Looking for D&D-like alternatives to D&D 5e

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1. The Fantasy Trip. Very simple to learn via two micro-games (Melee and Wizard). Straightforward core mechanic (3d6 roll under) but plays out on a tactical hex grid.

2. Fantasy Age: designed to replicate D&D experience but with different mechanics (3d6 roll over). Uses a Stunt Dice to generate special effects on doubles. Distances in yards.

3. Against the Dark Master. Uses a d100 roll over mechanic. Full panoply of traditional races and classes. Nice production values from an Italian company.

4. Chivalry & Sorcery 5th ed. A d100 roll under system. Uses Action Point economy and very traditional distance manoeuvre. Cheap Quickstart to learn. Production from an English company OK but not pleasing to punctuation sticklers.

Eric V

For Crunchy, Tactical, and Plays Fast you could look into Mythras or similar BRP derived games.

For Crunchy, Tactical, and On a Grid you could look into Pathfinder 2e or 4e d&d.

For Tactical, On a Grid, and Plays Fast you could look into Basic D&D or other OSR retroclones.

You cannot and will not get all four out of any game on the market. You and your group will need to settle on a Good Enough game, and pick where you're compromising.
I was in a PF2E group where everyone knew their character and it managed to hit all 4; not 100% of the time, but close enough.

Thomas Shey

1. The Fantasy Trip. Very simple to learn via two micro-games (Melee and Wizard). Straightforward core mechanic (3d6 roll under) but plays out on a tactical hex grid.

And interesting thought. I always thought it was a little too on the edge when it came to chance to hit, but that's me.

2. Fantasy Age: designed to replicate D&D experience but with different mechanics (3d6 roll over). Uses a Stunt Dice to generate special effects on doubles. Distances in yards.

Make sure to at least use the 2nd Edition. There were distinct problems with early versions of this that (may) have been addressed by 2e (I have reservations).

Gus L

Errant might fit for you. Not sure if it quite meets your goals for crunch, but it has some complexity and character options while remaining a lighter system. Here's a link to the .itch page which (scroll down) includes a free no art version. There's also an online card based SRD that might be useful to get a feel.



Doing the best imitation of myself
We just finished up a DaggerHeart campaign, and really enjoyed it. The thing that breaks your rules is that Daggerheart doesn't have a formal grid based combat. But our GM likes that sort of system and so ran it with one and it worked. I don't know if that would work for your DM or not but it did for ours.


It'd be tough to turn hopscotch into a compelling tactical skirmish game, but I suppose one could give it a try.
Wouldn't that be something like life size checkers?

Make sure to at least use the 2nd Edition. There were distinct problems with early versions of this that (may) have been addressed by 2e (I have reservations).
Even 2nd edition needed house ruling to make it a bit more gripping. But I would recommend this also. The stunts alone give you tactical options for everyone on the field and talents/specializations can go with optimization or flavor as desired. I still use 1e Core/Companion and house rules to good effect.

Or C&C as stated before and add in a few 3rd edition battle rules the group may want to pick up. The CKG has a list of Advantages (feats) and optional rules that you could expand with.

Thomas Shey

Even 2nd edition needed house ruling to make it a bit more gripping. But I would recommend this also. The stunts alone give you tactical options for everyone on the field and talents/specializations can go with optimization or flavor as desired. I still use 1e Core/Companion and house rules to good effect.

Well, I'm calling all the way back to DAGE, so I was thinking more in terms of addressing some of the issues with damage and hitting at higher levels.

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