Ravnica: Is This The New D&D Setting? [UPDATED & CONFIRMED!]

If so... meh?


If true, that might be the first non-core book I buy for 5e. Ravnica was the first MtG world that I really liked the setting. It was bold for Magic, and I hope it is equally bold for D&D.

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Since it's a second city-type book, I imagine the mechanics laid out for the Waterdeep stuff will also work well with this new setting.

Interesting... I guess it's true. Nobody wants anything new, they just want the same things rehashed over and over.

Simple truth is: This is the first new setting for D&D for years, and the overall response is... <looks over the posts> Horror and denial... I'm not surprised, but it does make me a bit sad. It's not like all the other settings don't have decades of RPG books and expansions out there on ebay just waiting for you to grab them all. It's not even that much effort to shift them to 5th edition. Or even pathfinder. Or any other game system.

I mean, is ONE new setting book that horrible a thing?


It certainly looks real. As far as I can tell, the picture is not an existing card, and I doubt they'd commission a piece like this for a fake-out (of course, it could also be intended for a card in the upcoming Ravnica re-return). And Ravnica seems like a cool place.

I just hope that's not the only thing they're announcing tomorrow, because they've been hinting pretty hard at old settings having some love to look forward to Real Soon Now.

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