: 10. And I don't know if it's correct or not, but I apply resistances before taking vulnerabilities into accoun. So, for example, If you took 20 cold damage you'd actually take ((20-10) x 50%) or 15 damage.


Guest 11456

Gwydion Brightscales
Female Celestial Wyrmling Gold Dragon Paladin 1
Alignment: Lawful Good

Overall Length: 18'-8"
Body Length: 5'-9"
Neck Length: 5'-7"
Tail Length: 7'-4"
Body Width: 3'-1"
Standing Height: 4'-4"
Maximum Wingspan: 30'-2"
Minimum Wingspan: 13'-5"
Weight: 299#
Scales: Dark yellow with golden metallic flecks
Eyes: Black
Age: 2 years

Str: 26 (+8) [16 points, +6 race, +2 item]
Dex: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Con: 18 (+4) [6 points, +4 race]
Int: 16 (+3) [4 points, +4 race]
Wis: 18 (+4) [6 points, +4 race]
Cha: 13 (+1) [1 points, +4 race]

Racial Abilities: +6 Str, +4 Con, +4 Int, +4 Wis, +4 Cha; Base speed 70 feet, Fly 220 feet (Good), Swim 70 feet; Darkvision 60ft, Low-light Vision; Immunity to sleep and paralysis effects, Immunity to Fire, Alternate Form, Water Breathing; Breath Weapons: Cone of Fire (2d10) & Cone of Weakening Gas (30ft, 1d4-1); Smite Evil (Su) 1/day; Damage Reduction 5/magic; Resistance to Acid 10; Resistance to Cold 10; Resistance to Electricity 10; Spell Resistance 13.

Class Abilities: Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil 1/day.

Hit Dice: 8d12 + 1d10 + 36
HP: 107
RP: 107
AP: 9
AC: 27 (+7 Natural, +3 Dex, +7 Bracers)
Init: +3 (+3 Dex)

Fortitude: +12 [+8 base, +4 Con]
Reflex: +9 [+6 base, +3 Dex]
Will: +12 [+6 base, +4 Wis, +2 Feat]

BAB: +9
MAB: +21 (1d8+12/x2; Bite)
MAB: +19 (1d6+8/x2; 2 Claws)
MAB: +19 (1d4+8/x2; 2 Wings)

Diplomacy: +13 [12 ranks, +1 Cha]
Escape Artist: +14 [11 ranks, +3 Dex]
Handle Animal: +3 [2 ranks, +1 Cha]
Heal: +16 [12 ranks, +4 Wis]
Listen: +15 [11 ranks, +4 Wis]
Search: +14 [11 ranks, +3 Int]
Sense Motive: +13 [12 ranks, +1 Cha]
Spot: +15 [11 ranks, +4 Wis]
Swim: +19 [11 ranks, +8 Str]
Use Magical Device: +12 [11 ranks, +1 Cha]

Hover (1st HD)
Improved Maneuverability (2nd HD)
Improved Maneuverability (3rd HD)
Iron Will (4th HD)
Suppress Weakness: cold (5th HD)
Overcome Weakness: cold (6th HD)
Improved Speed (7th HD)
Recover Breath (8th HD)
Multiattack (1st Level)

Amulet of Mighty Fists +4 (96,000gp, 1#, Worn)
Manual of Gainful Exercise +2 (55,000gp, 0#, Used)
Bracers of Armor +7 (49,000gp, 1#, Worn)
Total (200,000gp, 2#)

Background: Gwydion is the second of three hatchlings of the Celestial Adult Gold Dragon pair, Guidous and Yeedion Brightscales. Gwydion, her older brother and her younger brother were all given a boon by their parents. Choose amongst their vast hoards three items each. When it came to Gwydion’s turn she chose an amulet, a set of bracers and a book. She immediately began reading the book and after a week of study found that her strength had increased. The other items she donned and went in search of a group to help. She found four other individuals with similar interests as her and has been with them ever since. She is the youngest member of the 'Fabulous Five', but her skills an d abilities have proven an asset to the team.
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