D&D 5E Psionics in a sci-fi D&D

How would you do it?

  • Reskin magic

    Votes: 46 35.1%
  • Totally new system

    Votes: 85 64.9%

Level 20 sorcerer has 15 spells known. How much more limited than that you feel Psion should be?
~6 very customizable powers
Gaining psionic powers though alien meddling or due having a biological oddity or being exposed to exotic force all sound pretty in line with the sort of 'science' that tends to go with psionics.
the science is never explained or referenced.That's what makes sci-fi sci-fi. Science.

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Hewing to D&Disms isn't limited to spellcasters. Also, that's the same kind of logic that keeps the warlord class from getting a 5E release. Honestly, that's even worse an argument than "because the wizard already exists" to me. By that argument, there's no need to ever create new classes or introduce any changes mechanically because anything that moves away from or adds to the established base is bad. Hell, by that argument, 5E is bad because it changed a lot of conceits from previous editions.
I'm not sure how you got all of that from me only saying that a D&D take on Sci-Fi/Fantasy would in all likelihood have D&Disms.

Very much disagree. Not even the concept is that close. More like a monk with a few save-or-die powers added.

You're still working on the assumption of spell lists. I'm not working with that assumption, so it's potentially apples to oranges.

Yeah, and that's why every class is a caster now. Wait, they aren't? Then that either means that people do have fun with limited classes or that you don't have to design a class like a caster for it to have variation in play.
it would still get compared to casters so it will still need some versatility
~6 very customizable powers

the science is never explained or referenced.That's what makes sci-fi sci-fi. Science.
6 overall or per sub-theme?

Very much disagree. Not even the concept is that close. More like a monk with a few save-or-die powers added.
Great. So she's a monk; no new class needed. Perhaps a subclass.

You're still working on the assumption of spell lists. I'm not working with that assumption, so it's potentially apples to oranges.
Why is the end result functionally different? Forget this trying to do different mechanics for the sake of being different for a moment, and consider how things could be built with the current framework.

Yeah, and that's why every class is a caster now. Wait, they aren't? Then that either means that people do have fun with limited classes or that you don't have to design a class like a caster for it to have variation in play.
Well, people constantly complain that martials are too limited, so I don't think that's a point in your favour.

Furthermore, caster is a person who uses magic-like powers. And by definition psion is that. (Unless they're a delusional person who only thinks they have powers but actually don't. Or a charlatan who pretends that they do.)

Well, to be fair, if our putative psion isn't a caster at all, but, rather, something like a monk, that makes it REALLY easy to design.

After all, in that paradigm, 99% of the psionic effects go away. Now we're left with stuff that keys off of monk attacks and we're done. Add in a couple of extra powers and that's probably the simplest psion we could add to the game. It's not like monks need any unique mechanics at all.

~6 very customizable powers
And how is that functionally different than having slightly more powers that are slightly less customisable?

the science is never explained or referenced.That's what makes sci-fi sci-fi. Science.
That's not what makes things scifi. But if all that you need is a bit more fluff, then that is easy to do: "Flumphs injected you with radioactive midiclorians."

Great. So she's a monk; no new class needed. Perhaps a subclass.

Why is the end result functionally different? Forget this trying to do different mechanics for the sake of being different for a moment, and consider how things could be built with the current framework.

Well, people constantly complain that martials are too limited, so I don't think that's a point in your favour.

Furthermore, caster is a person who uses magic-like powers. And by definition psion is that. (Unless they're a delusional person who only thinks they have powers but actually don't. Or a charlatan who pretends that they do.)
a monk might work for some ideas the over all idea seems closer to a full caster.

it might help if we nail down what we want it to be able to do first?
Well, to be fair, if our putative psion isn't a caster at all, but, rather, something like a monk, that makes it REALLY easy to design.

After all, in that paradigm, 99% of the psionic effects go away. Now we're left with stuff that keys off of monk attacks and we're done. Add in a couple of extra powers and that's probably the simplest psion we could add to the game. It's not like monks need any unique mechanics at all.
the monk is far to weak for a passion to be búilt over it, maybe if it was reworked first and this is coming from a man who loves monk.
And how is that functionally different than having slightly more powers that are slightly less customisable?

That's not what makes things scifi. But if all is need to a bit more fluff, then that is easy to add. "Flumphs injected you with radioactive midiclorians."
that would just give you cancer everyone knows that now genetically enhanced midiclorians. (this is a attempt at humour)

~6 very customizable powers

the science is never explained or referenced.That's what makes sci-fi sci-fi. Science.
No, it really, really doesn't.

What is the Star Trek explanation for telepathy? Telepaths exist in the setting - Betazoids, Vulcans, and I'm sure others. When is it ever given even the slightest explanation?

6 overall or per sub-theme?
~6 total.

In my Sci-Fi RPG, the kinetic has few total powers
  1. Telepathic Link (every psionic class has this)
  2. Telekinesis
  3. Telekinetic Warp
  4. Telekinetic Shield or Pryokinesis or Electrokinesis ("subclass")
The nanmonk
  1. Telepathic Link (every psionic class has this)
  2. Cyberpathy
  3. Cyber Athletics
  4. Explosion or Nano-Shock
The telepath has similar number of powers.

And how is that functionally different than having slightly more powers that are slightly less customisable?
Because the "subpowers" within them are linked and unseparable. Telekinesis would closer to a 2nd Strength score and tied skills than a bunch of disconnected spells

~6 total.

In my Sci-Fi RPG, the kinetic has few total powers
  1. Telepathic Link (every psionic class has this)
  2. Telekinesis
  3. Telekinetic Warp
  4. Telekinetic Shield or Pryokinesis or Electrokinesis ("subclass")
The nanmonk
  1. Telepathic Link (every psionic class has this)
  2. Cyberpathy
  3. Cyber Athletics
  4. Explosion or Nano-Shock
The telepath has similar number of powers.

Because the "subpowers" within them are linked and unseparable. Telekinesis would closer to a 2nd Strength score and tied skills than a bunch of disconnected spells
And if that is a separate RPG, that's a fine way to do it. But to add it to D&D as parallel system is just being different for the sake of being different. I don't like that, it is system-aesthetically messy.

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