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[RCFG] RCFG Ongoing Development!

Raven Crowking

First Post
One of the things that has made the RCFG PG take so long is that I have been pulled toward working on monster stats. There are quite a few monsters done for "A Fistful of Monsters" that didn't make it into the preview.

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Raven Crowking

First Post
Non-Euclidean Geometry
Transmutation [Mathematical]
Class and Level: Sorcerer (Mathematical) 7
Casting Time: 1 hour per ten square feet to be transmuted
Components: V, S, M, XP
Range: 0 feet
Target: Area of up to 30 square feet per Caster Level
Duration: Permanent
Save: None

This spell allows a sorcerer to fold the spacial dimensions of an area, creating a tesseract, Möbius loop, or similar non-Euclidean space. The properties of this space must be determined by the caster and approved by the Game Master. The limitations on this spell are otherwise limited only by the imagination of the caster.

This spell can be cast more than once to create larger non-Euclidian spaces.

Material Component: Silver dust, incense, vellum, and ink worth no less than 100 gp per 10 square feet to be affected.

XP Cost: 100 xp per 30 square feet, or portion thereof, to be affected.
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Raven Crowking

First Post
Open Fey Doorway*
Transmutation [Extraplanar]
Class and Level: Sorcerer (Faerie) 7
Casting Time: 1 hour
Components: V, S, M, XP
Range: 30 feet
Target: One doorway (see text)
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None

This spell, when cast, allows a sorcerer to create a new fey doorway, either leading to a feyroad or to a sideroad (see “Magical Areas” on page 133). If the sorcerer chooses to create a sideroad, she may link it to any other fey doorway she knows of (creating a one-way sideroad), or leave it “open” so that she may link it to another fey doorway created with this spell later.

The caster has a year and a day to link an “open” fey doorway. The fey doorway cannot be used until linked, and if not linked within the year and a day, it dissipates into the æther.

Creating a fey doorway also creates a doorway guardian (see The Big Book of Monsters for full statistics). The doorway guardian always allows the sorcerer to use the doorway, as well as any creatures accompanied by the sorcerer. If the doorway guardian is slain, the doorway ceases to function.

The fey doorway is otherwise permanent, and cannot be dispelled.

Material Component: A lock of hair from a nymph or dryad and three drops of blood from any fey creature.

XP Cost: 500 xp.

Reverse: The reverse spell, close fey doorway, allows the sorcerer to destroy an existing fey doorway, preventing creatures from entering a feyroad or sideroad from that point, and from exiting a feyroad at that point. A closed doorway can still be the exit of an open sideroad, however. The doorway guardian is dissipated back into Faerie.

Close fey doorway is an abjuration (instead of transmutation), and allows the doorway guardian to make a Willpower save to negate. Its material component and XP cost are the same.

Raven Crowking

First Post
Three Spells that Start With "P"

Class and Level: Sorcerer (Greenblooded) 0
Casting Time: Action
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: 24 hours
Save: None (harmless)

This spell allows the target to gain energy from sunlight. When exposed to at least four hours of sunlight (or an equivalent light source), the target doesn’t need any food for that day, and is treated as though it had eaten normally. Photosynthesis does nothing to allay thirst, however.

The skin, hair, scales, and/or feathers of the recipient take on a greenish cast for the duration of this spell.

Material Component: A handful of green leaves.

Phantom Steed
Conjuration/Illusion [Shadow]
Class and Level: Conjurer 2, Illusionist 2, Necromancer 4, Sorcerer (Dreams) 3
Casting Time: Action
Components: V, S
Range: 30 feet
Target: One steed
Duration: 1 hour plus 1 hour per Caster Level
Save: None

When this spell is cast, the caster summons a steed which is partially made of shadow-stuff and is partially formed from the caster’s own psyche. As a result, each caster’s phantom steed has a unique appearance, chosen by the caster when this spell is first used.

The phantom steed has two of the following types of movement, chosen by the caster based on its form when the spell is first used: a base land speed of 60 feet, swim speed of 40 feet, or fly speed of 30 feet. The phantom steed, if it can fly or swim, has the same skill ranks in Fly or Swim as the caster, plus 4.

The phantom steed has a bonus to initiative and attack rolls equal to its creator’s Caster Level, and does 1d6 points of damage with each attack (and this damage is real). It has hit points equal to its creator’s, but suffers only half damage from all but magical attacks. Any damage suffered by the phantom steed is also taken by the caster.

The caster can dismiss the phantom steed at any time. The phantom steed is dispelled if it passes more than 30 feet away from the caster.

Perfect Circle of Solomon
Abjuration [Extraplanar, Mathematical, Metamagic]
Class and Level: Sorcerer (Mathematical) 6
Casting Time: 2 hours
Components: S, M, F, XP
Range: Touch
Target: Area up to 10 feet across per Caster Level
Duration: Permanent
Save: None

This spell allows a sorcerer to calculate and inscribe a perfect circle, which is proof against all spell effects and extraplanar travel. Inscribing the circle creates the boundaries of a sphere extending both above and below the inscribed circle itself.

