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Planes to Shape, Secrets to Keep... (Dromus)


First Post
Kelleris said:
OOC - Do you mean Feiran? Illira is actually standing about 10 feet from Cagthail. Feiran is the only one still on the other side of the Sheets. Hmm... Looks like that summary's a good idea. I'll post one late tonight.
Oops, I did indeed :heh: Teaches me to post when in a hurry... Post updated.

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Mad Hatter

First Post
HP-32/47; Stabilization pts= 60/225; Fort=5, Ref=5, Will=8

Through the mindlink to Caghtail, Feiran says: I think I'm still with you, but only just. 'Twas a good show indeed.

Despite having an Antimagic Field in place, Feiran is still shaken. After taking a quick survey of the area, Feiran strides over to Ilmordan. Anyone listeing can plainly tell that Feiran is not as nonchalant as she would like you to believe.

Far too close for comfort. Please live for I sorely desire to be the one to kill you!

Feiran checks to see if Ilmordan still lives.

DM-[sblock] If Ilmordan lives, then Feiran will inject him with Tullius' Effacious Nostrum
15pts. of damage to nonlethal.[/sblock]
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Quick summary of the battle to this point -

After narrowly escaping from an ambush lid by Droman guards and their Captain (what game was he playing?), you located a helpful local named Kyra to take you to the Sheets, your meeting place. After a discussion held over some suspicious mead, you moved (raggedly) into the street, and spotted your next problem.

Ilmordan, with a bloodthirsty mob in tow, presented an uneasy situation that soon degenerated into an outright battle. The filthy mob advanced on you, uneasily at first but growing in boldness, as first Adinal – slowly – and then Illira – violently – wriggled under the Sheets to the other side of the Sheets. Narine for her part took the more direct route, psionically scaling the “ship’s” hull and claiming the high ground.

Combat continued apace during this time – Cagthail fending off the mob, Narine psionically assaulting Ilmordan, and Adinal just trying to escape. Ilmordan proved impervious to many of Narine’s attacks, and eventually drove her off through unknown means. Meanwhile, Adinal encountered the animal control squad (now getting slightly chewed on), and retrieved Feiran’s unmotivated but hungry tiger, Terak.

At this point things started to get messier. The boomers showed up, and destroyed the upper level of the Sheets. Your party had been split, and the tavern’s patrons were panicking. Ilmordan, making his first overt move, called forth from somewhere the monstrous hound-like creatures that even now stare you down from behind the wall of boomers. Narine and Cagthail soon made it to the other side of the Sheets, and to relative safety, leaving Feiran behind to fend for herself against the angry mob.

By now, Adinal had calmed the increasingly panicky animal control squad, and was attempting to rally them against the encroaching threat of the boomers. Ilmordan’s spell seemed to have taken a lot out of him, since the last thing most of you saw before escaping was him crouching in the muck, drooling blood. The mob, however, continued to vent against Feiran, insensible to the weakness of their leader or the escape of most of their quarry.

After some tactical confusion, Narine, Illira, and Cagthail began to battle the boomers, with Adinal simply trying to remain on his feet. Though their partial invisibility has made them difficult to combat, a deadly mental attack from Narine felled one of the beasts and the fighters’ efforts scored the hide of a half-dozen more.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Sheets, Ilmordan has managed some manner of spell that has pulverized the street, consuming it in a sudden sickening inferno. Just as incredibly, Feiran has managed to survive the blaze, though the rest of her situation is unknown. Equally endangered is the animal control squad leader, twisting in the grip of several boomers. Cagthail is attempting to rescue the beleaguered man.

And that is how matters now stand.
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The animal control squadmembers are too disorganized to help distract your foes, but the first and second cuts of your routine still strike home. The wounded boomer flops onto the ground, flayed muscles torn, disabling the beast - but it's still dangerous. You are now standing in the thick of the boomer swarm, and their bodies coil around you like corded muscle. They have the good sense to avoid throwing themselves on Swift at least.

[sblock] You cannot determine if Ilmordan is alive or dead, so you inject him anyway just to be on the safe side. Now what will you do? [/sblock]

The mosntrous dogs continue their silent vigil, leaving stringy green slime wherever they pace.

