Proposal: Unique familiar for Ts'iri

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First Post
Actually, would there be a problem with allowing all familiars to talk while in passive mode? Not to hijack the proposal (I say as I purposefully hijack the proposal) but frankly, this isn't really a fair trade for you. Maybe add something like "the familiar can only hear and speak if its owner could" to prevent people from conversing IC while unconscious, because heaven knows we can't allow that.


First Post
Kinda weird that they lose the ability to speak when they go Active, isn't it?
I found it even stranger that the reverse was true. A normally talkative parrot/raven can't be understood by anyone when they get too close to their masters. Masters emit a zone of stupidity? :p


First Post
Proposal: All familiars may speak in passive mode, if they know a language that can be understood by someone, that someone can understand the familiar. Familiars lose the power to speak if in active mode.

(Fluff; The familiar can still speak in active mode, but without it's masters power fueling it, the familiar cannot be understood.)


First Post
Wouldn't it make more sense for it to only be able to speak IN active mode rather than passive mode? I would say it can't speak in passive mode because it's simply a spirit that is only in known existence to its master. In Active mode, it has a physical form, thus can make sound with actual vocal cords.

So, even though it will prevent me from voting, I am going to counter proposal CBN's proposal with this one:

Proposal: All familiars may speak in Active Mode if they know a language. They may only speak in the languages they know. Familiars may only communicate with their masters while in Passive Mode.

Voidrunner's Codex

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