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Quests of Doom 2: Six New 5E Adventures from the Necromancers!

Quests of Doom 2 is coming soon from Necromancer Games. Unlike QoD1, this one won't be a Kickstarter - instead, they're simply taking direct pre-orders. This book contains six adventures, all for 6th level or below. (thanks to Jeremy for the scoop) "From the weird and terrifying interior of the Spire of Iron and Crystal (cover) to the heat-misted Jungle Ruins of Madaro-Shanti, this sequel to the two-volume Quests of Doom offers a whole new set of adventures for Fifth Edition. These adventures are all for characters level six and below, so the book isn't going to sit on the shelf and gather dust. Are your players up to the challenge of old-school First Edition style play? Make them earn those experience points."

Quests of Doom 2 is coming soon from Necromancer Games. Unlike QoD1, this one won't be a Kickstarter - instead, they're simply taking direct pre-orders. This book contains six adventures, all for 6th level or below. (thanks to Jeremy for the scoop) "From the weird and terrifying interior of the Spire of Iron and Crystal (cover) to the heat-misted Jungle Ruins of Madaro-Shanti, this sequel to the two-volume Quests of Doom offers a whole new set of adventures for Fifth Edition. These adventures are all for characters level six and below, so the book isn't going to sit on the shelf and gather dust. Are your players up to the challenge of old-school First Edition style play? Make them earn those experience points."

Pre-orders are here. The release date is based on the pre-orders; they will give the go-ahead to the printer at $5000 of pre-orders (in essence it's almost like a Kickstarter with using Kickstarter!)

"We intend to raise at least $5000 in pre-orders for Quests of Doom 2 over the next few weeks, at which point we will give the green light to the printer just like our other Kickstarter project. "Why not just use Kickstarter?" you ask... well for two reasons really...

1. This is a rather small project compared to our others, and 2. We are curious how our customers will respond to this pre-order method.

We have many new titles coming out over the next year. In order to achieve a timely publishing schedule, we need to determine the best process for funding the production of each title."


Here's a quick look at the table of contents (which includes nine pages of monsters).

The Spire of Iron and Crystal (6th level)....................................p. 4
The Mire of Mourning (6th level).......................................... p. 24
Death in the Painted Canyons (5th level)....................................p. 39
Jungle Ruins of Madaro-Shanti (5th level).................................p. 56
MCMLXXV (“1975”) (1st level)............................................p. 78
Grimmsgate (1st-2nd level).....................................................p. 95
Monster Appendix.............................................................. p. 113
Legal Appendix..................................................................p. 123


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Greg V

First Post
Hi Desh-Rae-Halra,

Thanks for your reply.

I was actually meaning 4 cents on the dollar based on roughly $200,000 pledged, so that if a backer had pledged $100 he'd basically get $4 back. But either way, your point is dead-on; it doesn't really fix anything.

It's funny that you mention the idea of pdfs, because that was exactly what we talked about too back when all this was new. We ultimately concluded that while it might work for some, it did not in any real way compensate people for the potentially hundreds of dollars they had spent on minis and decided it would probably make it look like we were just trying to do some cheap dodge that would save face. Our conclusion was that there was really no way for us to fix it and that we'd need to just be transparent about what occurred and take our lumps from the people who got hosed on the thing.

However, having said that, I'm betting that for anyone who was willing to accept pdfs as compensation we'd probably be willing to do so. Customer service has always been one of our top priorities and I see messageboard comments frequently here or at Paizo by people whose order might have gotten screwed up somehow in shipping, damage, or whatever and in the process of us fixing it got extra goodies thrown for good measure. So with that and the fact that we had thought of it too as well, I'm guessing there's a good chance we could do something like that.

I say "I'm guessing" because I'd have to present the idea to Matt and Bill for their approval as well. I posted here of my own accord rather than as some sort of planned company response. But let me do that and I'll post back here to let you and anyone else interested know what we can do. I'm in clinical rotations right now, so I don't have much free time during weekdays, but we're scheduled to have a conference call this weekend in regards to our upcoming Northlands Saga KS so I'll run it by them then and get an official FGG response on it. I may want to get that list of email addresses from you if it's something that we can do a mass email blast on, though I'm not sure about that part because I'd imagine that for a lot of people the offer of pdfs might just inflame them rather than assuage, which we absolutely do not want to do. Folks have taken enough shots on this without getting the idea that we're trying to buy them off or something.

Anyway, like ehren37 above, I appreciate your comments. And thanks for bringing up the pdf thing; we had kind of set that aside as implausible some time ago, so I'm glad that there are those who would be good with something like that. I'll post what I find out about it early next week.

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Thanks again. I look forward to what you find out. I am really glad that your response wasn't a bunch of corporate speak. I hate that "we thank you for allowing us this coaching opportunity for our team members...." kind of stuff.
The email list is actually easy as I think over 100 of us are on a private facebook group. If you did have news to announce, I'd be happy to either get you an invite or be the messenger. As you might guess, I have been outspoken there, which may give me an advantage of being able to say "Hey, this is available if you want it, and if you dont, dont get all butthurt over it".
I think you are right that it might rekindle some fires, some might feel "too little too late", but it does seem like a good gesture. I'm not even a big PDF guy myself. I typically only read them while I wait on delivery of the paperback, but I know a lot of gamers really love them (and hence dont have to carry a 50 lb gaming bag!)

Thanks for being willing to engage here. Honestly, even if nothing comes of this, I'm glad we could have this dialogue.

Ryan (Desh-Rae-Halra)

Greg V

First Post
Thanks Ryan. I'm glad too. And you delivering the message to a group of that many of the backers might be the perfect non-intrusive way for us to get the info out. I'll definitely get back with you when I find out some solid info. Thanks again!


Greg V

First Post
Update: I've talked to Bill and Matt and they like the idea. We're hammering out exactly how it will work and working out the details of how we can implement it with our web guy. I'll post the official details as soon as I have them.



This is probably the best use of an internet forum I have seen.

New Topic
People excited about topic
Rant about something else not related to topic .... this is where it could have gone your typical way
Explanation from Company about Rant
Rant is turned into an idea that is proactive
Company responds well to idea
potential solutions ? Wha...


now I think I will pre-order this based on this thread.

Good job to the two of you for making me believe in the internets :)

Greg V

First Post
Hey Ryan,

I sent you a PM to go over details before I post publicly. Shoot me an email when you get a chance at greg[at]talesofthefroggod[dot]com. We'll probably go live on Friday, but I wanted you to have a chance to look it over first and let me know what you think.



Greg V

First Post
This is probably the best use of an internet forum I have seen.

New Topic
People excited about topic
Rant about something else not related to topic .... this is where it could have gone your typical way
Explanation from Company about Rant
Rant is turned into an idea that is proactive
Company responds well to idea
potential solutions ? Wha...


now I think I will pre-order this based on this thread.

Good job to the two of you for making me believe in the internets :)

Thanks Wrathamon! :)

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