Problem player in my group

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Man - over two weeks and this hasn't been resolved?! If I was a player in this game, I'd either rip into Fred at the table for screwing up my game time, or I'd bail and find a game that's not as wishy-washy and tolerant of jackasses like Fred. I can't believe none of the players have done one of those two things yet.


First Post
God, I hate Fred so much!!!! Shut up, Fred!!! Just close your stupid piehole!!!! Just sit there and be quiet or I swear to God I will....I will... If I see you crossing the street I will not brake!!! I will slam the gas and shift to high gear, screaming "Baaaastaaaard!!!!"

OK, I don't have a car, but after reading four pages of this, boy that felt good. Come on, everyone, give it a shot! Rage dump!
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First Post
So here's what's happening thus far: Fred and Renfield (my DM) had a sit down this weekend. Fred got all of things that was upsetting him out in the open; some of it was legit (that's what our DM told me, anyway), and other parts was just whining as far as I can tell.

At this point in time, Fred is on probation. Regardless of what his complaints about the game are, his behavior has been intolerable. If he lapses back into his old ways again, then he is done. Or I am. I've made it clear to the DM that if Fred throws another tantrum, then I'm walking away from the table. The DM has pretty much stated that if it came down to Fred or myself, there would be no contest.

I hope it doesn't come to that. But only time will tell.
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First Post
So here's what's happening thus far: Fred and my Renfield (my DM) had a sit down this weekend. Fred got all of things that was upsetting him out in the open; some of it was legit (that's what our DM told me, anyway), and other parts was just whining as far as I can tell.

At this point in time, Fred is on probation. Regardless of what his complaints about the game are, his behavior has been intolerable. If he lapses back into his old ways again, then he is done. Or I am. I've made it clear to the DM that if Fred throws another tantrum, then I'm walking away from the table. The DM has pretty much stated that if it came down to Fred or myself, there would be no contest.

I hope it doesn't come to that. But only time will tell.
Great plan. Only one more element is needed for perfection: a high-powered shock collar. :cool:

Would love to hear some of those legitimate complaints. Been holding out on us, eh?

the Jester

"Him or me" is a terrible way to persuade someone.

Good luck- hopefully you guys can work it out, find a solution that satisfies everyone and restore the amount of fun you should be having when gaming together.

Voidrunner's Codex

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