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Rap and Hip-Hop at the game table?

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Joshua Dyal said:
Heavy metal seems to be the "in" thing for RPGers.

I know this has already been discussed, but the metal/RPG thing seemed very different in the UK to the states. Or more the gaming/metal thing. GW teamed up with classic grind/deathmetal label Earache to put out a botlthrower album, and almost every kid I ever met from the UK who was into GW stuff was a fan of that kind of metal. And if you ain't ever heard anything on Earache, well trust me when I say it doesn't sound much like AC/DC... it doesn't sound much like a lot of the black metal stuff gothy gamers liek today either, but the roots have more in common.

sjmiller said:
I guess I am pretty old and set in my gaming ways. I do not understand this need to play music while you are gaming.

I don't think it has anything to do with age. People have been playing music at games since forever. That said I agree with you: I would never play music at a game (an RPG anyway, a wargame is different). It would distract people too much. Not to metion that finding music all my group would liek would be nigh on impossible.

Grizpapa said:
That's would be: Bring Tha Noize (w/Anthrax)

by: Public Enemy

From: Apocalypse 91...The Enemy Strikes Black

Or originally without Anthrax on It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back from 1988...


Olive said:
I know this has already been discussed, but the metal/RPG thing seemed very different in the UK to the states. Or more the gaming/metal thing. GW teamed up with classic grind/deathmetal label Earache to put out a botlthrower album, and almost every kid I ever met from the UK who was into GW stuff was a fan of that kind of metal. And if you ain't ever heard anything on Earache, well trust me when I say it doesn't sound much like AC/DC... it doesn't sound much like a lot of the black metal stuff gothy gamers liek today either, but the roots have more in common.
Old school Pitch Shifter is a good example of what Earache is.

Olive said:
I don't think it has anything to do with age. People have been playing music at games since forever. That said I agree with you: I would never play music at a game (an RPG anyway, a wargame is different). It would distract people too much. Not to metion that finding music all my group would liek would be nigh on impossible.
Had a friend who used to run a World of Darkness (Vampire etc) game and he always had specific moods he was trying to evoke with different sessions. Well I had about 300 cds then (1100 or so now) and he had a decent mix of soundtracks by and large. So we'd use KMFDM or Prince or Underworld along with themes from Dune or BRaveheart etc and just made these really bizarre situational mixtapes. 90 or 100 minute tapes in an autoreverse player. Turned down so it was noticable but not distractingly so. If they were entering a club, then naturally we would turn it up.

The group imploded to the soundtrack once. He used Skunk Anansise's "Feed" from the Strange Days soundtrack and one of the characters was a Technocrat double agent and the group was assaulted by a bunch of the T1000 style borgs when someone activated some explosives and boom. Great song but was NEVER put on another mix tape to avoid just this heh.



First Post
Cowpie Zombie said:
AMEN! Even seeing the words "rap" and "hip hop" on this group made my stomach churn with disgust.

I've always wondered why metalheads are the most intolerant people when it comes to music.


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Mirth said:
Start out with DJ Shadow's Endtroducing

While I think of it, could you tell me where the sample at the end of track 8 (I never know songs' names since the CDs live in my car while the covers go straight in my wardrobe) comes from?

EricNoah said:
Oh yeah, that's right! I have to see that movie again...

What frickin movie are you guys on about? Judging by that screen capture, it seems hilarious.

Numion said:
I've always wondered why metalheads are the most intolerant people when it comes to music.

I've often wondered that myself. It's probably similar to how old people are intolerant of the young and how cultures that ran the world hundreds of years ago hate the modern West.

Must really suck to be superceded. :p

SSquirrel said:
add the UNKLE album he was involved with

Speaking of which, if anybody has the Psyence Fiction limited edition (containing 'Be There' with Ian Brown), I'd so love it if you would let me know and we could trade a couple of emails IYKWIMAITYD. In truth, I'm just looking for that one track.