New Initiative:
Boomers: 20
Feiran: 19
Adinal: 19
Cagthail: 17
Runehounds: 16
Illira: 14
Animal Control Squad: 14

OOC - In case you haven't noticed yet, I'm bolding the person in the initiative order who's next up.

Also, I need to take some time off DMing this thread. It's finals week, y'know. Sorry, but I'll try to post sometimes still. And over the summer I'll be hanging out with Hatter and Demon more, and thereby ensuring their increased cooperation.... :]


First Post
Illira 48/59 hp, AC 25, Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +7

Illira grits her teeth and joins the melee with Cagthail swinging Heaven's Edge at the Boomers.

[sblock]I can't access the online roller (site might be down?), so please roll for me. Use 3 BAB Power Attack, +10 to hit, 2d6+13 damage, 15-20 crit. Cleave, if first attack downs an enemy. If I can flank my target with someone (Cagthail or one of the animal squad memebers) add +2 to attack roll.[/sblock]


Animal Control Squad:
Grabbing their folded nets from their belts, the squadmen try to clear the immediate area of boomers so that Cagthail can get close to their leader. Several miss, confused by the erratic motions of the boomers or their blurred forms, but the three boomers nearest their leader are entangled in the lightweight webbing, and struggling to get free as they struggles against the animal control sqaud members, who are wrestling them away from their leader with all the effort they can muster.

For the time being, only two boomers, the original attackers, remain adjacent to the squad leader, who is looking much the worse for wear.

New Initiative:
Boomers: 20
Feiran: 19
Adinal: 19
Cagthail: 17
Runehounds: 16
Illira: 14
Animal Control Squad: 14


Illira and Cagthail:
Moving up to attack, you dart to the either side of one of the boomers on the captain, with Illira farther back than Cagthail. Cagthail strikes first, cutting into the boomer's "chest" and causing it to rear back - Illira's jovar, arriving a moment later, bisects the creature horizontally, and the main bulk of it collapses to the ground. Like a tentacle withdrawing, the rest of it vanishes into the ether. Illira can track it only slightly longer than Cagthail.

Following through with the attack, Illira and Cagthail dodge to the side, swinging over the animal control captain's head and into the final boomer attempting to finish him off. The damage is slightly less dramatic, and not quite as fatal, but still severe. The wounded boomer, enraged, splatters you with its blood as it drops the captain and lunges at Illira.

The captain, released from the creatures' deadly grip, slumps to the ground, blood pooling from a series of shallow but broad gashes on his arms and legs where the boomers seized him.

(I combined your turns. Cagthail almost killed one with two hits and 23 damage, and Illira mauled one with a critical hit for 34 damage and a cleave off of it for 15. Between the two of you, that's one dead boomer, and one that's hurtin'.)

Hurling a javelin at one of the entangled boomers, you are rewarded with a satisfying hit and a dribble of purplish blood.

(Narine deals 4 damage.)

Struggling against their nets, the boomers are hauled away from the squad leader by pairs of animal control officers working together. Their strugles threaten to burst the reinforced nets, but all three netted boomers remain bound for now. The remaining ones snap at the officers, Cagthail, and Illira, hoping to take advantage of your advancement into their midst to throw you off-guard.

One of them comes very near to hitting Cagthail, and he is forced to dodge abruptly or suffer a severe bite, straining muscles as he does so. Illira also finds herself on the receiving end of a whiplash bite from a boomer, but it passes neatly through her arm without doing any obvious damage.

(Cagthail, you take 6 damage.)

OOC - That should be everybody. Correct me if I'm wrong. I've finally finished my finals (erm) and gotten properly graduated, so I should be back to posting regularly. Not that I've done that all semester, mind you.

New Initiative:
Boomers: 20
Feiran: 19
Adinal: 19
Cagthail: 17

Runehounds: 16
Illira: 14
Animal Control Squad: 14


First Post
HP 18/56, RP 18/56, AC 25, Fort 10, Ref 13, Will 5.

Cagthail enters a more defensive form as his wounds start getting to him, but he still tries to press the attack against the boomers.

DM: [sblock]Attacks: 14 / natural 1 / 9. 3 rolls under 5, :( I guess that's 3 misses, so no damage rolled. Combat Expertise for +5 to AC. Parry 36 against the one who hit me last round.

So, 3 netted and one wounded boomer, are there any more?[/sblock]

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