• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Planes to Shape, Secrets to Keep... (Dromus)


[sblock] How do you plan to get away from the guards? Yeah, I know, I already asked. But reminders are good, and I don't want to make it too obvious who has the amulet. [/sblock]

[sblock]You've been too distracted to tell whether you have the amulet or not. That would require a quick pocket search. [/sblock]

[sblock] If you like, you may make a Perception check to scan Narine (or whoever) for signs of the amulet, but it'll be obvious that you're looking them over carefully. [/sblock]

[sblock] You're having a hard time tracking what's going on around you, trying to visually sort through the tangle of magical conduits. Just FYI, you have a Perception check penalty when using detect magic in this way. [/sblock]

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Mad Hatter

First Post
When Terak gets to Feiran, she begins to heave Ilmordan onto his back. After he is in place, Feiran then hops onto Terak as well.

Through the mindlink:"Cagthail, direct me to where you are! I've got Ilmordan, and it is possible that the guard will follow me."

Feiran takes off to the place where she last saw Cagthail and awaits for further directions. She also calls Grax to her.

DM-[sblock]Feiran activates forced sense link on the one runehound she identified. Since it has no eyes, she'll use whatever it uses in place of sight. What can she tell? [/sblock]


First Post
A few moments pass, and Illira is still concentrating on her spell.

DM: [sblock]Please make a perception check for me to try to locate the amulet.[/sblock]


[sblock] You slip on the viewing goggles while attempting to find the psychic waveform that would allow you to tap into the hound's senses, but are unable to do so before the device's energy runs out and the goggles show only incomprehensible gibberish. [/sblock]

[sblock] [OOC: Perception for normal things, Spellcraft to find the amulet using detect magic.]

Resolutely focusing on the magical filaments you can see, you try to simultaneously trace them individually and hold the bigger picture in mind to sort through. It takes you a while, but you're pretty sure Narine has it on her person. [/sblock]

[sblock] You don't find anything new or suspicious in your pockets, but something is still bothering you. It's a feeling similar to being watched, very hard to pin down unless you concentrate, that you have been getting from the amulet all along. You still have that feeling, so you should still be carrying the amulet, even though your pockets are bare. [/sblock]

Isida Kep'Tukari

Narine has a sudden thought, and rubs her forehead where the sticky spot was. Oh dear, did it go traveling? Or am I overthinking this? she thinks frantically. Hurridly she calls Dros over and searches through her things, wondering if she absentmindedly put it in there, though she can't help but think that maybe her experience in the bar may have opened a doorway she didn't exactly close...


First Post
Cagthail looks with tense interest at Narine searching through her things as he does his best to mentally direct Feiran to where they are.

Perception 28, looking for the amulet.


[sblock] You haul Ilmordan onto Terak's back, but you don't have time to secure his body before the guards begin to notice that there is a person, with an armored tiger, trying to escape the scene before she can be questioned. As a result, you barely have time to flee down the street and into an alleyway before the guards manage to push through the crowd of confused former tavern patrons. Ilmordan gets a good jouncing in the process - you hope you haven't damaged anything else.

Following Cagthail's instructions, you are able to reach the small group, currently huddled in an alleyway patting themselves down in search of something. [/sblock]

Everyone Else:
[sblock] You see Feiran, with her tiger carrying Ilmordan on his back, approach you. She seems a bit flustered, and from the sound of things has just narrowly avoided the guards on the other side of the street. They are no doubt now trying to figure out how she eluded them. [/sblock]

You call Dros over to you to, noticing for the first time how battered he looks. His right eye is puckered out in a nasty purpling swelling, his muscular arms scratched and battered from the tumble of the mob, and his clothes show the slime and tears of someone scrambling through close alleys to keep up. He breathes heavily and coughes as he holds your bag out to you for inspection.

You root through your bag hurriedly, jumbling the contents up in your search, but can't find anything out of the ordinary.

[sblock] Looking Narine over carefully, you do not note anything out of the ordinary until she bends over to sort through her manservant's gear. Then, something seems out of place. After a few moments' consideration you realize what it is - a drab, flat-grey comb perched high in her mane of dark blonde hair, studded with gems that might be beautiful if they weren't the dull color of used wash water. The ornate (after a manner of speaking) comb is covered in the same eye-confusing tracery you recall from your brief earlier glimpses of the amulet. [/sblock]

[sblock] As Narine bends over to inspect her luggage, Cagthail continues his visual survey of her person. You notice his eyes catch on something in her hair (it's hard to make out what with your current distorted senses), and all the pieces suddenly click together in your head - this object is definitely the amulet. [/sblock]


First Post
Illira's eyes seems to be fixed on Narine for some time, until her concentrated experession turns to surprise. In her surprise she forgets to use the mindlink and speaks out loud. "I found it. Narine has it. It's in her ...hair?"


First Post
"Yes, seems it's changed into a comb..."

Hearing the sound of more guards approaching, Cagthail cuts off his thoughts about that and instead continues, "but no time for that now. I hope this alley has another exit, for I believe we must follow it if we are to avoid the guards."

He looks around at his companions for other suggestions while waiting for Feiran to come the last way to them, but will set off if no one speaks up before then.

Voidrunner's Codex

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