Now I am thinking about a second group of quom with a different strategy for her ressurection. They would be (psionic ) ardents, using psionic powers to heal and manipulate positive energy against undead, in the name of Lakal. This faith would work like the vestige pact magic. If there is a high number of believers among the no-quom, then she could return/resurrect.
My own version of the infinite staircase is being reimagined. It has been altered by the "spellplague" and now there are regions with wildlife. There are also raids of nathri, but not all are hostile. Some nathri are relatively peaceful farmers living in their "biomas", and some times selling magical fruits or drinks.
Other effect or phenomenon linked to the spellplague (at least teorically) is the Lady of the Pain created lots of "mazes" dungeon demiplanes to punish who offended her, but these "landed" or mergered with regions of the infinite staircase. And after these "zones" expanded creating like clone versions of the Gatetowns. Other curious point is lots of temples of "killed" god of portals Aoskar.
I miss the wood elemental monsters, but the wood elemental plane seemed a relatively boring place for planar adventurers. Then I imagine a different plane working in the beginning like a planar landfill/spillway. Remains of different pieces from the rest of multiverse arrived, and also lots of seeds. This allowed vegetal life, and later some animals, and in the end some colonies of sentient species, mainly wildens (4th Ed). This is a very interesting place to be investigated by botanists, but there are also risks, for example sentient fey version of yellow musk creepers (cute monster plant girl with an army of mind-controlled plantouched zombies).
This "planar gutter" also can hide "shards" of destroyed/erasured demiplanes. You never know when you could find a lost civilitation.