• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Rage of Demons more details.



Good job you are not writing the novel then...sounds boring.

I am assuming that this part will be the Drizzt (Salvatore) story and the players will be doing other stuff

Yeah, because after playing ever weekend for 7 months, nothing is more cool than having Drizz't show up and say "Oh, hey guys. You go fight those demons and crazy drow over there...I'll go take care of Demogorgan. Thanks!"

Or, even better, have the module end fight basically say "Great! You defeated Nigglenut, the right-testicle of Demogorgon! ...If you would like to continue this adventure and fight the Big D himself, please purchase the $39.99 DLC for the amazing video game Sword Coast Legends!"

Yup... "D&D Branding" sure is going to be *awesome*! ;)


Paul L. Ming

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That's a little pessimistic.

Almost stupidly pessimistic. Drizzt has already been confirmed to be something you can easily remove from your game if you want to and that the PC's are the stars of Out of the Abyss. He will have a more major role in the books and Video games. But your characters are the stars in the Tabletop.

Demogorgon is just one of the 8 known Demon Lords runing around. And he will be a fairly major one given that he is on the cover.

Anyway it's not like Drizzt can beat Demogorgon on his own anyway. If he is involved in the Demogorgon plot of the Book presumably he will just be helping you out.

The only way Driz'zt can beat all the demons by himself is if RA Salvatore is your DM to protect the Gary Stu. ;)

Drizzt is not much of a Stu. He has actually been getting his ass handed to him a lot in the Recent Novels. A Lich beat up the entire party not too long ago. And it was clear they were going to lose and the fight more or less became survive until our Wizard can fire off the scroll of imprisonment we had saved for something else.

Then two Dragons nearly killed him several times in the last novel and he had nothing to do with their defeats. (One of them not even getting defeated and instead just leaving in a huff.)


And yet, he always makes it through, even through the toughest enemies. That sort of makes him more of a Stu, not less. To be fair, I don't blame Salvatore so much for it, as I do the fans who would flip if Driz'zt finally died for good. Sometimes I wonder if Salvator would want nothing more than to not write another word about him, but he's under contract to do so.

And yet, he always makes it through, even through the toughest enemies. That sort of makes him more of a Stu, not less. To be fair, I don't blame Salvatore so much for it, as I do the fans who would flip if Driz'zt finally died for good. Sometimes I wonder if Salvator would want nothing more than to not write another word about him, but he's under contract to do so.

Surviving a battle against Dragons out of pure luck and help from others is not what I would call a stu. Seriously first time he encountered Arauthator the Dragon. He was knocked off a cliff and Cold breathed. Drizzt more, accepted his death. Before noticing he was not dead. Having just remembered before before he left to scout in the snowstorm that Catti Brie cast a spell on him. Which was protection from cold so he would so he would not be slowed down as much by the cold. Despite this he was still badly injured. Arauthator meanwhile just left.

Even earlier he still had guys he could not overcome. Obould for example. The first time he fought Obould he lost horribly and just ran away before he was killed. The second time he fought Obould he had a new magic sword to stack the fight in his favor and Oboulds Drow allies betrayed him and cursed his armor further stacking the fight against Obould. Drizzt still could not beat him and the fight came to a Draw when the Drow priestess blasted them both off a cliff. (Both of them survived the fall.)

Surviving and being on the winning side in the end is also not a sue trait. That's just a trait of most heroes.


Almost stupidly pessimistic. Drizzt has already been confirmed to be something you can easily remove from your game if you want to and that the PC's are the stars of Out of the Abyss. He will have a more major role in the books and Video games. But your characters are the stars in the Tabletop.

Demogorgon is just one of the 8 known Demon Lords runing around. And he will be a fairly major one given that he is on the cover.

Anyway it's not like Drizzt can beat Demogorgon on his own anyway. If he is involved in the Demogorgon plot of the Book presumably he will just be helping you out.

Shhhh. Don't let things like facts interfere with a rant. :)


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
If they were that close, they would be fighting, and the world would truly be in peril. Every high level organization would be there instantly.
But there are no truly powerful NPC's in the Forgotten Realms--everyone is level four or lower, right?

BB Shockwave

There is a good deal of story behind this.

The Drow is Tos'un Del'Armgo. One of the Rogue Drow who helped the original Obould get his war started in the Hunter's Blade trilogy. Before they realized that Obould was more then they could handle, (A point that came across Tos'un hard when Obould tore out his priestess consort's throat with his teeth.)

