Proposal : Increased XP advancement

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It's really only 13 hours from now until the proposal passes. Covaithe's vote was enough to get the proposal to pass, I just threw mine in for good measure :)

I'm content to wait another 24 hours if it means we get double XP for the encounter, haha.

What of encounters in progress (such as Redblade's Riches)? Should it be for *awards* after the passing, or *encounters that start* after?

Actually, thinking about it, I don't see any real downside to having the proposal apply to encounters which are currently underway but haven't finished yet.

Maybe I'm missing something ... does anyone see a downside to that? It is kind of unfortunate for adventures where an encounter is underway ...

If the goal is to speed up the XP flow, then I don't see why we couldn't go ahead and award double XP for encounters even if they happened to have started before the proposal was wrapped up. I mean, the proposal itself was rather vague on that point when you look at it.
Proposal said:
Double XP for Monster, Quest and Skill challenge.
For that matter, I haven't really awarded XP for the first encounter in Redblade's Riches which was finished up a couple weeks ago. The encounter is well over and we've gone on to the next one, but nobody has gotten any XP awarded yet... :devil:

But I suppose that may be pushing it a bit much. Worth a shot to ask though... ;):cool:

Whatever line we draw is going to be kind of arbitrary. The line Mal suggested is not unreasonable.

In fact, it might be easiest on the DMs/judges if we just said "all future xp awards" instead. If we stick with Mal's suggestion, we'll have to remember -- possibly months from now -- when this proposal passed and when various encounters started. Sounds like work.

I'm aware that there's a potential conflict of interest, since both of my active characters have completed encounters but not received xp for them yet. In Ikni's case, several encounters.

I think a bit of extra work is worth it, to avoid the appearance of judges favoring themselves, but necessarily willing to force other people to do extra work so I can avoid showing myself favoritism.

Bottom line, there are arguments either way. Stonegod, what do you think? Incarnation is someone who stands to fall a bit farther behind for having just been granted xp recently, if we allow double xp for previously completed encounters that haven't been awarded yet.

Well... the easiest to administer would be for XP awards from now on as there would otherwise be 2 sets of accounting needed. It wouldn't be terribly difficult, just more cumbersome. That being said those who received XP recently would be at a disadvantage from this.... either way would work.

Bottom line, there are arguments either way. Stonegod, what do you think? Incarnation is someone who stands to fall a bit farther behind for having just been granted xp recently, if we allow double xp for previously completed encounters that haven't been awarded yet.
Mal's clarification of LS's response indicates the encounter must have been started after passing though that was not the original proposal.

The issue we run into is two styles of DMing: Award Now and Award Later. Both are fine, but in the (rare) cases the living world changes its XP or treasure allocation policies (such as Time Gold), we have a disconnect. Players in "Now" games could suffer relative to "Later" players.

The most fair to all would be to treat all XP/Time/etc. allocations as being time stamped when the encounter resolved. This is a bit more generous than Mal's when the encounter began but seems more equitable to me. So, for example, Incarnation's XP would not change (the encounter completed long before this proposal) and only one of Dang't's awards would change (the later one for the encounter in progress; the previous one completed before the proposal passed).

In other words, when the proposal passed, any encounters completed from thence on are affected; those that completed beforehand (even if XP was not awarded) do not.

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