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Player so afraid PC will die that she's not having fun

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Liquid Awesome
Hjorimir said:
Being ignorant of a particular player's (or group's) playstyle does not equate to being an inexperienced DM.

I agree with this. An inexperienced DM probably doesn't have the insight to gaming to realize how the problem was created and the breadth of experience necessary to chart a new path. Both of these are things that ForceUser has done.

But I also think that stepping down might be the only option if the players are interested in a game where they don't run any real risk of death for their PC's.


Rel said:
But I also think that stepping down might be the only option if the players are interested in a game where they don't run any real risk of death for their PC's.
It's not a ubiquitous point of view in the group. Half the group has a great time and compliments me on my DMing; there are just a couple of folks who seem to prefer a different style of play. They keep coming back though, twice a month for over a year. I must be doing something right.

I think part of being human is accepting that we are flawed, that we make mistakes, and moving forward from that point with greater insight. I have not always made the best decisions with regard to this group, but I am committed to enriching the game experience while remaining true to what inspires me about role-playing in the first place.

As always, I appreciate the commentary and the perspective it brings. Thanks.


First Post
ForceUser said:
It's not a ubiquitous point of view in the group. Half the group has a great time and compliments me on my DMing; there are just a couple of folks who seem to prefer a different style of play. They keep coming back though, twice a month for over a year. I must be doing something right.

I think part of being human is accepting that we are flawed, that we make mistakes, and moving forward from that point with greater insight. I have not always made the best decisions with regard to this group, but I am committed to enriching the game experience while remaining true to what inspires me about role-playing in the first place.

As always, I appreciate the commentary and the perspective it brings. Thanks.

I originally had a long post about it, but had problems keeping it posted. I forgot the old stand by of saving a post before you hit the submit reply button.

I think you have corrected your mistakes, but I was basing my recommendation on what you wrote. It is good that those people keep coming back, but do not be so egotistical as to think it is you. I hope you or others talk with those ones you started this thread about. It is always good to find new players.


First Post
Hjorimir said:
Laf, no he doesn't.

How do you come to the conclusiong that he is an "inexperienced DM to start with" from this thread?

Are you still of the same thought process? If so re read his 1st post. If he still sounds experienced I will be glad to hold your hand and show you his inexperience.

But Everyone has to start somewhere. Forceuser seems to have learned to ID his mistakes quite well. Once he mitigates those potential problems, he would be a fine DM to throw into any group.


Gamecock said:
Are you still of the same thought process? If so re read his 1st post. If he still sounds experienced I will be glad to hold your hand and show you his inexperience.

But Everyone has to start somewhere. Forceuser seems to have learned to ID his mistakes quite well. Once he mitigates those potential problems, he would be a fine DM to throw into any group.

You won't be holding anything. Seeing how I've known ForceUser for many, many years that have involved him DMing, I'd say I'm in a pretty good position to comment on his experience. The issue is not any one person's problem. It stems from having different playstyles. A playstyle is a personal choice. Just like your choice to be condescending.


First Post
Hjorimir said:
You won't be holding anything. Seeing how I've known ForceUser for many, many years that have involved him DMing, I'd say I'm in a pretty good position to comment on his experience. The issue is not any one person's problem. It stems from having different playstyles. A playstyle is a personal choice. Just like your choice to be condescending.

Negative. Learning to deal with different playstyles is a mark of experence. Particularly with new people. As hard as it is to be a DM, knowing rules and which dice to throw out is easy and literally childs play. Understanding the makeup of the individuals in front of you and how to present things is the difficult part and what makes up the experience of the DM. Knowing him personally has probably clouded your judgement because over the years you two have moved to the same wave length.

As to me being condescending, well if that is how you feel, so be it.


Liquid Awesome
Gamecock said:
As to me being condescending, well if that is how you feel, so be it.

You can add me to the list of folks who share this opinion.

Your very first blush opinion was to insist that the OP needed to "step down as GM", utterly disregarding the steps he was making to correct his admitted mistakes and despite the fact that a considerable portion of the group was having a good time.

Then you had the opportunity to gain additional insight into the mindset of the OP by virtue of the posts of somebody else who has known him personally for many years. Instead you disrgarded that opportunity and acted jerkishly to a member of a community that you became a member of about 5 minutes ago.

You certainly have that right though and "if that is how you feel, so be it."

I'll leave it as an exercise to the astute observer as to how appropriate your username is.


First Post
Add me to the list of those finding condescension here.

I think ForceUser stepping down is likelier to be more problematic than less. In my group, if the DM stops running whatever, the game ends. Period. None of the players DM's, none of us enjoy it at all. Depends on area, and such, for sure, but this fact remains, he is working hard, as far as I can tell, to enrich the game for his players, that sounds like the mark of experience, to me. To say otherwise is to be deliberately abrasive, or to try and look like you know better/are cooler/wiser/holier than thou.

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