Preview of Shadows over Vathak Player’s Guide

Preview of Shadows over Vathak Player’s Guide

Lucus Palosaari, Editor & Project Manager at Fat Goblin Games takes some time to discuss horror in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, as well as give some history and previews on the new Player's Guide to Vathak!

A Preview of Things to Come in the Shadows over Vathak: Player’s Guide! SampleSM.jpg

This week, I want to share some stats on what the new SoV: PG will include, like…

  • Playing a “Hero of Horror,” including 5 character concepts, a list of 100 Major Childhood Events to help you choose a background, over a dozen new traits fitting the setting, 18 occupations, and new drawbacks to flavor your characters.
  • A discussion of how to play the “classic fantasy races,” or rather, why you wouldn’t want to, especially as 9 alternate full races are presented including the revised tribal human bhriota, the twisted cambions, half-undead dhampir and hauntlings, the wandering romni, an all new 10 Race Point build of the svirfneblin, the expansionist vindari, and all new changer breed the witchwolves, and the twisted promethean wretched!
  • Full support for all 35 core, base, hybrid, and occult classes in the main Pathfinder Roleplaying Game line, with at least two class options per class from new cavalier orders to newly designed archetypes based on both old classes from the original SoV book AND completely new archetypes, with all new classes like the religious disciple, future-seeing fortune-teller, a brand new re-animator class dedicated to creating your personal grotesques, and the soldier alternate fighter class that is perfect for the SoV setting of the War on the Spawn of the Old Ones.
  • A discussion on languages and rules for Craft (firearms) and over 30+ feats that help customize your Vathakian characters.
  • Detailed listing on equipment for your character, including rules for “tool-grade weapons,” expanded options for weapons (often pulling from our Call to Arms line!), armor options, including a armor vests against firearms, and both racial and generic tools, equipment, and even vehicles for Shadows over Vathak.
  • An entire chapter dedicated to FIREARMS! Detailing everything from three new types of firing mechanisms for early firearms (the inexpensive but misfire-prone snaphaunce, the trusty flintlock, and reliable percussion caplock), to new advanced firearms like the lever-action military rifle and hellfire pistol, all of which can fire new ammunition choices from melted down silver and gold coins for bullets to more exotic materials.
  • A full discussion of the Church of the One True God of Vathak, with eight brand-new saints, and astrological trait rules for the romni superstitions, an all-new to the Vathak setting “esoteric movement,” and a discussion of both tribal and cultist worship of Old Ones!
  • And finally over 60 spells new to the Shadows over Vathak setting, and introducing the brand new Readings spells for divination with everything from bones, to cards, to entrails!

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