Black Flag Project Black Flag Design Notes #1


But Black Flag isn't about setting up the Patriots. It's about putting together a team that wants to play the same style together. It doesn't have to be a billion dollar company to be a success.

Indeed, I didnt think it was a great comparison in the first place, not least of which, I dont equate Wizards version of D&D with the Patriots either, but I'm trying to regulate my snark after a long week/day. ;)

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“This game has meant too much to us for too long to let it remain owned by just one company.”

- A team member at Kobold Press

I'm sorry, but this has to be one of the silliest reasonings for creating a new game such as this that I have ever heard.

What is this? If you love something just SOOOOOOOOO MUUUUUUUUUUUCH then you should get a chance to own it and the person/company who does own it shouldn't get to own it anymore? That is... I'm sorry, that is just... I can't even.

"Hey! I've love my New England Patriots football team! This team has meant too much for me for to long for it to remain owned just by Robert Kraft! I should be able to own the New England Patriots too!"

"I love Disney! Been going to Disneyworld since I was a kid! I think that obviously entitles me to owning a piece of the Disney pie! It doesn't matter that it's actually someone else's! I just love it THAT MUCH that I now get to have it!"

Wow. Heh heh... that's some... that's certainly a thing. Whelp... best of luck to Kobold! Hope it all works out for them.
I’m not sure the allegory is quite apt. 5e is a ruleset, like football is a ruleset. Keeping with the football allegory, Savage World might be rugby, or perhaps soccer (which everyone around the world call football except for us North Americans).

So KP’s statement is more like “we love football too much to leave it in the hands of only one league.” This is a real sentiment in many sports actually.


There's also....a dramatically small percentage of men who can play the NFL game, at a level of execution people want.

Half of the NFL cannot even reach that bar, and its getting worse every year lol.
Heh heh... well based upon all the complaints we always hear about people refusing to use 3rd party products because they don't think they've been playtested... apparently there's only a small percentage of people who can make effective D&D rules too. :D


Heh heh... well based upon all the complaints we always hear about people refusing to use 3rd party products because they don't think they've been playtested... apparently there's only a small percentage of people who can make effective D&D rules too. :D

Certainly true, but only heart ache is at the conclusion of this analogy. ;)


Pretty much exactly, yes.
I was hoping for something more.

I was hoping for some publisher to feat a whole system of various feat replacement mechanics by now. Guess I have to learn how to make clean pdfs, hire an artist, and distrubute my system myself.

Pathfinder 5E confirmed.
It's a shame Paizo isn't in a position to capitalise on the 5e/DnDone switchover. With pathfinder 2e being both its own thing, and extremely new, they're not going to be snapping up many of the players in the switchover. But they're not going to drop 2e for a new system either.

I was hoping for something more.

I was hoping for some publisher to feat a whole system of various feat replacement mechanics by now. Guess I have to learn how to make clean pdfs, hire an artist, and distrubute my system myself.
I've been following you on this forum for a long time. I like your posts and your opinions a lot, even when we disagree.

I say this to you from a friendly place. You personally will never find a system that appeals to your tastes, because you have a strong vision and that vision isn't known to or shared by everyone. I think it would be great for you to actually start working on your own game stuff (which I'd love to talk with you about) and I know you'll be good at it once you start formalizing your ideas into publishable content.

But you literally will never be satisfied with another person's game. You might play it, you might take it for what it's worth, but you are one of those creators who needs to realize their own vision instead of hoping someone else does it for you. I say this because I'm literally the same kind of person, as many of us are on this forum.

Voidrunner's Codex

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