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Planes to Shape, Secrets to Keep... (Dromus)


First Post
HP 18/56, RP 18/56, AC 21, Fort 10, Ref 13, Will 5.

Cagthail takes a step to get both boomers in sight and attacks the one on his right while holding his main-gauche in defense against the other.

Over the mindlink he replies, "We can handle it. Get here if you can, but keep Ilmordan secure. Have the mob moved on?"

DM: [sblock]Perception rolls: 24 & 12. Attacks: 24, 11 hp; 17, 6 hp; 18, 6 hp. Parry 25. Combat expertise for +1 to AC.[/sblock]

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Isida Kep'Tukari

*Narina scowls and throws another javelin. As long as she was far enough away to not get hurt herself, but still cause mayhem amongst her enemies, it was a good enough plan for now.*

Mad Hatter

First Post
Through the mindlink: Lets just say, Cagthail, that the explosion pretty much solved my problems.

DM-[sblock] Those checks were to see if I could identify them and what they can do. Also, to find if there is any way to subdue them without bloody carnage, though I suspect I'm being naively hopeful;).
Perception check to spot stuff: 24.[/sblock]


Narine - Perception check?

Glancing about after sending your telepathic message to Cagthil, you spot a lone runehound sitting on the thatched roof of a nearby building, lying down and panting. You lock eyes with its jaws - it has no notceable visual organs - and become aware that it is somehow watching you. Your instincts as an animal handler kick in, and you stand there staring evenly at it in a calming posture. You observe the beast for a few quiet moments that seem to go on forever, and wonder what the hell this thing is.

[sblock] You stare at it, racking your brains, but the recent battle seems to have scattered your wits, and you can remember nothing. You know the name, runehound, that immediately came to you, and a few other things you have observed: this beast can teleport, it was summoned and so is something like an outsider, and it needs no eyes to track you, even at great range. Judging from its build alone, it would be a match for Terak, barring both your own devices and whatever alien magic the creature can draw upon. The green goo is produced in sufficient quantities that you fear it is some manner of poisonous bite or breath weapon, but you have no substantial knowledge to confirm or deny your guess.

You hear a sound nearby. Breaking your gaze, you see a small group of armored guardsmen with pikes advancing down the street at a double-time march. They have their eyes locked on the stunned mob of patrons spilling out from the Sheets, and don't seem to have assessed you as something other than a victim yet. [/sblock]

You cut into the boomer twice, drawing blood, but barely slowing it down. In fact, the thing seems rather to be moving faster than before. A lot faster - the second stroke of your attack sequence should have hit.

[sblock] Worse, you hear cries from somewhere nearby. The guard is evidently on its way, finally reacting to a very noisy battle that has dragged on for far too long already. They are shouting for civilians to remain inside and bar their doors, ut anything further is indistinct. [/sblock]

New Initiative:
Boomers: 20
Feiran: 19
Adinal: 19
Cagthail: 17
Runehounds: 16
Illira: 14
Animal Control Squad: 14


First Post
Illira 36/59 hp, AC 25, Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +7

Illira attacks the same Boomer as Cagthail. Why was it picking up speed? Better to finish it off quickly as there was no knowing what powers they yet possessed.

DM:[sblock]Attacks +13/+7 (+2 if flanking), damage 2d6+7. Cleave, if possible. Dodging the fast Boomer (AC 26). Perception check +0.[/sblock]


You bring your weapon down and cut into the boomer, once and twice, dropping it in short order despite its enhanced speed. (Two hits for 14 each, missed the cleave.)

[sblock] This effect is similar to a haste spell, but you haven't heard anyone casting, seen anyone who might toss a spell on a pair of soon-to-be-dead boomers. It doesn't seem like a natural ability either - the only thing the boomers are doing differently is moving faster, and you would expect something more from a natural frenzy ability. [/sblock]

Animal Control Squad:
From behind Illira and Cagthail the first few bolts dart toward the boomers, but have no appreciable effect.

Your javelin hits again, dealing a fair amount of damage to the last remaining boomer. (7 points.)

[sblock] As you draw your javelin, you hear cries from somewhere nearby. The city guard is evidently on its way, finally reacting to a very noisy battle that has dragged on for far too long already. They are shouting for civilians to remain inside and bar their doors, but anything further is indistinct. [/sblock]

With its increased speed, the boomer snaps out at Illira again. She fends off its jaws with her jovar, but is buffeted by the whiplash movements of its corded muscles and almost thrown off her feet. (8 damage.)

New Initiative:
Boomer: 20
Feiran: 19
Adinal: 19
Cagthail: 17

Runehounds: 16
Illira: 14
Animal Control Squad: 14

[OOC - Sorry about that, I was laboring under a pile of relatives all weekend, and they commandeered the computer room. On the plus side, I should be getting high-speed internet on my personal computer soon, and that should help the situation.]
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First Post
HP 18/56, RP 18/56, AC 13, Fort 10, Ref 13, Will 5.

"I hear them. Time to be off then," Cagthail sends over the mindlink as he abandons all his defenses to finish the last boomer off quickly.

After another series of attacks, he continues 'speaking', "who are the ones fighting on our side? We leave them behind?"

DM: [sblock]Finishing move, attacks: 31 (crit against 23), 17 hp (crit 22 hp); 29, 7 hp; 15, 6 hp. Parry 28 against last boomer. (I gave up dex and MW (tied to Expertise) bonuses to the parry roll. Fair enough?)[/sblock]


Without needing to waste time on defense, you carve up the last boomer with alacrity. You would swear that you saw an expression of surprise on the boomer, despite its apparent lack of a face. It drops to the ground in a heap, and the air around the fallen creatures boils and froths as they vanish. (All but the second hit, uhm, hit.)

[sblock] After putting the finishing touches on your foe, you pause for a moment to evaluate Narine's warning and your previous perceptions. Unfortunately, you can't clearly make out how far away they are (beyond close) and what direction (beyond somewhere behind you). [/sblock]
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Isida Kep'Tukari

"Delightful," Narine breathes as the last boomer goes down. I'm all for running, so kindly choose a direction, or I'm going to make one up as I go along... Narine broadcasts on the mental link.

Voidrunner's Codex

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