• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Planescape Planescape Pre-order Page Shows Off The Books!

Take a look at the books, poster map, and DM screen!

You can now pre-order Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse from D&D Beyond. The set comes out on October 17th.

Scroll down through the comments to see more various peeks at the books!

  • Discover 2 new backgrounds, the Gate Warden & the Planar Philosopher, to build planar characters in the D&D Beyond character builder
  • Channel 7 otherworldly feats, new intriguing magic spells & more powered by planar energies
  • Explore 12 new ascendant factions, each with distinct cosmic ideologies
  • Face over 50 unusual creatures including planar incarnates, hierarch modrons, and time dragons in the Encounter Builder
  • Journey across the Outlands in an adventure for characters levels 3-10 and 17
  • Adds adventure hooks, encounter tables, maps of Sigil and the Outlands & more to your game
This 3 books set comprises:
  • Sigil and the Outlands: a setting book full of planar character options with details on the fantastic City of Doors, descriptions of the Outlands, the gate-towns that lead to the Outer planes, and more
  • Turn of the Fortunes Wheel: an adventure set in Sigil and the Outlands designed for character levels 3-10 with a jump to level 17
  • Morte’s Planar Parade: Follow Morte as he presents over 50 inhabitants of the Outer Plane, including incarnates, hierarch modrons, time dragons, and more with their stats and descriptions


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The more I think about it, the less I'm worried about needing room for celestials. Even if they add in the 6 or 7 archons and 5 guardinals along with 9 or 10 modrons and 3 demodands, that's still not quite half the 50+ monsters in the book, which still gives room for a good variety of other creatures. And even then, if the celestials are completely skipped, I'm still very happy to get the hierarch modrons and demodands. And there's always room for an appendix on D&D Beyond like there was for Spelljammer creatures that didn't make the cut.
Both Spelljammer and Dragonlance got Compendium's so I agree we should see one for Planescape.

Nerd Immersions take. I'm kind of with him on not trusting the current development team with classic settings, they are too much style over substance or at he put it presentation over content.

Like WotC calls 2 BACKGROUNDS not subclasses but backgrounds & 7 feats a plethora of player options?

So already Planescape is a failure in terms of player options, unless there is a ton of spells, hopefully the dm section is less embarrassing.

No Bladelings, no Glitchlings, no playable Barbiur (like seriously people mix Centaur features with Satyr features, and make them Celestials instead of Fey, its not that hard). No alternate versions of Genasi, Aasimar, Tieflings (will planetouched even be acknowledged?), plethora my halo. WotC should be fined for false advertizing.

Were likely to get more player content in the Book of Many Things!

So far MOST of the art is impressive, except the piece that is just the Lady of Pain with mountains behind her, that is dull. The dmscreen is gorgeous, the double sided map is even better, BUT wtf is not cloth given the absurdly high cost of this product, paper maps will not survive long term.

I'm hoping we get some really good celestials, its the creature type in most need of some love.

Okay for creatures types Modron Hierachs (9?), Demodands (3), Barbaurs (probably celestial, could end up fey), what that weird snot monster covered in eye balls is, Planar Incarnates not sure how many of those there are (hopefully 1 slot for Major Incarnate and 1 for minor), Time Dragons (cool, but that's 5 slots at least for different age groups), that is already 19 stats out of 50.

What is needed:

Guardinals (3 to 5 of these)
A replacement CG celestial race for places like Aboria now that Eladrin are Fey. I like the idea of Muses, or Erotes, or Onieroi. The elf with snake bottom half ones I guess.
Archons (I suspect only 3 to 5 of these, I hope Thrones are among them)
Hollyphant reprint?


The three types of Demodand

A type of Slaad that actually CN instead of CE (4e was right, the is nothing neutral about Slaads, they are always depicted doing horrible things to people, they are aweful embodiments of CN)

ASTRAL Dragons
Chaos Dragons

Nymphs (4 types) or just 1 Aborean Nymph
Dabu (yes I would make them Fey)
Rilmani (3 types).




My hunch is they're playing the ball where Faction War dropped it. Here's the original 15 and what befell them, plus the new one we know about (The Fixers), and some conjecture...

1. Athar
2. Believers of the Source & Sign of One = combined to form The Mind's Eye
3. Bleak Cabal
Doomguard - were wiped out in the fighting, and only small numbers remain in remote citadels
4. Dustmen - nobody knows who Factol Skall is... could this lich be tied to Vecna?
5. Fated - seems to be confirmed in Keys from the Golden Vault
6. Fraternity of Order
Free League - may or may not be considered an official faction
7. Harmonium
Mercykillers - were wiped out in the fighting and fractured into smaller groups: Sodkillers & Sons of Mercy
8. Revolutionary League - may or may not be considered an official faction, since Faction War makes them sound pretty unsure of what they're doing in its wake; might be replaced with another new faction?
9. Society of Sensation
10. Transcendent Order - we saw a picture of "Guildmaster" Rhys & the faction symbol in TCoE
11. Xaositects
12. The Fixers - new from Keys from the Golden Vault

In Faction War, the Bleak Cabal, the Dustmen, the Free League, the Society of Sensation, the Transcendent Order, and the Xaositects all disbanded. HOWEVER, we saw art promo for Planescape 5e that depicted Society of Sensation symbol & NPC who resembles Bleak Cabal, and we saw Transcendent Order symbol in TCoE.

Those Incantiers faction of magic eating Wizards (likely expanded to all arcane casters) is back.

You could definitely do worse than that selection, though it'd be a pity to lose both the Doomguard and the Mercykillers, they're a lot more interesting than the Fraternity of Order.

Also I wonder what "ascendant factions" means, whether it's just a turn of phrase meant they're currently doing well, or if there's more to it. Presumably lesser factions will still exist just not have much in the way of detail.

EDIT - Christ now thanks to the DiTerlizzi covers I need to work out how to buy my first non-digital books of 5th edition (I have a PHB/DMG/MM but they're long-term borrowed) from an FLGS, I'll have to see if Leisure Games can preorder me some.

Ascendant could simply be the factions that survived the faction war to return to the city, or they could gave achieved some spiritual power?

Unknown what it will contain.
Never really had an interest in the Beadle and Grimm sets, but this one might get me...
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