Psionics in Stars without Number (revised) is powered by what they call Effort. Your effort is equal to 1 + your highest psionic skill score + the highest modifier from wisdom or constitution. Your skill in a discipline is in a range of 0 to 4. A psychic character can begin play with two disciplines at level 0 or one discipline at level 1. So if your highest modifier is +2, you'll start with 3 or 4 points of effort depending on how focused your psychic is. If, after a few levels, you've mastered a discipline and reach level 4, then you'd have 7 points of effort at least.
When you use powers, effort is used up, sometimes for the entire day, sometimes just for a scene (a scene is basically an encounter), and sometimes just while the power is in use. The discipline of metapsionics has a technique that completely removes the effort cost of another power, though this is quite an investment since it's a level 4 technique.
You can also use an action to torch, which grants you a free point of effort but might burn an attribute point (reducing an ability score by 1)
Disciplines have a core technique which can be a minor power that becomes more powerful as you increase your skill in the discipline or, as in the case of metapsionics, it provides a bundle of abilities like additional points of effort and the ability to detect other psychics.
It's quite a cool system, though I can imagine that some might have an issue with keeping track of effort as it is committed for different durations. Easy enough to come up with a system to help remember that though.