D&D 5E What are you looking forward to more Vecna: Eve of Ruin or Quests from the Infinite Staircase

What are you looking forward to more Vecna: Eve of Ruin or Quests from the Infinite Staircase

  • Quests from the Infinite Staircase

    Votes: 20 38.5%
  • Vecna: Eve of Ruin

    Votes: 18 34.6%
  • Neither

    Votes: 6 11.5%
  • Tie between both

    Votes: 8 15.4%

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Space Jam Confirmed

I enjoy the Vecna preview adventure very much, but my faith in WotC's longer adventures is quite shaken right now by Turn of Fortune's Wheel and Phandelver & Below: The Shattered Obelisk (especially the former, which is one of the very worst official 5E adventures imo). I'm quite sure that at least 1 or 2 of the adventures in Staircase will be fun & useful to me - I already like the half of Tsojcanth we've seen, so that seems a safer bet.


I enjoy the Vecna preview adventure very much, but my faith in WotC's longer adventures is quite shaken right now by Turn of Fortune's Wheel and Phandelver & Below: The Shattered Obelisk (especially the former, which is one of the very worst official 5E adventures imo). I'm quite sure that at least 1 or 2 of the adventures in Staircase will be fun & useful to me - I already like the half of Tsojcanth we've seen, so that seems a safer bet.

Yeah I'm staircase too.

I mean forcing Vecna into every setting no matter if it makes sense or not is iffy. Plus a lot of things like young Tasha's inclusion feel extremely forced. Also Tomb of Horrors style dungeons do nothing for me. I'm not seeing anything so far that screams, yes this is awsome yet. The closest so far is the Eberron section.

But Quests of the Infinite Staircase just seems to have more wonder in it. Visiting The Feywild, a Sci Fi Space Ship, the Old Empires region of FR with like pyrimids, new mechanics etc..., Zargon, and more.


Space Jam Confirmed
I mean forcing Vecna into every setting no matter if it makes sense or not is iffy.

This doesn't bother me really because there is an entire generation of players for whom Vecna is the creature in Stranger Things and MAYBE the BBEG in Critical Role campaign 1 (which ended 7 years ago). It's not a character the vast majority of today's players have ever encountered in-game.

This doesn't bother me really because there is an entire generation of players for whom Vecna is the creature in Stranger Things and MAYBE the BBEG in Critical Role campaign 1 (which ended 7 years ago). It's not a character the vast majority of today's players have ever encountered in-game.

Doesn't mean Venca makes sense in FR, DL, or Eberron.


They had me with the inclusion of B4 for Staircase, and it being an anthology was icing. Although after Phandelver and below, I’m going to want to see this in person before committing.


It has been a very long time since WotC published an adventure of any length, original or "updated"/converted, that I thought was worth running.

But I do still find their campaign-length adventures amusing to read through as novels-in-adventure-format.


Eternal Optimist
Vecna, since I'm quite capable of adapting old adventures (which I already own) myself.

Not that I have much faith in Wizards doing a good job... I do have hope.


Voidrunner's Codex

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