Problem player in my group

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Man at least you have one problematic character in your game i have to contend with three. Two of whom have the powergaming and ego to even J.R.R Tolkien's Two Towers !!!

hit them with sticks. or, better idea, make them hit each other with sticks and the winner gets to be right. it'll only backfire if they'd all rather you be wrong than any one of them being right, then they beat you with three sticks. which would suck more than playing with three devas. but only slightly. unless you like being hit with sticks. which is unlikely. but possible, i guess.

but seriously, if a player demands that their character be the star and that they be all powerful, tell them to go write a story about it. when they share the story, they have to share the spotlight. when they are the only author, they can be the center of the universe.


Seeing as most of the thread was written in 2008, I'm assuming that they've resolved the problem by now and I would really like to know how it all came out.


First Post
Seeing as most of the thread was written in 2008, I'm assuming that they've resolved the problem by now and I would really like to know how it all came out.

I would too!

But I came up with a solutions that Just.. Might.. Work!

It's kind of crazy and it would involve everyone at the table cooperating and doing their share. When Fred goes into one of his tirades - agree with him.

Yes, everyone completely endorses his view of reality. Then go another step further, and then further. Go so far that it should becomes obvious to anyone with two working neurons that Fred is being put upon. Fred should realize that EVERYONE is pulling his leg. He should be shown just how absurd he is being. Everyone should be one-upmanning him like in the famous Monty Python sketch of the Four Yorkshiremen.

Then when he realizes he's been had, everyone smile and see if you can get him to laugh with you at himself. If it works then he will see himself as he hasn't before and hopefully feel that everyone is his friend and is on his side.

Then again it could all blow up and Fred storms out and is never seen again. But hey, either way, problem solved!

On the other hand Fred could become a homicidal, axe-wielding, maniac. But that would kinda suck huh?


First Post
now, now, Ikademi+Beer officially commandeered this thread, so now it's about their current problem players.

Ikademi+Beer, have you tried hitting them yet?

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