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Planes to Shape, Secrets to Keep... (Dromus)


Everyone knows how to reach the portals of Khorvaire and get to one of the other six planes from there thanks to Adinal's directions. Or, you know what direction it is (behind and somewhat to Cagthail and Illira's right) - actually getting there in a confusing place like this may be more of a problem.

EDIT - And this is my thousandth post! Woo-hoo for me!
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Illira 28/59 hp, AC 25, Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +7

Illira nods to Cagthail as he suggests they should leave and follows him. She is worried about the amulet and the fact, that noone responded the last time, when she asked who had it.

Mad Hatter

First Post
Through the mindlink: Beofre we scatter like sheep, three things should be considered. First, there are some essential items that will more than likely help our quest that I left at my room. Two, we need to question Ilmordan. I think our best course of action is not to leave immediately. This day has been long and rest is needed. Adinal might have a quiet, secluded place for us to rest. Lastly, there are runehounds that I believe were brought here by Ilmordan.

Feiran also orders Terak to her side.


First Post
Cagthail starts moving forward. (Or to his right, whatever will have him following the block but away from the guard-noices.) While jogging, he talks over the mindlink:

"We have been found twice already, so I doubt a night in the city will leave us much rest. The hounds were here but disapeared when we defeated the others. They might come back I guess, but we'll deal with them if they do."

"Ilmordan... Did you get a look under his hood yet? The guards might not make so thorough a search so if we can just get to some safe place a few blocks away we might be able to pause there to question him, even an alley might do. Anyone know of a place close by?"

"We must get away from here before the guards come in any case. Feiran, if you can move with him, folllow the block to the right(?) from the ship and we'll meet up where it ends. Otherwise we'll double around and come to where you are."


{Everyone trying to kill you is dead, for the time being, so don't worry about initiative anymore.}

[sblock]The goopy spot on your forehead is still there, and still refuses to rub off even a bit.[/sblock]

[sblock]Given what you know of the amulet, you are reasonably sure that you could locate it with a detect magic spell, at least as long as your invisibility-piercing sight remains. The phenomena described by Adinal in your first encounter are quite striking from the right perspective, after all.[/sblock]

[sblock] You reach down to attempt to pull off Ilmordan's hood, but to no avail. Your hand passes through it as though it were a tattered mist, though you can feel the solidness of clammy flesh underneath. Your investigations are interrupted by a wash of people from the Sheets, crowding out into the street and shouting. If you have any interest in getting away, now's the time.[/sblock]

The rain from earlier has all but stopped, leaving the city humid and soggy-looking. While it's nice to be out of the rain, you can no longer count on its concealment. From the sound of things, the guards are on the other side of the street for now, along with a large crowd the Sheets' patrons. Other than traces of slime left by the vanished boomer corpses, you are alone in the street, though undoubtedly eyes watch from the windows after all this noise and battle.

Cagthail (and anyone following him):
[sblock] As you move down the street, past buildings somewhere on the border between ramshackle and merely old, you notice a variety of places you could potentially hide - buildings are crowded and close together, and there's a fair amount of debris in the alleys. Did you have something specific in mind? [/sblock]

The layout of the streets is a bit confusing, but, from what he's seen, Cagthail is pretty sure that he'll be able to catch up with Feiran somewhere down the line, as long as you remain in telepathic contact.
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First Post
Breathing heavily, Adinal follows Cagthail while speaking over the mindlink, "Cagthail is right. I cannot be certain of our safety in Dromus any longer. I advise that we try to take Ilmordan with us quietly. If we are found carrying a body there's little my speeches will be able to accomplish. If we can get anything out of the wretch I shall be quite pleased. If he dies on us...I suppose I shall be quite pleased as well. Quicky, let us proceed."

DM: [sblock]Retroactively using the rounds you skipped me over as rounds in which I used Correspond to contact Mathilde. She will meet us at Khorvaire Square whenever we get there. PP total at 23. Ouch.[/sblock]

OOC: Sorry about that interminable wait folks. I'm horrible when it comes to punctuality. Kelleris just bugged me enough to make me post again. Hopefully he'll be a regular influence on me or I might vanish again (though I hope that won't happen).


Ducking into an alleyway just as the guards start to trickle over into your side of the Sheets, your small party takes cover. One of you peeks around the corner to observe the events as they unfold. Fortunately, it seems that a minimum of people were hurt or killed, and the bewildered animal control squad has either lost track of you in your haste to get out of the area, or are deliberately not pointing the guards in your direction.

The watchmen swarm over the area for almost half an hour, and eventually leave, leaving four of their members behind to collect evidence and testimony, and watch for the culprits. Feiran still has not showed up with her captive mageling, but it does seem relatively safe to move on now.

What now?

[sblock]Hey! I need an escape plan, missy! [/sblock]

[sblock]The four guards seem involved in their business, but you notice that they still remain alert, and are dispersed enough to cover much of the area watchfully. You should still have little trouble getting away, as long as you are careful. [/sblock]

[sblock]Mathilde replies with a simple "Yes dear!", tinged with concern and happiness at hearing your (mental) voice again. [/sblock]

[sblock] You feel a prickling in the flesh of your wrist and hands, as though scaled and prickly hands were clasping your own. The feeling intensifies whenever you think of the wandering amulet, to an almost painful level. [/sblock]


First Post
Illira looks at those she can see and speaks through the mindlink, Who has the amulet? How come noone else is worried about it?

DM:[sblock] Illira casts also Detect Magic and scans every party member in range.[/sblock]


[sblock] Spellcraft 23.

You pass your hands over your eyes, attuning them in the moment of darkness to the skein of magical threads around you. With your doubly-enhanced sight, you scan the area. There are a few blotches of color here and there in the air, marking the presence of some swirl of planar energy, and you note the usual diffused glow of magical equipment on your companions. But you will need to look deeper to discern the true flows of magic in the area. [/sblock]

Illira casts a spell, briefly, a simple cantrip. The sorceress focuses, with a discernable effort of will, and her eyes go out of focus, blurring into pools of color that do not betray the direction of her gaze.

[sblock] Now you are gazing at the startling complexity of the ley lines in the area, looking for a pattern. You have no substantial training in the minutiae of planar geometry, but the swirls of color, moving in discordant harmony, seem to be clustering around your group. The amulet definitely remains on one of you... Not Adinal. Cagthail or Narine. [/sblock]

[sblock] Illira just cast the detect magic spell, and is focusing on something in particular, though you cannot tell what. [/sblock]


First Post
Feeling more awkward with speaking through the mind when the others are standing just next to him, Cagthail speaks in a soft voice instead. "I don't know what happened to the amulet. I'd guess Feiran or Narine has it, from how Ilmordan kept looking straight through the wall at them when first he found us."

Thinking of the two cases briefly, Cagthail shows some concern when continuing, "Feiran is alone with him now, but she seems to be in control. And..." Cagthail cuts himself short and throws a considering glance at Narine before looking to Adinal questioningly and then back to Narine again to warily ask, "do you have it?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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