First Post
Rap @ da table

Yeah, when me and my dawgs is doin' some city adventures we love to listen to rap at the table. Throw on "Cop Killa" when we have to fight da town watch or some "Snoop" when we hit the brothels. Nuttin' makes a driveby from a wagon with crossbows like some 'Lil Kim and of course you be needin' some "50 cent" and "Mo' Money, Mo' Problems" when splittin' da loot after bustin' some caps on some tricks who was flossin'!

So in a nutshell, hell no we don't listen to (C)rap at the table. It's bad enough R(ap)TV, er I mean MTV forces it on you 24/7 as it is. And god forbid you turn on the radio, it's all you hear. Cripes for the longest time I thought those long haired, one chord, speed metal freaks were the most talentless musicians on the planet. They have been replaced by almost any (c)rapper.

"I've always wondered why metalheads are the most intolerant people when it comes to music."

That's easy. For YEARS Metal was crapped on by everyone. The metal bands & fans paid thier dues. All of the sudden rap/hip-hop shows up and because it's predominently Black, people are scared to tell you how bad it really sucks for fear of being branded a racist. I listen to some Run DMC & Sugar Hill Gang, but so much of the new stuff is horrible. All you have to do to be a rap star is buy your way onto MTV and you are guaranteed to sell a million CDs. Metal bands toured full time, clawed and scratched to get 1/100 of that exposure. It's no wonder Metal fans revile rap/hip-hop. When your claim to fame is being able to simply rhyme words to the same back beat that every other rapper uses, you don't deserve respect or toleration!
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First Post
Aww, come on dude...

Music that sells well, does so because it sounds good and therefore people wanna hear it.

Don't confuse cause and effect, eh?

I mean really, if I form a band/group/solo act, and nobody listens to my stuff and I stay broke, it's for one reason and one reason only - it's because I suck.

twwtww said:
That's easy. For YEARS Metal was crapped on by everyone. The metal bands & fans paid thier dues. All of the sudden rap/hip-hop shows up and because it's predominently Black, people are scared to tell you how bad it really sucks for fear of being branded a racist. I listen to some Run DMC & Sugar Hill Gang, but so much of the new stuff is horrible. All you have to do to be a rap star is buy your way onto MTV and you are guaranteed to sell a million CDs. Metal bands toured full time, clawed and scratched to get 1/100 of that exposure. It's no wonder Metal fans revile rap/hip-hop. When your claim to fame is being able to simply rhyme words to the same back beat that every other rapper uses, you don't deserve respect or toleration!
Give me a freakin' break. For years metal's been the ultimate bad boy of music. It hasn't been crapped on by anyone. Groups like Metallica have been huge for the better part of two decades, for example.



First Post
Yeah, I guess that's true, that would explain why bands that have been around for years and don't do jack selling, sell once they get discovered. NOT!

It's the support of radio and MTV (along with word of mouth and such) that sells. Or are you saying that there are no bands with ability out there that aren't selling albums?

That's ludicrious. If you aren't known, you can't sell.

"Give me a freakin' break. For years metal's been the ultimate bad boy of music. It hasn't been crapped on by anyone. Groups like Metallica have been huge for the better part of two decades, for example. "

Not bad, but how long have they been around before they were huge? And they were crapped on by critics, parents and radio. Along with Megadeth, Slayer, Queensryche, Saxon, Motorhead and 100's of others. What do YOU see on MTV more or hear on the radio more, metal or rap?
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twwtww said:
Not bad, but how long have they been around before they were huge? And they were crapped on by critics, parents and radio. Along with Megadeth, Slayer, Queensryche, Saxon, Motorhead and 100's of others. What do YOU see on MTV more or hear on the radio more, metal or rap?
Dude, being "crapped" on by critics, parents and radio is a plus for their target audience. And that's nothing compared to the "crapping on" that rap has had over the years anyway.

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