D&D 4E Raiders of Oakhurst: A 4E Fan Playtest Adventure

Sad that you weren't selected to be a 4E playtester? Couldn't afford to go to D&D Experience? Fret no more -- now your gaming group can have the D&D experience at home with this fan-made playtest adventure, designed to use the D&D Experience playtest PCs!

Synopsis: Answering a call for help from the town of Oakhurst, the PCs track a band of kobold raiders to their lair and find more than they bargained for.

My group has decided to do a little 4E combat playtest next weekend before our normal 3.5 game, so I took the information that's been gathered here at EN World and put together a short adventure to test out some of the 4E mechanics. No, I'm not an official playtester, so I don't have the rules and can't explain how everything works beyond what we've figured out here at EN World.

Adventure attached. Enjoy! :D

Update: Both the original version of the adventure and the expanded Reloaded version are available for free download via links from the No Name Publishing Products page.

Note: I've created a singificantly expanded version of the adventure, discussion in this thread: Raiders of Oakhurst - Reloaded. Enjoy!

Edit: Xorn graciously provided the Dundjinni maps.

Edit: Klaus combined version 2 of the play test adventure with Xorn's map into a great PDF version complete with artwork. Thanks Klaus!


  • Raiders of Oakhurst v1.doc
    128.5 KB · Views: 2,438
  • Quick Play Rules.doc
    42 KB · Views: 1,836
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The Red Chord

First Post
Awesome job. I am thinking of running it tonight with a few friends, to get a feel for 4e when it comes out, and decide whether we will stay or switch.

Good job though

The Red Chord said:
Awesome job. I am thinking of running it tonight with a few friends, to get a feel for 4e when it comes out, and decide whether we will stay or switch.

Good job though

Cool. Let me know how it goes. I'm making minor tweaks and looking for suggestions for a revision.


Sweet! :)

Now if only someone could pdfy it and pretty it up.

(oh and you just stole necromancer games thunder; they wanted to do the first 4e adventure you know)


Josh Gentry - Author, Minister in Training
Interesting, but it is a shame, IMO, that there could not also be a dungeon and an official explanaton of the skills. Traps would have been nice too. But considering we totaly lack these resources, I understand :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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