D&D (2024) Ranger playtest discussion

This was always going to be a big one.

The ranger ceases to be a "spells known" class and has now become a "spells prepared" class with two cantrips. Favoured enemy means they also always have Hunter's Mark prepared - and hunter's mark no longer takes concentration.

Natural explorer has been replaced by Deft Explorer - but the two languages at L1 have been replaced by a second expertise.

Rangers no longer have access to the Dueling fighting style. It's just Archery, Defense, or Two Weapon Fighting (which no longer uses a bonus action but is otherwise seemingly unchanged).

Hide in Plain Sight and Banish have both been dropped for Nature's Veil.

The Hunter's been done dirty. At level 3 they all get Colossus Slayer. At level 6 they now know immunities, resistances, and vulnerabilities of the target of their mark. And the Multiattack has become "Always have the awful Conjure Barrage spell prepared and can undercast it", somehow making it worse; I don't care if it is a 60ft cone, a 1d8 damage spell is a waste of an action at level 11.

In summary giving the Ranger Spells Prepared is a boon in terms of strength but IMO will lead to less interesting characters. Giving the ranger cantrips is good. (Especially given that this means Rangers can go the Shilleleagh approach and there's even a potential for Magic Stone). And it's otherwise tweaks on the Tasha's version that appears equivalent but slightly blander

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Prince of Dorkness
Favored enemy means they also always have Hunter's Mark prepared - and hunter's mark no longer takes concentration.
It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. Rangers in my groups have always tended to spend all their spell slots on Hunter's Mark and none on their other spells. That's why I enjoyed the Tasha's addition of Favored Foe because it didn't use up a slot, which gave the Ranger more flexibility to cast other spells. But maybe that's not a problem in other people's groups.

why is the multi attack feature a spell... then again a lot of things are spells I think should just be 'things rangers can do'

I like that the extra attack of 2 weap doesn't take a bonus action, but other then hunters mark the ranger needs more to use it... maybe give them cunning action at a higher level to make them more mobile. (with my luck if I suggest it they will give them misty step or something)


I don't believe WotC's ever going to get rid of spells on the Ranger because using the spell slot system mechanically allows Rangers to have a heck of a lot more and varied features and abilities at their fingertips than if they just had a list of "things Rangers can do" in the class feature list.

That list would probably max out at like a half-dozen things over the entire 20 levels. Spells give out over a dozen different things to the Ranger at 1st level alone.

I don't believe WotC's ever going to get rid of spells on the Ranger because using the spell slot system mechanically allows Rangers to have a heck of a lot more and varied features and abilities at their fingertips than if they just had a list of "things Rangers can do" in the class feature list.

That list would probably max out at like a half-dozen things over the entire 20 levels. Spells give out over a dozen different things to the Ranger at 1st level alone.
I mean, they really need to get rid of spellcasting.

It's not like most of the things the spells can do fit Rangers thematically or are at all interesting. The vast majority of people who actually play Rangers aren't going to miss them, I'd suggest.

You know what they actually need to do? Bring back Wardens. Spellcasting Rangers should become Wardens, the weird Druid-hybrid class. Spell-less Rangers become Katniss Everdeen and her ilk.


Just a dude with a shovel, looking for the past.
In the video, the tone of Crawford seems to worry that they think this version of the Ranger is too powerful and may need to be nerfed at some later date. To me, it still does not seem powerful enough. I think it needs some better built in class features, but Im not sold on what or how since I dont know what the other classes have been tweaked to.


This all seems reasonable to me. I get that some would prefer a Ranger without spells, and this is going the other direction, but this feels cleaner to give Rangers access to the Snare spell than write up a way to make snares that more or less mimics the spell.


I think this is a case where we really need to see how this ranger plays out in play rather than whiteroom the whole thing. I suspect gaining access to cantrips (and spells a lower level) will be a pretty big deal. Cantrips especially, with how they can be swapped out after every long rest. And a free hunter's mark frees up spell slots for other purposes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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