Planescape Planescape Pre-order Page Shows Off The Books!

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You can now pre-order Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse from D&D Beyond. The set comes out on October 17th.

Scroll down through the comments to see more various peeks at the books!

  • Discover 2 new backgrounds, the Gate Warden & the Planar Philosopher, to build planar characters in the D&D Beyond character builder
  • Channel 7 otherworldly feats, new intriguing magic spells & more powered by planar energies
  • Explore 12 new ascendant factions, each with distinct cosmic ideologies
  • Face over 50 unusual creatures including planar incarnates, hierarch modrons, and time dragons in the Encounter Builder
  • Journey across the Outlands in an adventure for characters levels 3-10 and 17
  • Adds adventure hooks, encounter tables, maps of Sigil and the Outlands & more to your game
This 3 books set comprises:
  • Sigil and the Outlands: a setting book full of planar character options with details on the fantastic City of Doors, descriptions of the Outlands, the gate-towns that lead to the Outer planes, and more
  • Turn of the Fortunes Wheel: an adventure set in Sigil and the Outlands designed for character levels 3-10 with a jump to level 17
  • Morte’s Planar Parade: Follow Morte as he presents over 50 inhabitants of the Outer Plane, including incarnates, hierarch modrons, time dragons, and more with their stats and descriptions


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Book-Friend, he/him
Assuming (and it is an assumption, although I expect it) that all the various groups do have all their traditional members get stat blocks, that's 9 - 10 for hierarch modrons, 3 for demodands, and 6 - 7 each for archons and guardinals. That's half the stat blocks there.

Granted, that still leaves room for all the other creatures we've seen, but not much room for anything beyond that. And, honestly, I'd be fine with this, as I do want to see everything in the above paragraph updated. It would just be a bit surprising considering previous bestiaries to have only a few groups monopolize such a high percentage of the stat blocks.
Well, this is the first prodict where meeting a whole bunch of Celstials wouldn’t be weird: Fiends have had way better coverage, because who doesn't like killing Demons and taking their stuff. So this may be the big batch of Celestials across the board.


Book-Friend, he/him
Despite my general like for Van Richten's (sans Mordenheim), this almost sounds like an apology for it not cleaving closely to the 2E Domains of Dread, and possibly going back to make it closer. Despite a 4.8 of 5 review on Amazon, it's selling at $16.50 - which has got to be a loss.

Or, maybe I'm being overly cynical these days.
That's Amazon's price, WotC selling at a profit is slightly less than that, probsvly. Most of the MSRP goes to the retailer.


Getting a hang of this!
It's also probable we will have stat blocks for various factions' most typical guards or members, too.
So yeah, I am not expecting more than maybe 2-3 Archons and Guardinals. Most likely other than the Warden we will get the Lantern and Hound Archons.

Well, based on that interview, they plan to basically continue in 2024 with all these settings. Given that apparently there will be around 500 monsters in the new Monster Manual, there is plenty of space for new creatures like those.
And I really hope the whole "weaker/stronger versions of monsters for every CR level" maybe results in us finally getting all three types of Devas as opposed to just one.

They showed a page of the adventure at GenCon, and you can see a bunch of colorful orange and green Horses running under the walking castle. I am guessing those have to be the Nic'Epona since the 2E ones had those colors too. Plus they are a creature innately suited to be used for planar travel and they live on the Outlands.
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Tell me about it -still annoyed that between the Monster Manual and Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, we have gotten all the Yugoloths updated to 5E (even the Oinoloth now became a generic member of the race as opposed to a unique being), but we still do not have art or stat block for the Piscoloths. It's lucky that Pathfinder did get a "Venom Daemon" miniature produced so we do have the Piscoloth in some form as a mini, at least.
Well there we go!! I'm sure that's what those are, then! Thank you, I had somehow missed that!

BB Shockwave

Nic'epona makes me think about My Little Pony going as far back as 2e, as they actually are a bunch of horses that are all different colours.
Now if the bestiary would also mention them having magical symbols on their flanks that predict what occupation they will have in life, it will be perfect. :p
Despite my general like for Van Richten's (sans Mordenheim), this almost sounds like an apology for it not cleaving closely to the 2E Domains of Dread, and possibly going back to make it closer. Despite a 4.8 of 5 review on Amazon, it's selling at $16.50 - which has got to be a loss.

Or, maybe I'm being overly cynical these days.
There is a LOT to fix with Ravenloft. I am mostly annoyed how many classic 2E monsters from that setting they left out. They also really did not go into enough detail with the various Domains of Dread. And the gender changes of Darklords were baffling in a setting that already had multiple female Darklords, many of whom the 5E book simply seem to have forgotten.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Now if the bestiary would also mention them having magical symbols on their flanks that predict what occupation they will have in life, it will be perfect. :p

There is a LOT to fix with Ravenloft. I am mostly annoyed how many classic 2E monsters from that setting they left out. They also really did not go into enough detail with the various Domains of Dread. And the gender changes of Darklords were baffling in a setting that already had multiple female Darklords, many of whom the 5E book simply seem to have forgotten.
Fortunately DMsGuild fixed these problems (all of them).


Ummm... what do you mean? Also what is a DMsGuild? Checking online it only shows up as a webstore selling RPG books.
I assume they think of things like these


BB Shockwave

I assume they think of things like these

Oh I guessed they mean third party stuff, sure. I am the same way with those as I am in my other hobby (Transfomers) in that I only collect officially released stuff. I know it is totally different with D&D because these companies release these books with WotC's approval (while with Transformers, it is all very much illegal copyright infringement) - but from the few of these third party releases I have read (I checked the Darklords book once) I wasn't really impressed. Especially by the art. Kobold Press though, they do have some pretty nice art, but their homebrew monsters are often pretty weird and out there even by D&D standards.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Oh I guessed they mean third party stuff, sure. I am the same way with those as I am in my other hobby (Transfomers) in that I only collect officially released stuff. I know it is totally different with D&D because these companies release these books with WotC's approval (while with Transformers, it is all very much illegal copyright infringement) - but from the few of these third party releases I have read (I checked the Darklords book once) I wasn't really impressed. Especially by the art. Kobold Press though, they do have some pretty nice art, but their homebrew monsters are often pretty weird and out there even by D&D standards.
Well, to each their own, but 3pp is where all the many, many things WotC won't publish exist. I have always been a strong proponent of 3pp and very much disagree that it should be valued lower than WotC, who have done nothing to earn their special status beyond owning an IP. Certainly there is nothing inherently superior to either their design work or their writing.

And I don't really care about art. Never have. I care about what the book has to say, not what it looks like.

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