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Planes to Shape, Secrets to Keep... (Dromus)

Mad Hatter

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Through the mindlink: Perhaps she could come with those of use who are going back to my room? If that's what we agree too? She might know shortcuts and she'll have to know where and what we should avoid. We might as well use all the comodities we can. She'll do as wellas any other.

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Cagthail replies over the mindlink, I think I'd better stay with the artifact and our prisoner, it seems more likely that I'll be needed near them than I'll be just fetching some items.

Ask Kyra to take you if you think that will make it quicker,
he agrees to her last point.


After Feiran agrees to a fee for her sevices, Kyra agrees to alleviate the hopelessly-lost condition of the technologist as she returns to her lodgings to collect her gear and monkey. The rest of you, trusting to Adinal's slightly stunned but knowledgeable guidance, set out for your destination - Kelluna, and the Mad Proxy you hope can tell you something worth learning about your recent acquisition.

Feiran - [sblock] Kyra shows you to your room, taking a shortcut via teleportation circle so you can get to Khorvaire at roughly the same time the others do. All told, it costs 270 gold to retrieve your gear, so edit your character sheet accordingly. [/sblock]

Everyone Else - [sblock] You wend your way through Dromus, navigating by the enormous, magically-lit iron obelisks that mark important (or once-important) areas. The entire time you are careful to keep moving, and to keep to quiet and unassuming side streets. You stop only to eat, cheap morsels from run-down food stalls. The alleys and jumbles of buildings blend together after a while, into an undifferentiated mass of streets no wider than two of you abreast. The upshot is that, shortly after daybreak the next morning, tired and entirely too familiar with the Droman gutters, Adinal leads you up a final street and to your destination. A sudden din of commerce and chatter fills the air as you arrive. [/sblock]

The back alley you are standing in drops off about 10 feet amidst shattered paving stones into the basin of Khorvaire's Square below you, giving you an excellent vantage point from which to survey your objective. The dominant features of the Square are the six portals, each one permanently linking Dromus to one of its mother planes. The fantastic arches are easily thirty feet high and fifty across at the base, with a constant stream of traffic passing both ways. The Kellunan arch is easy to pick out, made of a shining golden metal inlaid with snippets of religious dogma written in a hundred different languages, inlaid into the golden metal in a rich silver-colored metal. The words (those you can understand) exhort pilgrim and merchant alike to obey the will of scores of different proxies, each apparently with radically different beliefs. The surface of the gate is like an undulating wave of green-tinged silver, revealing to the eye snippets of vision from the separate world on the other side. They are many hundreds of feet away from you, but the cluster of magical gates dominates your field of view nevertheless, raised as it is on an enormous dais fifty feet off ground level.

Spread out directly below you is a sight at once familiar and strange. Familiar, because every one of you, with the exception of Adinal, came into the city by this route, and strange because everything is so jumbled up from before that you can no longer even mark with your eye the route you originally took past the brightly-colored merchant's stalls, glowering customs agents, and a sea of people going about their business. Most merchants don't see more of the city than this great bazaar of a marketplace, where rich jewel merchants are crammed chaotically together with shady moneylenders and sweetmeat hawkers and peddles of all other sorts and means. There are literally thousands upon thousands of people jostling for space, attention, or movement in this panoply of mercantilism.

The market takes up much of the Square's ground space, but you also note amidst the hubbub the Grand Orrery, the intricate clockwork-and-magic construct that displays the flow of the planes and the ways of magic in and around the city. A smaller plaza surrounds the device, well-guarded and quieter than the rest of the area, forming an isle of relative tranquility in a sea of bright cloth stalls. Robed mages and scribes study the enormous metallic-bronze orb, gleaning what knowledge they can from its intricate arrangement of bars, pins, and planar symbols.

Focusing more on the Kellunan gate, your ultimate destination, a sense of the difficulty of getting through it arises. Though Kelluna is not as aggressively hostile as the other planes – you aren’t likely to freeze to death as you would in Caeldwyste or contract one of Yesheveran’s many infamous diseases – it is still watched over by several dozen alert guards who carefully vet all travelers, coming or going, to ensure fair (well-taxed) trade. They seem relaxed, at least, not expecting trouble, and certainly not looking for a group of dangerous adventurers. More alarmingly, there are three concentric circles of mosaic runes laid into the tile, radiating out from the base of the portal archway. It's too distant to discern their effects exactly, but sharp eyes discern the occasional meaningful glow flowing up from the large runes and surrounding certain portalgoers. These unfortunates are drawn aside to a sturdy stone building set up behind the six arches, at the base of the dais. Several minutes' observation does not detect any of those escorted into the building emerging from the structure.
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Adinal - [sblock] You can't see a single detail from this distance, and you've never studied the rune circles closely enough to analyze them (never had a real reason to before). But you are armed with a lot of rumors and hearsay regarding them.

Everyone (well...) knows that the inner circle of runes for all the portals detects magic, and flares up when exposed to magical items or spells above a certain level. Those so tagged are questioned, briefly, on the assumption that they are either skilled adventurers or very rich, and in either case worth watching. You don't know offhand what that level is, though, probably around Narine's best efforts if you had to hazard a guess. Panicky thieves also believe it detects poison and other "tools of the trade", but you don't know how acurate that rumor is. You remember hearing vaguely that the Kellunan portal is less touchy than many of the others in this respect, since visiting templars don't like to be hassled much.

The outer circle marks the oter boundary of a magic-dampening field that ensures no mages cause too much trouble at these vital arteries of trade. It's not antimagic, per se, but it makes casting spells loud, obvious, and difficult. You remember hearing a few years back about a cornered gutter mage named Riley whose panicked fireball did little more than tan the guards before they cut him down.

The middle one is the most mysterious, in that you have no idea what it really does. Rumors abound, you know? The official line is that detects and destroys interlopers from that other place, though no demonstrations have been on hand for many years now. Most everyone thinks it does something else, though, or at least something more. [/sblock]


First Post
Everyone: Read spoiler in #436 (last last post by Kelleris - God I'm a dumbass). Adinal relays this to you in whispers (Mindlink is down by now).

"Now I'm fairly sure that the artifact would be detected as soon as we pass through the third circle. There are a number of ways we could get it through the gate, although none of them are particularly appealing to me. We could simply run for it, although chances are we would be shot before we got thirty paces. We could ...'talk' to the artifact and ask it to hide its aura for a short while, but it is capricious and very nearly killed me when I last spoke directly to its mind. We could also attempt to pass it off as a more mundane magical item, however there is almost certainly going to be a trained Wizard on hand to perform closer examinations of suspicious items, and our little comb is sure to be marked as suspicious. There is a possibility that I could sham my way through the gate with the comb on my person however I would probably have to use my 'dandy fop' persona, which I would rather ...save for a merrier occasion."


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"Let's see if we can get anything out of this Ilmordan figure before we think on getting through there. Bringing him, in this state at least, will make it far harder to do anything."

Walking back to Ilmordan a few steps into the alley, Cagthail removes his cloak, both to get a good look at his face and to rid him of a probable magical item. After looking at his face, Cagthail searches through his cloak and the rest of his clothing for any items of interest.


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Illira leans closer to the others to whisper her thoughts. "Does anyone know someone, who could help us slip through? With what has been said it almost feels there's no hope of getting through with our 'luggage'," the girl sighs.

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