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Planes to Shape, Secrets to Keep... (Dromus)

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Mad Hatter

First Post
HP-32/47; Stabilization pts= 60/225; Fort=5, Ref=5, Will=8

Gazing down at Ilmordan, Feiran wishes that she was a little better at preserving life instead of bringing spectacular death and destruction.

No ego there at all

So Feiran, stares trying to see if Ilmordan possesses any signs of life such as breathing.

Through the mindlink Feiran says: Ilmordan is currently lying at my feet but I can't tell if he lives or has gone to the gods. Can anyone come to me and help me?

DM-[sblock]Can I try a perception check or something? Maybe at a higher DC to tell if he has some kind of spark? Also is everything relatively quiet around me since the Antimagic Field is still going?[/sblock]


First Post
Illira 48/59 hp, AC 25, Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +7

Illira is just getting warmed as she swings her otherwordly sword at the Boomers. She attacks a wounded Boomer first, if there are any next to her.

DM: [sblock]Again the online roller seems not to work, so keep rolling for me, Kelleris! Using 2 BAB Power Attack, First attack +11, second +6. Damage 2d6+11 each, 15-20 crit. Cleave, if possible. Spells in effect: Shield, See Invisible, Displacement.[/sblock]


(OOC - My, that was effective. :) I can't get the die roller to work properly either, so for this post I've "cheated" and used my hard-copy dice.)

[sblock] Gazing down at the badly burnt individual before you, you think you detect very shallow breathing. But you may be hallucinating. If he's not dead, he probably'll wish he was if he ever wakes up. You nudge him with your foot, hoping for a groan, or something, but no dice.[/sblock]

Lashing out wildly, your form breaks for a moment, pulling you out of line and preventing you from inflicting anything more than a few ineffectual scrapes on the boomers. As their nets bulge under the strain, you hastily bring both of your weapons up into an impenetrable guard. (No, seriously, that parry score is disturbing. :uhoh: )

Sensing the imminent demise of the boomers, the bizarre hounds distend their jaws in a grotesque parody of a panting hound.

Attempting to hack into the wounded boomer, your eyes are deceived not by the creatures' strange blurring effect but by their sinuous, whip-like speed. Both of your powerful strokes meet only air.

Animal Control Squad:
The squad is still fighting a losing battle to keep the three netted boomers away from the fighters. As they do so, two of them slip in the partly-dried muck of the street, loosing their trailing rope and causing their partners to be pulled off their feet.

In an odd reversal of fortunes, your hurled javelin striks true, digging into the hide of the wounded boomer and slowing its pressing assault on Cagthail and Illira. The wound is minor, but every little bit helps. (5 damage!)

Even after your attacks, nearly a dozen boomers remain. But, suddenly, most of them disappear into the air itself with an audible slurping sound, pulled back like tentacles through space. Only four remain: the netted creatures and the blood-frenzied wounded specimen.

The wounded boomer snaps at Illira with an oddly petulant air, as though simultaneously frenzied with bloodlust and mildly annoyed at its swiftly-arriving death. Its teeth close around her arm, tearing through clothing and scoring skin before pulling away. (12 damage)

The remaining three boomers continue to struggle against their bonds. With a loud series of snapping sounds, one rends its net, casting aside the animal control squad members attempting to rein it in. The other two continue to lash and flail with redoubled fury.

New Initiative:
Boomers: 20
Feiran: 19
Adinal: 19
Cagthail: 17

Runehounds: 16
Illira: 14
Animal Control Squad: 14

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Wanting to avoid exhausing herself if she has to run, Narine opts to keep hurling javelins at the boomers. The sudden disappearance of many has her worried again about her strange vision and the sticky spot on her forehead.*


First Post
HP 18/56, RP 18/56, AC 22, Fort 10, Ref 13, Will 5.

Cagthail relaxes his defenses a bit again, now that there are fewer enemies to worry about, and strikes, first against the wounded one and then against one that is still stuck in a net (if the first one goes down).

Over the mindlink he replies, "kinda occupied over here, think you can hold him if he comes to? Some answers from that one would be nice, but we don't need him coming at us in full strength again."

DM: [sblock]Attacks: 23, 9 hp / 31 (crit against 20), 13 hp (21 hp) / 19, 4 hp. Combat Expertise for +2 to AC. Parry 37 against the boomer who broke free.

I used Invisible Castle die roller this time, helped my luck it seems ;). If you need to nerf parrying, just let me know.[/sblock]


First Post
Illira 36/59 hp, AC 25, Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +7

Illira gasps as she feels the pain caused by the frenzied boomer's bite. Irritated, the girl turns her attention wholly on the same boomer, that just wounded her.

DM: [sblock]Attack the wounded boomer. +13/+7 to hit, 2d6+7 damage, 15-20 crit. Cleave, if possible. Assign Dodge vs. the first enemy, that attacks her. +2 to the attack rolls, if flanking is possible.[/sblock]


(OOC: Going to give those two a bit longer to reply, then I'll move on.)

Feeling as relaxed as you ever do in a life-or death combat, you maintain a strong guard and finish off the wounded boomer before snapping your main-gauche across the jawline of the freed boomer, causing blood to drip down into its two-inch fangs.

[sblock] Nah, it's okay for now. You aren't any better defended than Illira, with her shield and displacement spells. This does have to be the slipperiest front line I've ever run, though. :) [/sblock]

Mad Hatter

First Post
Through the mindlink Feiran says: Yes, I can take the almost dead man. I just didn't know if he was alive or not and I still don't beyond a shado of a doubt if he is. Do any of you need any help?

DM-[sblock]Know (arcana): 18

Know (planes): 19[/sblock]


[sblock] You need to tell me what rolls are for. Just because I talked to you about it in person doesn't mean I remember. :D [/sblock]

Watching the last of the boomers fall, the runehounds begin to disappear, one by one, slipping through outside spaces to better vantage points. (Perceptions checks please.)

Even wounded you have no real trouble dismantling the boomer wounded by Cagthail earlier, living little more than twitching musculature behind. Sweeping your blade around, you try to finish off another one of the monsters, but miss by less than the width of your blade. (Two hits for 28 total damage, missed by 1 on the cleave.)

Animal Control Squad:
Cowed by the escaping boomers, the animal control squad members retreat, carrying their fallen comrades. Some begin to fumble for light crossbows stored at their belts.

Lobbing another javelin, you are aggravated to find it slipping through space apparently filled by the boomer you aimed at, and missing entirely. The weapon lands with a splat in a puddle beyond the melee.

With the retreat of the animal control squad - who evidently are all too happy to let you handle the problem - the last two boomers have no trouble wriggling free of their bonds, snapping the woven strands. They move to snap at Cagthail, sensing somehow that he is the weakest of their foes, and ineffectually flank the quick-footed dualist.

And now a second Perception check for everyone...

This initiative chart's getting a bit repetitive, isn't it? -

New Initiative:
Boomers: 20
Feiran: 19
Adinal: 19
Cagthail: 17

Runehounds: 16
Illira: 14
Animal Control Squad: 14

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