D&D 5E Quests From The Infinite Staircase, Deep Dive

Depends on your perspective. The AI synopsis didn't generate much interest in the product; however, after watching the video a plan to purchase it. So, at least from WotC perspective, time (watching the video) well spent!

I use synopsis to try and determine if I can be interested in spending my time to watch longish videos by identifying the topics being discussed, not replace it.

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Book-Friend, he/him
I use synopsis to try and determine if I can be interested in spending my time to watch longish videos by identifying the topics being discussed, not replace it.
By that standard, that synopsis is pretty terrible. It doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what they talk about in terms of going over the Adventures.

I use synopsis to try and determine if I can be interested in spending my time to watch longish videos by identifying the topics being discussed, not replace it.
I also want to clarify that I am not anti-AI. My son study CS and machine learning in school and is starting a job in the field working on AI this fall.

So I get, and agree, that it is a useful tool. I just don't think your particular application of it was very useful. It did a poor job after getting me interested in the product or the video and it left out a lot of information. If I had relied on your AI generated synopsis, then I would have passed on the video and potentially passed on a product that I am now interested in getting.

Voidrunner's Codex

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