Tos'un found Khazid'hea (AKA Cutter) the Sentient Sword while escaping from Obould. Cutter had previously belonged to the Weapon Master of the Drow House Baenre. Who was defeated by Drizzt, who took the Sword and gave it to Catti-Brie. During the battle with Obould's orcs Wulgar's wife at the time stole the Sword while Catti was sleeping having been dominated by it. The Sword made her attack a group of Orc's on her own were she died, and ended up in the Hands of a Random Orc. The Sword detected Drizzt after having retreated from a losing battle with Obould and attacked him with the Orc. Drizzt recovered the Sword and knowing it's cutting power figured it would give him the Upper Hand in a Rematch with Obould. Despite the Sword Drizzt was not able to beat Obould. (Even though Obould also had to take remove all of his armor because the Drow priestess he later killed cursed it.) Obould disarmed Drizzt at a point and took the Sword from him. Disliking the attitude of the Sword once he got his hand on it. Obould through it off a Cliff. The Tos'un stumbled upon on it.

In the Book the Orc King. Tos'un now out of allies sort of just ran around avoiding everyone. Eventually meeting the Moon Elf leader and falling in love with her. He eventually started allying with the Good guys and in the end helped end the War with Obould. Eventually Marrying and settling down with the Moon Elf Leader having two kids.

Then the events of Cutter happen 100 years later. Here is what actually happened in the Story. His daughter Doum'wielle is curious about the Evil Sword and it eventually dominates her and convinces her to murder her brother. Upon which she decides to run. Her Mother and Father go after her but she runs into Many Arrows territory. Were they encounter a Orc patrol led by the current Obould's Eldest Son. Tos'un wanting to catch up with his daughter and not wanting to die, hobbles his wife so she would be caught by the Orc's but he would escape. After catching his daughter he relizes they can't go back to the Moon Elves so they decide to join up with the Drow as Tos'un is a member of the 2nd highest Ranking House in Menzobaranzan. (Despite what the End of the Book may say the Companions Codex series makes it clear it was not easy to get in the good graces of the Drow.)

This interestingly Event was also the cause for the 2nd war with the Orcs Many Arrows. Tos'un wife fought the Orc's and killed a few before being captured. The Leader of the Orc Band was Lorgu son of Obould XVII. Lorgu in order to show off his leadership skills decided not to have the hated leader of the Moon elves that have harassed them for a century killed and instead returned her to her people as a show of good faith. This pissed off a bunch of the more militant Orcs who's Leader Hartusk who was eventually aided by the Drow in a coup to take over Many Arrows and start a huge war. (Which ended with Hartusk's death and Lorgu taking the Throne of Many Arrows back from the Usurper.)

Tos'un mean While as of the Latest book is literally on Ice. He was riding a White Dragon that got knocked out of the Sky and broke his spine in the fall. Then the White Dragon starting fighting with a Monk. Tos'un not being able to move grabbed the Monks legs to keep him still so the Dragon could bite him. Then he died with some surprise as the Dragon used it's cold breath instead of a bite and the Monk used Evasion to avoid the Cold Breath. His daughter has no Idea what to do as her father was the only one that could protect a half Drow like her from the others. She is currently allied with Tiago a Drow that is trying to show himself to be better then Drizzt.

Oh so that's why the sword was familiar.
Backstory or not though... Salvatore's comic implies that the dude married an elf woman, waited what, a 100 years for their 2 kids to mature, and then LET the daughter kill the son so the sword can dominate her. And then she follows her to the Underworld, hobbles her wife and leaves her behind to "hold off" the orcs, and tells his daughter that they are only ever gonna be home in the Underdark. WHO DOES THAT?!? Seriously, who has such a grand plan? And I don't care what the other books say - this comic, written by two Salvatores, makes it obvious the old drow WANTED this to happen, he is always smirking evilly, he narrates to himself how he has been preparing to pass the evil sword onto his daughter but had to harden her... Really, guy's a piece of work, and this is supposed to be the hero of the comic?
So yeah stuff like this is why I stopped reading Salvatore completely. Entreri is even worse to read, because at least before that, he had this professional rivalry with Drizzt that got out of hand, but take that away and he is just an anrgy thug who is evil for the sake of being evil. Even Jarlaxle got annoying after a while, since you soon realize the guy has no real plans and does whatever strikes his fancy, in contrast to his previous portrayal where he skillfully navigates drow politics.

Voidrunner's Codex

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