Planescape Planescape Pre-order Page Shows Off The Books!

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You can now pre-order Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse from D&D Beyond. The set comes out on October 17th.

Scroll down through the comments to see more various peeks at the books!

  • Discover 2 new backgrounds, the Gate Warden & the Planar Philosopher, to build planar characters in the D&D Beyond character builder
  • Channel 7 otherworldly feats, new intriguing magic spells & more powered by planar energies
  • Explore 12 new ascendant factions, each with distinct cosmic ideologies
  • Face over 50 unusual creatures including planar incarnates, hierarch modrons, and time dragons in the Encounter Builder
  • Journey across the Outlands in an adventure for characters levels 3-10 and 17
  • Adds adventure hooks, encounter tables, maps of Sigil and the Outlands & more to your game
This 3 books set comprises:
  • Sigil and the Outlands: a setting book full of planar character options with details on the fantastic City of Doors, descriptions of the Outlands, the gate-towns that lead to the Outer planes, and more
  • Turn of the Fortunes Wheel: an adventure set in Sigil and the Outlands designed for character levels 3-10 with a jump to level 17
  • Morte’s Planar Parade: Follow Morte as he presents over 50 inhabitants of the Outer Plane, including incarnates, hierarch modrons, time dragons, and more with their stats and descriptions


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5e cosmology is basically a merger between 2e, 4e, 3e FR. Eberron cosmologies.

From 2e Outer Planes, Inner Planes, Ethereal Plane, Wildspace. 4e Elemental Chaos, Feywild, Shadowfell, Astra Sea, Astral Dominions. All of Eberron's Planes are stuffed into its crystal sphere. The plane of Zigguraxus is mentioned in Erin M. Evans final 5e novel. Who knows we're the border elemental comes from? Not sure what edition came up with the Far Realms.

Who knows what Planescape will add to the cosmology.
I think that was late 2E, in Gates of Firestorm Peak.

But yeah, this is a conglomeration of editions tacked onto a primarily 2E campaign setting, just like Spelljammer was. The retrofit just feels ... off.
I don't think it's all that different, really.

Even back in 2e Planescape, the model of the cosmology was basically the Ethereal Plane (containing the Inner/Elemental Planes) and Astral Plane (containing the Outer Planes) as two distinct regions of a Venn diagram overlapping at the Material Plane. Change a few proper nouns, mix the elemental planes together, and break up the Great Wheel framework of the Outer Planes into a bunch of distinct "islands", and the only real differences between the 2e cosmology and 4e's World Axis is the addition of the Feywild and Shadowfell to the Material Plane's "Ethereal/Astral overlap" region and moving Limbo and the Abyss to the Elemental side of the "map".

All 5e did is reverse the most disruptive parts of 4e's cosmology rework - putting the Great Wheel back together, moving Limbo and the Abyss back, and restoring the classic elemental planes. Everything else is the same as the World Axis.

The pure elemental planes eventually mix together into the Elemental Chaos if you go "deep" enough, and their regions "bordering" the Material Plane are "dominated" by a particular element but still possess enough of the others harmoniously mixed together to be readily adventured in without the classic "if you don't have this spell to nullify planar environmental effects, you'll die in 30 seconds" issue people like to complain about when it comes to the Inner Planes.

The Outer Planes are still distinct "islands" when viewed from the Astral Plane, they're just internally connected via portals and common planar byways so as to make them traversable as the Great Wheel of old again. Astral Dominions, by all accounts, are exactly the same, either the Astral equivalent of demiplanes (usually found in the Ethereal), other minor planes not recognized as part of the classic Great Wheel, or direct "backdoor" entrances to divine realms within one of the Outer Planes.

The Feywild and Shadowfell are still present. Wildspace is still just the space surrounding and between different Material Plane worlds. The Far Realm is still something from "outside" the established cosmology.

All they did with regards to Eberron is say it can keep its unique cosmology and each DM can make it as easy or as difficult to connect to the broader D&D multiverse as they like.
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Mackenzie de Armas just threw out in a video that Annam "pulled the elemental planes from the elemental chaos."
Do with that what you will.
I'm sure it's been mentioned, but Annam's realm (The Hidden Realm) appears on the new Outlands map that's been previewed.

That's new.

Some other changes from AD&D Outlands to this new map...
  • Tir na Og (realm of Celtic deities) is replaced with Wonderhome, Gond's realm.
  • Tir fo Thuinn (lake of Celtic deities) is unmarked, and instead holds the Labyrinth of Life, Ubtao's realm.
  • The Dwarven Mountain is curiously renamed "Moradin's Anvil" (it's curious because Moradin is LG and had his realm Erackinor in Mt. Celestia before).
  • There's a new site called Dendradis at the base of the Spire.


Book-Friend, he/him
There's a new site called Dendradis at the base of the Spire.
One presumes that is related to Dendar the Night Serpant, Eater of the World, Spawn of the First Nightmare, Devourer of Foul Visions, Harbinger of the End of the World, etc, etc.

Chultan Yuan-Ti God/Abomination. Fits in with Ubtao and Gond being made universal figures here in the Outlands.
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5e Freelancer
One presumes that is related to Dendar the Night Serpant, Eater of the World, Spawn of the First Nightmare, Devourer of Foul Visions, Harbinger of the End of the World, etc, etc.

Chultan Yuan-Ti God/Abomination. Fits in with Ubtao and Gond being made universal figures here in the Outlands.
Isn't Dendar supposed to be imprisoned in a demiplane underneath a volcano in Chult? Does that mean that her realm in the Outlands is abandoned?

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