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Publishers: Why'd you name your company what you did?


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KingOfChaos said:
Just a curiosity, really..but why did you all select the current name you have for your company? Mine was easy, since it was created on the website I have been running for the past 11 years and everyone knows me from the site.

Morrigan is the celtic goddess of battle and death. Seemed like a natural for an RPG company, hence... Morrigan Press Inc. I was originally going to go with Lochnaw Press which is the ancestral seat of the Agnew family in Scotland but changed it because it didn't really hold any relevance beyond me. Plus The Morrigan's symbol was/is the raven and I've always loved ravens.

Scott Agnew
Morrigan Press Inc.

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I was originally going to name it Motive Force after a sci-fi/psycho drama game I wrote for a Con in Australia in the 90s... MoFo tends to get misunderstood though.

I didn't want to say 'publishing' or 'games' because I had no idea what I was going to do with it. And I have a lot of ideas about gaming structures and stories that are still working their way out into reality that I don't know what format they will come in, so generic is good.

Plot Device was the working title of a game idea that I never got around to writing in full, but sounded neat, and stuck in my memory. Leaving off any designation beyond the name makes me feel like it is a half said phrase, never ending exactly, and it etches away at my consciousness and inspires me to do more stuff.

Has worked so far. :)


GMSkarka said:
Nah...you're just keeping the whole Prah-mass/Pray-mass/Pray-Miss/Pruhmuss thing going, but with the company name, right?

Roe-ninn, Roe-neen, Ron-in, Ron-een....see, it's fun!
While overseeing the Palladium Mailing List, you wouldn't believe how many times I'd see threads pop up asking "just how the hell do you pronounce Siembieda, anyway?"


MY suggestion was Superluminal. My partner's was Sojourn. I thought mine was better, but in fairness I also thought his was pretty good. He felt the same way, but in reverse.

So it seemed the cool and fair way was to let people online decide. We ran a poll here and on RPGnet. John Wick said this was a bad idea because (and I love this, it's so John) they might pick "the wrong name." John also thought Superluminal was CLEARLY the better choice.

Of course, I felt they were both good names and there really wasn't a right one or a wrong one. If I'd felt that way, we'd have fought more over the name. We went through a LOT of names. I swear, we talked about names for at least a year.

In the end, RPGnet & ENworld both chose Sojourn. Bastards, the lot of you!

The final name is; Sojourner. Which I really, really like. Maybe even more than Superluminal. Sojourner sounds like it could be the name of a ship. Or someone's title! Gary Gygax: Sojourner. Awesome! It's strong, it's one word, and it doesn't have "games" or "publishing" in the title, which I have come to hate.

At one point, I really wanted Tannhauser, as in the Tannhauer Gate. That was taken. Then I realized I also really liked Sennheiser, the guys who make speakers and headphones. There was something cool and weighty about these names. And I thought "man, why can't we have a name like that?" Probably because we're not German dudes.

For a while, I was toying with an amusing name, which I normally hate. I liked "Off By One Games," because it points to my programming heritage. But it was taken.

I like astronomy terms because I feel they're forward looking and optimistic. So when we were trying to make a word from both our names, we hit upon Jove. J from Jesch + O, V, & E from Colville. That got me to Superjovian, which I also liked, but he nixed. He was afraid astronomy names would imply we only did sci-fi games.

I wish I could remember all the names we tried. We came up with some really silly ones that sounded cool at the time. My original name for a game company was InfinityBox. I was looking for a name and I was at lunch with my buddy Craig and we're in a booth with a mirror behind him and a mirror behind me, but at an angle. And he said; "If that mirror were parallel with this one, we'd be inside one of those infinity boxes like Spock has in his quarters." He didn't have to add "In Star Trek II," I knew exactly what we was referring to. We've both wanted one of those since we were kids and, in fact, at the time I did have one hanging on my wall. But it was square and Spock's was octagonal. Craig does not have one. This is because he's never been able to find an octagonal one. What we learn from this is A: I'm willing to compromise and get a square infinity box when an octagonal one does not present itself and B: I'm weird enough to think "InfinityBox" is a cool name.

Now, I'm weird enough to think Sojourner is a cool name. It's a name I can live with, you know? As Terry Pratchett said; you need a name you can wash the floors in.


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I always thought the name "Expeditious Retreat Press" was pretty clever, so I started hunting around for a D&D-inspired name. Eventually I ran across the Ivory Goat -- the figurine of wonderous power. That sounded good, so I dug through my heraldry resources for a suitable logo, and that was that.

(By the by, my hunch was always towards "Row-NEEN" too.)

.. Roger
Ivory Goat Press


Still unpublished, but I've got a pretty logo that says "Darkwater Press" on it.

The Blackwater River runs right beside my parents' house, where I grew up, and I thought Blackwater Press sounded nice, but alas, one already exists. Darkwater Press was the next best thing, and probably sounds cooler. The visual for the logo (a river winding through a wooded valley) came about the same time as the name, and seems appropriately mythical and evocative to me.



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Steve Conan Trustrum said:
While overseeing the Palladium Mailing List, you wouldn't believe how many times I'd see threads pop up asking "just how the hell do you pronounce Siembieda, anyway?"
"The K is silent."


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0one Games

Master01 said:
0one Games "01" for binary code...

You know what they say.... "There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't."

~The Le


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Orcus said:
Lets see... I love undead in my campaigns. My favorite demon prince is Orcus. I love spheres of annihilation (which was a part of the old Necro logo which can still be found on our message boards). Necromancer Games seemed to fit. I had the idea years ago back when TSR was crushing D&D compatible companies. So when d20 came around I revived my little idea. Besides, Bill and I are both evil wizards at heart... And on top of that we all know that evil is cooler than good so we figured that would help sales :)


Right on my villainous brotha! ^_^

Red Spire Press

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Red Spire Press is an actual printing press in the Dark Legacies game world, affiliated with a core religious faction that is known for outputing a great deal of propaganda. We liked the connection. Our company logo is likewise connected.

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