Proposal - Increase Time XP/Gold


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So with xp being doubled for quests and encounters, the relevance of time xp has fallen. So in keeping it with the same ratio that it had prior to the increased xp passing, I propose that we double time xp/gold

*1st level characters gain 166 xp and 126gp per month of adventuring.
*2nd level characters gain 208 xp and 178 gp per month for adventuring.
*3rd level characters gain 250 xp and 254 gp per month for adventuring.
*4th level characters gain 290 xp and 350 gp per month for adventuring.
*5th level characters gain 332 xp and 466 gp per month for adventuring.
*6th level characters gain 416 xp and 626 gp per month for advenuring.
*7th level characters gain 500 xp and 894 gp per month of adventuring.
*8th level characters gain 582 xp and 1266 gp per month of adventuring.
*9th level characters gain 666 xp and 1746 gp per month of adventuring.
*10th level characters gain 916 xp and 2334 gp per month of adventuring.
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First Post
I'm into this, as I've had multiple adventures stop due to DM's going AWOL. That's when this would matter most to me...

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Yeah, I've had the worst of luck with AWOL DMs too as both my character have suffered/suffer from this.

No kidding, if I had been Hadrak's DM he might be flirting with level 4 by now.

But this proposal of course applies to both active and stalled games so will do nothing to reduce the gap between lucky/unlucky characters. But I guess this would be another proposal.


First Post
But it does keep those in slower games from getting even further behind as without this, the ones completing a lot of adventures/encounters would get more and more xp than those moving up slower.

P.S.: What's this about Hadrak? I thought I was moving at a pretty good pace? ;)

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
P.S.: What's this about Hadrak? I thought I was moving at a pretty good pace? ;)

Oh, you are definetely the fastest DM Hadrak has had.

Let me put it this way, until you took over, Hadrak had earned 680 encounter XP (that's total XP minus time XP). That's between february the 6th and september the 4th: 209 days

That amounts to about 3.25 encounter XP a day...

Meanwhile, level 1 PCs in Zombies and crooks earned 914 encounter XP in 55 days. That's 16.6 encounter XP a day on average. (all under the previous XP rules)

So... Yeah, some PC are luckier than other. Substantially.

I'm glad you came in Hadrak's life. ;) I'm Pretty sure you have generated substantially more than 3.25 encounter XP a day for my PC (or 6.5 with the new rules)!


First Post
Yes to this proposal.

But this proposal of course applies to both active and stalled games so will do nothing to reduce the gap between lucky/unlucky characters. But I guess this would be another proposal.

Maybe something like, "If a DM needs to be replaced, and the adventure is delayed for a minimum of two weeks / one month / whatever, the PC's in that adventure get double the normal time XP for the period of the delay."?


First Post
Let me put it this way, until you took over, Hadrak had earned 680 encounter XP (that's total XP minus time XP). That's between february the 6th and september the 4th: 209 days

Yikes, I didn't know it was that bad.... well, we'll probably be done shortly, there's little Rigas can do right now without being fubar'd and probably will only last 1 or 2 more rounds.

Voidrunner's Codex

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