Proposal : Increased XP advancement

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First Post
I'm definitely up for increased encounter XP, but I would also prefer to bump time XP up some, too. Otherwise, people stuck in slow games fall behind more than they already do.


First Post
I dunno. It certainly sucks to be stuck in a slow game, but I don't like the idea of giving more XP for NOT adventuring... I don't think time XP should ever become more important, proportionally, than it is now.

Maybe we can propose some other remedy if people get stuck in a slow game? (Like a one-time XP reward if your DM disappears for a certain amount of time?)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I dunno. It certainly sucks to be stuck in a slow game, but I don't like the idea of giving more XP for NOT adventuring... I don't think time XP should ever become more important, proportionally, than it is now.

Maybe we can propose some other remedy if people get stuck in a slow game? (Like a one-time XP reward if your DM disappears for a certain amount of time?)
Different games have different paces; time XP seeks to address some of this difference equally. Its not that you are not on adventure, its just that (1) others don't post as much in your game, (2) others post faster in the other game, (3) DM had a baby, etc, etc. Incarnation is on adventure, its just there have been fewer encounters than the MMC faced. So he is the lowest level character of the first batch.

Time XP should answer once question: How often do we want people to level up regardless of the rate of encounters. Every 10 months? Every 2 (probably not). LEB uses 10 months (10 RP = 1 level, 1 RP/mo).


First Post
One other thing to think about, assuming some form of this proposal passes, maybe we'd want to dial it back when a character hits paragon or so?

Or maybe not... but my sense is that people feel like they've had enough of a chance to experience lower level play, in many cases with multiple characters, and they're anxious to move on. But then once they do get to higher level play, they might want to slow back down again to enjoy it.

(this could be in the category of "worry about it when we get to it".)


First Post
One other thing to think about, assuming some form of this proposal passes, maybe we'd want to dial it back when a character hits paragon or so?

Or maybe not... but my sense is that people feel like they've had enough of a chance to experience lower level play, in many cases with multiple characters, and they're anxious to move on. But then once they do get to higher level play, they might want to slow back down again to enjoy it.

(this could be in the category of "worry about it when we get to it".)
Personally, I wouldn't worry about slowing it down again just because a new tier is reached. We have 30 levels to play with and maybe another 4-5 years to do it before another edition could come out (Just speculating here, not trying to start a flame-war). Just looking at LEW starting to waste away with a few characters near or at double digit levels out of 20 possible saddens me some. After one year of playing, we only have a couple characters at 4th level. So we only gained 3 levels in a year for those that used DM credits to boost their PC's. So even if we had 5 more years of playing on here, that is only 15 more levels for a total of 18. Or for those DM's that boosted, they may be up to 24th level if the rate stayed constant.

So I'm of the opinion not to worry about ratcheting it back down later unless some big unforeseen problem arises. I'd love to think that we may be able to have some epic level play in a couple years and maybe even some people maxing out at 30th in a few! Bring it on! I just don't want to see an imbalance between time XP and encounter XP develop.


First Post
I agree with Phoenix. I'd much rather see us reach higher levels faster than have 5e come out with the top L4E PC at 14th level.


First Post
I also want to throw my hat in and agree. I also don't mind trying more than 1 (or 2) PC's during that time. The only problem I see is say in 2 years from now, I'd probably imagine close to 50% of the players wouldn't be around. Not being rude, but it's the nature of PBP. So then the higher level adventuring pool greatly diminishes and you really hope you're able to get in an addy at that point.

At least that's what I'm foreseeing. I hope I'm wrong and most people are still around then and we still have the problem of too many adventures ;)

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
All right, this is like politics. Attach too many items to the bill, and nothing gets passed!

Consider this :

Proposal said:
Double XP for Monster, Quest and Skill challenge.

There, that's it. Forget time XP one way or another. Time XP will get its own proposal in due time if someone wants to do it. It will be debated there.

Voidrunner's Codex

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