PSS #29: The Devil We Know (Pt.1) - Shipyard Rats

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Ingio goes against his natural inclination to 'lead from the rear' and strides boldly into the room, pulling a small vial from his bandolier as he goes. Once close enough, he tosses his bomb at the man by the crates.

[sblock=Actions]Initiative (1d20+3=19)

Move: 20' South (straight into the room)
Standard: Create & Throw Bomb (1d20+2=14) (includes -2 for range increment, and is vs. FF Touch AC so it may actually hit) for (1d6+3=8) Damage.[/sblock]

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Thy wounds are healed!
The undead creature slow advances into the door way. (double move)

POSTED in INIT order
[U]Character            AC  HP  InHand/Condition[/U]
Hecuva               17  16  none/none
Kade                 17  13  g.sword/none (max hp = 13)
Ingio                16   9  cetus/none(max hp = 9)
Kronk                16   [COLOR=Orange]9[/COLOR]  axe/[COLOR=White]none [/COLOR](max hp = 10)
Dalirio              15  11  none/none
Baliere              17   9  c.bow/none (max hp = 9)


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Thy wounds are healed!
As Kade's arrow bounds off the undead Ingio tries to slip past the creature. He isn;t successful as a dirty claw rakes at the gnome scrathing him. Ingio quickly finishes making a bomb and tossing it at the man standing alone. It bursts catching him directly inside the small fireball. He yells in pain and then screams, "Begone!" as a black ray shoots from his pointing hand to hit Ingio. <Will save DC13>

Dalirio unleashes a blast of positive energy but it comes in a weaker wave than any he has known before. Kronk takes the distraction made by Ingio and drinks down his shield extract quickly.
POSTED in INIT order
[U]Character            AC  HP  InHand/Condition[/U]
Hecuva               17  [COLOR=Orange]15[/COLOR]  none/none
Kade                 17  13  g.sword/none (max hp = 13)
Ingio                16   [COLOR=Orange]6[/COLOR]  cetus/none(max hp = 9)
Kronk                [COLOR=White][COLOR=Yellow]20[/COLOR]   [/COLOR][COLOR=White][COLOR=Orange]9[/COLOR]  axe/[/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow][I][COLOR=Yellow]sh[/COLOR]iel[/I]d [/COLOR](max hp = 10)
Dalirio              15   [COLOR=Orange]3[/COLOR]  none/none
Baliere              17   9  c.bow/none (max hp = 9)


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Thy wounds are healed!
Round 2:

The Hecuva turns next to Kronk and attacks in a flurry of claws. The half-orcs dodging and new invisible shield help to keep the sharp claws at bay.
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