D&D (2024) Ranger playtest discussion

One thing that's become very obvious over watching decades of game design is that the most "streamlined" or "elegant" way to do things is absolutely no a 1:1 match with the best way to do things in the longer term, or even the smart thing for a particular edition. I've see so much "streamlined" design streamline itself right into a wall lol.
Sure. I've already expressed my reservations on the results of their efforts. But to their credit, this version does file down a lot of the rough edges on the class. They just also filed down a number of the parts of the class that made it interesting.

I might have been more ok with it if this had been the original 5e version of the ranger rather than the 3rd.

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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Sure. I've already expressed my reservations on the results of their efforts. But to their credit, this version does file down a lot of the rough edges on the class. They just also filed down a number of the parts of the class that made it interesting.

I might have been more ok with it if this had been the original 5e version of the ranger rather than the 3rd.
A round die can only roll one number, and even the DM isn't likely to fall for that one too often.

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
50 bucks the UA of the monk will be buffed to the gills to avoid criticism of it.

50 bucks the UA of the Wizard increases versatility in order to please their* Russian mistresses.

(Does that mean if the Wizard gets increased versatility, I'm correct about the Russian mistresses?)

*The antecedent of 'their' is 'WotC devs', not Wizards.

50 bucks the UA of the Wizard increases versatility in order to please their* Russian mistresses.

(Does that mean if the Wizard gets increased versatility, I'm correct about the Russian mistresses?)

*The antecedent of 'their' is 'WotC devs', not Wizards.
I wonder... could the wizard get access to all spells on the arcane list instead of a spell book... or like warlock tome pact could the spellbook hold NON arcane spells.


50 bucks the UA of the monk will be buffed to the gills to avoid criticism of it.
HD d10 or d12 even.

light armor proficiency;
For AC pick two of STR, DEX, WIS or armor bonus

+1 skill proficiency

martial arts die progress from d4->d10 to d6->d12

all weapons are monk weapons.

regain one Ki point when you crit with attack or get critted.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I wonder... could the wizard get access to all spells on the arcane list instead of a spell book... or like warlock tome pact could the spellbook hold NON arcane spells.
That's my take:
  • Access to all arcane spells, plus
  • Tomes/Staves/Wands/Orbs are a spellcasting focus (maybe with a small bonus ala 4e), plus
  • Access to most spells from a given school, no matter the spell list (so now Divination specialist can cast...Divination!), plus
  • Lose access to a single school in exchange of a buffed up spell DC on the chosen school, plus
  • Can add their Int mod to prepared spells if they have the Ritual tag, plus
  • Can add their Int mod to their Insight, Deception, Medicine checks

I thin that would be a less bland spellcaster without stepping too much on the toes of other casters.

the orb giving disadvantage prof times per day and the wand giving dex mod to hit prof times per day and the staff adding wis to AC prof times per day would make me jump up and down for joy
Hot take. I feel that the only really successful wizard subclass after the 8 schools in the PHB have been the Bladesinger and Scribe. Blade and book using specialist.

Wizard should make subclasses based on tool use. Staff and orb and wand, oh my

Voidrunner's Codex

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