TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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Howdy Gary,

Col_Pladoh said:
As far as I can recall, that figure was just a generic one, not representing any of the guys that worked there in the old house at 723 Williams Street.

The guy talking to Gary is Theron Kuntz, dressed in a Robinhood outfit.

Having the issues right here in front of me I can say that it does indeed represent all of the company employees in 1976. They were all depicted as characteres in the soap-opera strip called "David Megarry, David Megarry" after "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman".

From left to right we have Mike Carr (note the flying cap and WWI planes), Tim Kask (pipe and cap), Brian Blume (six-shooters and "50 Gallon Hat"), Ernie "The Barbarian" Gygax (carrying desk), Gary Gygax "The Commander in Grief" (riding desk), Terry Kuntz (carrying desk; dressed as Robin Hood), Dave Arneson (wearing "Blackmoor U" shirt), Rob Kuntz (towing a beholder by an eyestalk), and Neil Topolnicki (in Napoleonics regailia). In the building are Dave Sutherland and David Megarry (two voices simultaneous). According to my research that's every employee of the company circa May of 1976. Dave has other drawings, "Shlump Da Orc" for himself and David Megarry is depicted as an intoxicated halfling with loads of curly hair.


Futures Bright,

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Gary Gygax
Paul J. Stormberg said:
Howdy Gary,

The guy talking to Gary is Theron Kuntz, dressed in a Robinhood outfit.
Pardon me, maybe, but...I doubt that, as it looks nothing at all like Terry :p

Having the issues right here in front of me I can say that it does indeed represent all of the company employees in 1976. They were all depicted as characteres in the soap-opera strip called "David Megarry, David Megarry" after "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman".

From left to right we have Mike Carr (note the flying cap and WWI planes), Tim Kask (pipe and cap), Brian Blume (six-shooters and "50 Gallon Hat"), Ernie "The Barbarian" Gygax (carrying desk), Gary Gygax "The Commander in Grief" (riding desk), Terry Kuntz (carrying desk; dressed as Robin Hood), Dave Arneson (wearing "Blackmoor U" shirt), Rob Kuntz (towing a beholder by an eyestalk), and Neil Topolnicki (in Napoleonics regailia). In the building are Dave Sutherland and David Megarry (two voices simultaneous). According to my research that's every employee of the company circa May of 1976. Dave has other drawings, "Shlump Da Orc" for himself and David Megarry is depicted as an intoxicated halfling with loads of curly hair.


Futures Bright,

All that is spot on ;)


Howdy Gary,

Col_Pladoh said:
Pardon me, maybe, but...I doubt that, as it looks nothing at all like Terry

As to whether it looks like Terry, of that I'm sure you are a better authority than I, it is supposed to be him. Here is his character sketch from the "David Megarry, David Megarry" cast of characters:


Futures Bright,



First Post
Col_Pladoh said:
My favorite artist of the time period in question was Dave Trampier. I was always after him to quit re-working his stuff, for he was seldom satisfied with a fine rendition, would keep on and often get a less attractive end result.

heh. You sound like Davis when he's looking at my work. ;)


Paul J. Stormberg said:
As to whether it looks like Terry, of that I'm sure you are a better authority than I, it is supposed to be him. Here is his character sketch from the "David Megarry, David Megarry" cast of characters:

Darn, I'd love to see more of that!

Anyway, I surely to wish Tramp would pick up his brishes and palet again.

You and me both, pal.


First Post
Gary, is this still the way you prefer to play original D&D?

No Supplements (Greyhawk, Blackmoor, etc.) are used, just the original three booklets.
Ability scores rolled as best 3 out of 4d6 (arrange scores to taste).

All PCs start at 3rd level. All PCs get 1d6 hp/level (hit die rolls of 1 are rerolled). Fighters get +1 hp/die. All PCs get +1 hp/die if Con > 14.

Fighters do +1 damage if Str > 14.

Dex doesn't affect AC except for missile attacks.

PCs are only unconscious at 0 hp. They can go as low as level +1 before death. (A 4th level fighter can be brought as low as -5 hp & just be unconscious.) A healing potion or cure spell restores them immediately.

1d6 is rolled for surprise. A "1" means 1 round is lost. Rolling a 2 means you've lost 2 rounds. Rolling 3 or more means no surprise is suffered.

PCs must declare actions before initiative (spellcasters must declare the specific spell being cast). 1d6 is rolled for initiative (high roller gains initiative). A tie means simultaneous action occurs (a caster who loses initiative will lose his spell if hit).

To acquire new spells, spellcasters must find scrolls, spellbooks, or a friendly higher-level spellcaster (Clerics don't need spellbooks).

Referee may identify most magic items immediately (charging large sums of money when they return to town for R&R). Potions must still be tasted to identify, though.

Bonus question: Do you have such house rules for original Advanced D&D or Legendary Adventures?


Gary Gygax
oldschooler said:
Gary, is this still the way you prefer to play original D&D?

Bonus question: Do you have such house rules for original Advanced D&D or Legendary Adventures?
When I am in the mood I love to fly by the seat of my pants as the Dm for OD&D...or AD&D.

Having house rules would rather spoil thewhole idea of winging it :eek:



Greeting once again founder of my addiction

Okay, two things.

One, the offer still stands that any time you are in the St. Paul/Minneapolis area, you can take a break as a DM and we will dust off the AD&D books for a bit of fun so you can be a player. Just try to give me a weeks notice to gather players :)

Two, under whatever rules you love, okay, AD&D 1st addition, in your world famous module, The Tomb of Horrors, I have a question. If you were DMing and a group of players went into room 27, THE PORTAL OF SCINTILLATING VIOLET, would you allow the player to cast an anti-magic shell to by pass the dancing swords?

That is what my players did and after much debate, I gave them points for creativity and allowed it, not cause I gave in to their needs, but because on further thought, it was smart.

My real question is this, When you made that module, in particular that room, was it your intention that the only spells to work on the swords were: replusion, heat metal, transmute metal to wood, disentegrate, enchant weapon or a rod of canceallation? Or, if, when you were DMing it in at the GEN CONs, if a player would have cast an anti-magic shell on the room, would you have had the magically animated swords fall to the ground, problem soved? Or something else?

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