Could you elaborate a bit? Would be interesting to hear how your system works.
(I tend to favour slot-based systems at the moment, but they have some limitations, too)
Nothing at all major - just a few tweaks to both make it slightly more generous and to encourage certain playstyles and shenanigans I like to see.
- If you want to wear armour disguised to look like normal clothing double the number of rows it wipes out (and it costs money and skill to have fitted).
- Reclaim a number of rows from your armour's bulk equal to your STR bonus. (This comes after doubling for concealed armour)
- If on the other hand the armour has a STR requirement and you don't meet it you can still wear it at the cost of another row.
- One handed weapons like longswords use two slots not three when worn on the hip.
- By using up an entire row a rogue (or anyone else) can have "Enough" daggers concealed on their person in various unspecified locations. (Variants of this available on request)
- Your back-slot is important. A solid backpack can carry six items rather than three (but is a pain to get things out of). Alternatively it can carry a bow/crossbow and a quiver or a polearm/greatsword/greataxe and three javelins or other complimentary combinations (I've yet to have anyone try to play not!Geralt of Rivia but his twin swords would come under this rule)
- If you start using the final row you're encumbered and your speed drops by 10ft.