No spell effect can cross the boundary of the perfect circle of Solomon (including teleportation effects), nor can any Elemental, Faerie, or Outsider (or attacks from the same), nor can any extradimensional object, or space. Ethereal and astral creatures are likewise unable to cross its boundary. Lycanthropes or other shapechangers immediately change back to their basic shape (costing the creatures a Reaction, whether the transformation is desired of not).

If a creature has an ongoing spell effect when it crosses the perfect circle of Solomon, that spell effect instantly ends. Magical items that create, or make use of, an extradimensional space – such as bags of holding or portable holes – become nonmagical when they cross the boundary, and all their contents are lost. Other effects from magical items cease to function, but can be reinstated as normal (if possible).

Material Component: Parchment and ink, as well as silver inlay equal to 100 gp in value per 10 feet of diameter that the perfect circle of Solomon is to have.

Focus: Silver pen worth no less than 100 gp, proper tools to inlay the silver circle, and rope equal in length to the radius of the circle.

XP Cost: 100 xp per 10 feet in diameter of the perfect circle of Solomon.

Raven Crowking

First Post
Some spells starting with S

Shards of Stone
Conjuration/Evocation [Earth]

Class and Level: Sorcerer (Elemental Earth) 1
Casting Time: Action +4
Components: V, S
Range: 10 foot radius
Target: All creatures and objects in range
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Fortitude or Reflexes half

With a word and a gesture, the sorcerer conjures up sharp shards of flint-like stone, which fly away from him in all directions. All creatures within 10 feet of the sorcerer take 1d6 points of damage from the shards.

Ship Strike

Class and Level: Sorcerer (Oceanic) 6
Casting Time: 1 minute
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1,500 feet
Target: One ship or creature (see text)
Duration: Instantaneous (see text)
Save: None

This spell creates an invisible wave of force in water, equal to being rammed by a warship. It cannot be cast into land, or into any body of water smaller than a lake. Its target can be any sort of ship or watercraft, or any creature of size Huge or larger within a body of water. Creatures or ships on land or in drydock cannot be targeted by this spell.

The wave travels at a rate of 200 feet per round, causing water to part visibly. It continues travelling until it strikes a target (requiring a ranged touch attack) or until it passes out of range. Thus, it is possible to outrun or outmanoeuvre the ship strike.

This spell does 1d10 points of damage per Caster Level, and bypasses Hardness and/or Damage Resistance equal to the Caster Level of the spell. In addition, even if the damage alone is not enough to sink a ship, there is a percent chance equal to the Caster Level that the ship will sink in 2d6 rounds anyway.

Material Component: A miniature wooden ship with rigging and trim, valued at not less than 100 gp.

Enchantment [Compulsion, Mind-Affecting]

Class and Level: Enchanter 1, Sorcerer (Dreams) 4
Casting Time: 2 Actions
Components: V, S, M
Range: 10 feet
Target: One unconscious living creature
Duration: 10 minutes per Caster Level
Save: Willpower special (see text)

When this spell is cast, the target is induced to rise and walk as the caster directs. The caster must have some means of communicating with the sleepwalking creature to direct it, even if it is no more advanced than turning the creature in the right direction and giving it a nudge. The creature remains unconscious.

The target is not allowed a saving throw when this spell is cast. If the caster directs the sleepwalker toward something that would be obviously and immediately harmful (such as walking off a cliff, or into lava), the target is allowed to make a Willpower save. If this save succeeds, the creature awakens (if possible), or otherwise subverts the caster’s direction (turns aside, etc.).

This spell does not otherwise interfere with the value of sleep or rest. It instantly ends if the target is somehow awakened.

Material Component: A pinch of ash or soot and a few strands of cobweb.

Raven Crowking

First Post
Spider Climb

Class and Level: Necromancer 1, Transmuter 0, Wizard 1
Casting Time: Action
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round plus 1 round per Caster Level
Save: None (harmless) (but see Special, below)

When this spell is cast, the target’s bare hands and feet become sticky enough to allow him to climb walls and even crawl along a ceiling. The movement rate for such climbing is 20 ft per round.

The subject of this spell will find it difficult to employ tools or handle small objects with precision while the spell is in effect. This may cause penalties to some skill checks, etc., at the Game Master’s discretion.

Material Component: A live spider, which must be consumed by the caster.

Special: A spellcaster confronted by a monstrous spider can attempt to use it as a material component for this spell. The spider is consumed partially by the magic, but the Game Master may rule that monstrous spiders take several rounds to consume (1 round for Tiny or smaller, 2 for Small, 4 for Medium, 8 for Large, etc.).

The caster must make a touch attack against the monstrous spider as part of the spell casting. Thereafter, the spider and the caster must make an opposed Prowess versus Willpower check. If the caster wins, the spider is consumed and the spell is cast. If the spider wins, the spell is lost and the spider may make an Attack of Opportunity against the caster.

If a monstrous spider is successfully used as a material component, the spell lasts 1 day per Hit Die of the monstrous spider so consumed.

At the Game Master’s discretion, other spider-like monsters may be consumed in the same manner. The Game Master may allow them to use Willpower to oppose, if their Willpower is greater than their Prowess.

Voidrunner's Codex

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