Unearthed Arcana Poll: How will the US Class Feature Variants be brought to Market?

How will WotC make the latest UA Class Variants officially available?

  • Free PDF

    Votes: 4 4.3%
  • Updated PHB

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Free PDF and Updated PHB

    Votes: 5 5.4%
  • Setting Guide

    Votes: 7 7.5%
  • Xanthar's Style Player's Guide

    Votes: 69 74.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 7.5%


Jedi Master
As the thread stats, how will WotC bring the latest UA Class Feature Variants officially to players?

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Book-Friend, he/him
A new Setting book or Xanathar's Guide are the likely possibilities. I'm leaning towards a Setting book, because of how little material they have tested compared to what was in Xanathar's, but the field is still open.

I'll be shocked if it's not a Xanathar's style deal. At least until a 5.5E, if there ever is one. Nothing else really adds up. Some people play with RL books so a PDF isn't great for them. I don't see the PHB being updated in the short term. So I suspect UA until a Xanathar's.

A setting book could work but it would be a weird place to put them as there is no thematic connection to any setting in the material.


Jedi Master
I'll be shocked if it's not a Xanathar's style deal. At least until a 5.5E, if there ever is one. Nothing else really adds up. Some people play with RL books so a PDF isn't great for them. I don't see the PHB being updated in the short term. So I suspect UA until a Xanathar's.

A setting book could work but it would be a weird place to put them as there is no thematic connection to any setting in the material.

My thought is these changes are so core to the overall experience that they have to be widely available. And with so many users on D&DB, a PDF change would flow automatically into the rule set for everyone who had bought the PHB.


Book-Friend, he/him
I'll be shocked if it's not a Xanathar's style deal. At least until a 5.5E, if there ever is one. Nothing else really adds up. Some people play with RL books so a PDF isn't great for them. I don't see the PHB being updated in the short term. So I suspect UA until a Xanathar's.

A setting book could work but it would be a weird place to put them as there is no thematic connection to any setting in the material.

What was the very first Supplemental rulebook in the history of D&D? There is a major setting for which "not very setting specific" is part of the selling point, and would make a good home for alternate options to the core Classes.

So far, we have 34 pages of material tested in the latest rounds of UA. That's 10-15% of a book. What fills the vast remainder of the book is the real question.

My thought is these changes are so core to the overall experience that they have to be widely available. And with so many users on D&DB, a PDF change would flow automatically into the rule set for everyone who had bought the PHB.

This only applies if you see them as non-optional and the UA seems keen to have them be optional, which makes sense. If they remain optional I think Xanathar's makes sense. If they became actual rules a free PDF would be the only way.


Book-Friend, he/him
This only applies if you see them as non-optional and the UA seems keen to have them be optional, which makes sense. If they remain optional I think Xanathar's makes sense. If they became actual rules a free PDF would be the only way.

I think they threaded the needle where these changes are not necessary or better than the core options, even if many think they are preferable.

So far, we have 34 pages of material tested in the latest rounds of UA. That's 10-15% of a book. What fills the vast remainder of the book is the real question.

You think WotC will bring back Greyhawk and jam this stuff in it? Ummm. Huh. Yeah I really doubt that. Greyhawk is not something people are keen on compared to various other settings and many people actively dislike it and would be annoyed to have this put in that setting if they had to buy it to get these subclasses and tweaks., some of which are almost antithetical to GH. Even another FR book seems more likely.

As 34 pages, sure, in their current format. How many pages of Xanathar's were UA'd? Honest question, because I don't know. I'm guessing it was a similar number.

Voidrunner's Codex

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