Col_Pladoh said:
Che true neutral sees all of the cosmos as a whole mechanism, the opposing forces necessary to keep the "mechabnism" running as it should. Daek balances light, death life, evil good, suffering pleasure, etc. that help?
That's a good clarification. The defense I was preparing was based more on the cosmology. That is, if these forces are not merely abstractions (as they seem to be in our world...I'm not denying the existence of evil, I've seen too much of it, but I don't have an evil-detector available at the university), but cosmological forces, it makes sense that any of them would generate a following. That is, the very existence of the Plane of Concordant Opposition (that was the TN one, right?) indicates a cosmological principle that one could serve.
I'm forced to compare alignment, and it's attendant bodies of mystical servitors and home planes, to the wildly diverse cliques and subcultures of the real world. No matter how drastic or silly something is, *someone* will devote themselves to it. Dedicating oneself to cosmic balance (especially when Angels can be nearly as obnoxious as devils

) makes at least as much sense as the culture of School Spirit those of us who attended midwestern American high schools were put through. I don't know if the same phenomena exists in other areas.
Uhh, sorry for the long post. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
(Incidentally, this does inspire me to create a campaign setting where all the alignments are fairly equally represented, and in fact people have bumper stickers, logos, spokespersons, & etc. for them. "Coyote News on Channel four has a Lawful Evil bias!" I can see it now...)