Maidhc O Casain
Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Ingio goes against his natural inclination to 'lead from the rear' and strides boldly into the room, pulling a small vial from his bandolier as he goes. Once close enough, he tosses his bomb at the man by the crates.
[sblock=Actions]Initiative (1d20+3=19)
Move: 20' South (straight into the room)
Standard: Create & Throw Bomb (1d20+2=14) (includes -2 for range increment, and is vs. FF Touch AC so it may actually hit) for (1d6+3=8) Damage.[/sblock]
[sblock=Actions]Initiative (1d20+3=19)
Move: 20' South (straight into the room)
Standard: Create & Throw Bomb (1d20+2=14) (includes -2 for range increment, and is vs. FF Touch AC so it may actually hit) for (1d6+3=8) Damage.[/sblock]