[Planescape] Squaring the Circle Redux - IC

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Come my friends. Once Burrow and Rupert have returned, it is time for us to return to Sigil. There I may be able to find a portal to where we seek, while others search for routes known to them," Blade points out, and makes ready to leave once the entire party is together again.

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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
"Don't you think we've given Shamiq enough trouble for one day, Burrow?" Vlad grins and says this with just a hint of the trouble he'd like to give Shamiq (and most all fiends) at a later date, even if he knows he'll probably not live long enough to do it. The dwarf joins Blade at the portal.


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Flaust sneaks up on Zoe and taps her sholder from behind.

Umm.... Snowy? She waits for the warrior to turn around before continuing. What about that cuddly "Willow-the-Executioner" that greeted us outside?


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Zoe Windwalker

“If that thing has any sense of self-preservation, which it certainly does possess, since it fled from us, it won't trouble us on the way out. And we can't follow it into the ground, well Kiaros can, but he cannot hurt it, so there is no point in trying to destroy it.”


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Burrow looks at Rupert, a slight hint of realization dawning on his small features. "Do ya want to go, Rupert? If so, I shall protect ya."


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Zoe Windwalker

“If Rupert doesn't want to enter that dreaded realm, he can fulfill his vow by staying in Sigil. He would help us a lot in doing so,” Zoe says with a wink.

Sephiroth no Miko

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In a small voice, Rupert answers, "No, no.... I no wants to go to Abyss... *yip* but if yous say go, I will go.... mabbe with big group, I nots get noticed and eaten by a grue. *yip*" He, however, doesn't seem convinced of this, and nervously throws a glance over in the direction of Flaust.

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Don't worry Rupert. She lost her mind ages ago, and most of what comes out of her mouth is utter nonsense. She wouldn't have it any other way of course. Life is one big joke to her, she really isn't going to eat you," Blade explains patiently.


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Burrow lays his hand on Rupert's shoulder and chuckles. He leads him throught the portal and once they are on the other side, he says, "I'll make sure ye stay as safe as Sigil an' as right as rain, lad."

Sephiroth no Miko

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Rupert brightens immeasurably. "I no haves to go to Abyss? I gets to go to Sigil? *yip* Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou!! (smack!)" He gets down and starts kissing Burrow's feet again, with all his usual slobbery enthusiasm.

With that settled, you bid a not-so-fond farewell to Daubei's Obscure Woe (as predicted by Zoe, the ghost doesn't dare show its ugly mug as you leave, and is probably still licking its wounds somewhere below ground) and head back towards the portal to Sigil. Rupert is more than glad to show you the quickest route down, since he seems quite familiar with the maze-like streets of Lower Torch, hopping excitedly from one scaled foot to the other as he leads you down the garbage-strewn streets.

Unfortunately, someone else has other ideas....

Just ahead of you stands the obsidian archway from whence you entered this benighted city, but in front of it, however, an ancient crone, wizen and feeble, sits incongrously atop a muscular stallion blocking your path. The steed is as black as midnight on Pandemonium, and it paws at the ground with fiery hooves. From the horse's saddle hang four long, squirming wormlike creatures with the heads of men.

"Well, well," cackles the hoary old woman, a foul, toothy smile crossing her crooked lips. "Such a band of powerful heroes I've never seen. Off to fight in the Blood War, perhaps? Are you hunting down an artifact made of a lich's hand or eye? Or..." and here, her voice turns sly and arch, "Or maybe you've stumbled your way into a plot you haven't even tumbled to...."


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